






i first met you as barbara penning, you were this larger than life character and from the first moment we worked together at jarrah house got on instantly, it was no surprise when you became manager i only wish i got to work with you more as by this time i was working there on a casual basis and doing majority nightshifts. I called there in August and was told you were on leave due to illness. How sad my heart is to hear of your passing. Say hi to my beautiful man, Gus up in heaven, givehim a kiss from me. He will like you, you share the same zest for life and wickedness. Until we all meet again. jeanette

If tears could build a stairway
and thoughts a memory lane
I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again
No Farewell words were spoken
...No time to say good-bye
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knows why.

There was a time after I had been in Jarrah House al least 4 times before. At this point in my life I felt I was hanging on by a thin piece of thread. I called Jarrah and spoke to another staff member, who I hold dear in my heart. She spoke of a progam that Jarrah was going to be running in a few weeks and she would see if she could get me in. A few weeks felt like years away, but it added another thickness to the thread by which I was holding. Sometime later I got a call to say I had been accepted to do a group called DBT. I know there would have been more staff than just Barbara and the Angel I first spoke to involved in the process of accepting me into the DBT program but that program changed my life and still continues to do that when I remember to use the skills. Barbara thankyou for implementing DBT in the healing place of Jarrah House. Thankyou also for your rare touching compliments and your insults. Sometimes its not the messenger but the message.
May your soul continue to shine brightly through all those you helped.

If tears could build a stairway
and thoughts a memory lane
I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again
No Farewell words were spoken
...No time to say good-bye
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knows why.

Barbara, I don't know who's idea the DBT program was, but I am glad you implemented it, into the Jarrah House program. I was at my end, after being in Jarrah 4 times, the thread I was hanging on to was so thin. A call to Jarrah and I spoke with another woman I hold in high regard. She said "we hope to be running for the first time a new form of therapy. A group format, to teach life skills, that I know would be valuable to you, I just have to see if they (i know you often had the last say) will accept you into the program, call back on so and so day. It slightly thickened the thread, I felt I was hanging by. I did get into that first group and it has changed my life. You where not directly involved in the group all the time, but I can't express my gratitude enough, that the group took place. I often didn't know if you were going to say hello to me or ignore me, but i accepted that, that was just you. So thankyou for running the DBT program at Jarrah.
I attended your funeral and was deeply touched when your brother said "he knew you didn't want to die". You lived life to the fullest and for the first time in my life, I understood how someone would not want to die, for all my life that is all I ever really wanted, until DBT. I get it . Thankyou for your support and your insults. We will meet again.
Helen Farrell

Barb, you helped so many women and children to become themselves and to soar far above the limitations of their histories. You will be missed by all whose lives you touched ... and we are too numerous to name or number. My son and I are forever in your debt. Molly

Thanks Barb for your work ingetting women well... You helped me... & will leave a huge gap in our fellowship..xx