Explore tributes
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff is a Dutch football icon. He was one of the best football players in Dutch football history, and is widely regarded to be one of the greatest players off all time. He died at the age of 68.
✟ 24 March 2016

Amoklauf an Schule in Winnenden
In einer Schule nahe Stuttgart sind mehrere Menschen getötet und weitere verletzt worden. Der Täter flüchtete in die Innenstadt, die Polizei riegelte das gesamte Areal ab.
✟ 11 March 2009

Erika H Odermatt-Patton
Erika my German Wife of 16 years. I was blessed the day she came into my life she was my rock now my Angel. I just hope that when you hear her name you smile and say "THATS WAS MY FRIEND"
✟ 07 March 2008

Jennifer Lee Fischer
This is a page for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved sister Jennifer. Please feel free to celebrate her life with us by leaving your memories and photos.
✟ 26 March 2009

busongeluk Zwitserland
Deze tribute is aangemaakt voor de slachtoffers van het busongeluk wat gisteravond in Zwitserland plaats heeft gevonden. Onder de slachtoffers zijn Belgische en Nederlandse kinderen, de begeleiders en de twee chauffeurs. Laat hier uw steunbetuiging voor de slachtoffers en nabestaanden achter.
✟ 13 March 2012

Patricia Brennan
Friends, aquaintances, contemporaries and adversaries of Patricia - welcome. Feel free to add, comments take a day or so to be approved - if having trouble, email support@onlinetributes.com.au - in thanks The Brennans
✟ 06 March 2011

Jan Markveld
Deze pagina is een tribuut aan Jan Johannes Marinus Markveld. Voor Jojo, familie en vrienden om elkaar te ontmoeten. Om herinneringen te delen en het leven te vieren van onze Grote vriend Lange Jan. Hij kon zo lekker genieten. Je zal gemist worden.
✟ 01 March 2010

Mari Luz Cortes
This is the page to offer our prayers and sympathy to the family of a five-year-old Mari Luz. May her soul rest in peace.
✟ 03 March 2008

Sharon Marie Wilkes
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved Sharon Marie Wilkes. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos (it make take a few days to be appear)
✟ 31 March 2010

Emil Andrew Popovic
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Emil Andrew Popovic. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 22 March 2011

Baby Falak of New Delhi
This is a tribute to a little girl that I have never met, this tribute is to Baby Falak . Abandoned , abused and tortured. She was only 2 years old. You are now free from pain and safe in heaven.
✟ 15 March 2012

Freek Hagoort
De familie Hagoort uit Barendrecht moest op 9 maart 2009 lijdzaam toezien hoe hun achtjarige zoontje Freek drie dagen na een BMR-DTP-vaccinatie kwam te overlijden. Deel hier uw medeleven en steunbetuigingen.
✟ 09 March 2009

Robert Michael Fling
This page is for friends and family to share thier memories of Robert. Celebrate his life by leaving your memories or thoughts
✟ 23 March 2010

Peter B. Davis
Please feel free to share your thoughts and memories about Peter Davis.
✟ 28 March 2011

Jason Koster
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Jason Koster. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Skip Sofarelli
This is a page for family and friends to gather, share their memories and celebrate the life Skip, our friend, our father, our grandfather and husband. Please celebrate his life with us by leaving your memories, favorite stories and well wishes.
✟ 29 March 2012

Bowen Michael James
The memories of Bowen's life with us, in good times and in bad, will never be forgotten and always cherished. This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Bowen James. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 13 March 2000

Maaike Jacobs
Dit is een pagina voor de familie en vrienden om elkaar te ontmoeten en herinneringen te delen uit het leven van onze vriendin Maaike. Kom alsjeblieft eens langs en deel je herinneringen en foto's met ons.
✟ 07 March 2012

Joseph Herbert Waxman
'I came here to talk for Joe!' We invite family and friends to use this site to pay tribute to Joe by leaving your thoughts or photos
✟ 29 March 2010

Lee Imlay
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Lee Imlay. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 28 March 2011

Mervyn Byers
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Mervyn Byers. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Steekpartij Hoorn
Deze herdenkingspagina is aangemaakt voor de 17 jarige jongen die is neer gestoken tijdens de kermis in Hoorn. Laat hier uw steunbetuiging achter voor hem en de nabestaanden.
✟ 18 March 2012

I keep getting requests to delete this tribute as many of you find this site very depressing. I wont be inviting any more people here. All contents of this tribute have been moved to the group. Kindly ask for the link or invitation to the group.
✟ 26 March 2009

Sherri Wood
Sherri's youth and especially vibrant love of life will never be forgotten.
✟ 24 March 2008

Lynne Dowd
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Lynne Dowd. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 25 March 2011

George Giacco
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend George Giacco. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 25 March 2011

John Noble
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend John Noble. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 09 March 2011

Alan Wilkin
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Alan Wilkin. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 14 March 2011

Henk Greving
Dit is een pagina speciaal gemaakt ter herinnering aan Henk. Als je iets kwijt wil of gewoon iets liefs wil zeggen, dan kan je een berichtje plaatsen, bedankt!
✟ 20 March 2013

Leslie Thomas
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Leslie Thomas. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Emil Andrew Popovic
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Emil Andrew Popovic. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 22 March 2011

Colin Dewstow
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Colin Dewstow. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Fergus Anderson
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Fergus Anderson. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 12 March 2011

Thomas Fitzgerald
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Thomas Fitzgerald. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 27 March 2011

Ian Alexander Gaff
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Ian Alexander Gaff. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 06 March 2011

Vinay Verma
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Vinay Verma. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 06 March 2011

Annemarie Langdon
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Annemarie Langdon. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 10 March 2011

Judy Lillian Goodman
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Judy Lillian Goodman. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 21 March 2011

Ray Sheargold
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Ray Sheargold. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 01 March 2011

Jennifer Piper
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Jennifer Piper. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011
the Notorious B.I.G.
This tribute is dedicated to Christopher George Latore Wallace. Best known as The Notorious B.I.G a.k.a Biggie Smalls. Leave your memories and respect to him on this page.
✟ 09 March 1997

Alexander Thomas Simon
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Alexander Thomas Simon. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 13 March 2011

Doreen Blackman
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Doreen Blackman. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 04 March 2011

Lisa Langford
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Lisa Langford. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 22 March 2011

Richard Jennings
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Richard Jennings. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011

Damien Croft
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Damien Croft. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 31 March 2011

Joyce Alma Grieff
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Joyce Alma Grieff. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011

Patricia Bishop
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Patricia Bishop. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 03 March 2011

Kieran Barr
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Kieran Barr. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 13 March 2011

Roger Bazley
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Roger Bazley. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 31 March 2011

Bruce Mainsbridge
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Bruce Mainsbridge. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 22 March 2011

George Matchett
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend George Matchett. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 23 March 2011

Fergus Hugh Anderson
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Fergus Hugh Anderson. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 12 March 2011

Lorraine Murray
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Lorraine Murray. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 14 March 2011

Allan William Bill Rennie
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Allan William Bill Rennie. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 26 March 2011

Peter Meese
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Peter Meese. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 23 March 2000

Paul Martin
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Paul Martin. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 07 March 2011

Matthew Fitzgerald
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Matthew Fitzgerald. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 10 March 1911

John Skene
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend John Skene. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011

Edwin Winberg
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Edwin Winberg. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011

David Platts
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend David Platts. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Charles Shepherd
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Charles Shepherd. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 20 March 2011

Linus Couper
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Linus Couper. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 15 March 2011

Dorothy Bluett
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Dorothy Bluett. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 19 March 2011

David Danes
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend David Danes. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 07 March 2011

Judith Shearman
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Judith Shearman. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 26 March 2011

Attilio Profilio
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Attilio Profilio. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 31 March 2011

Mario Goncalves
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Mario Goncalves. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 05 March 2011

Fiona Baddington
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Fiona Baddington. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 13 March 2008

Kathleen Rowlands
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Kathleen Rowlands. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 12 March 2011

David James Creed
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend David James Creed. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 11 March 2011

Lyn Hardidge
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Lyn Hardidge. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 19 March 1990

Robert Dengate
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Robert Dengate. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 06 March 2011

Neil John Scott
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Neil John Scott. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 19 March 2011

Kathleen Murchie
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Kathleen Murchie. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 03 March 2011

Anker Therkildsen
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Anker Therkildsen. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 29 March 2011

Linda Lauterbach
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Linda Lauterbach. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 15 March 2011

William Hackett
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend William Hackett. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 25 March 2011

Joseph Profilio
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Joseph Profilio. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 31 March 2011

Robert Knight
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Robert Knight. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 03 March 2011

Craig Miles
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Craig Miles. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 27 March 2011

Bill Bonwick
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Bill Bonwick. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 17 March 2011

Peter Doherty
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Peter Doherty. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

John Green
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend John Green. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 25 March 2011

Wendy Elstub
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Wendy Elstub. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 08 March 2011

Franklin Roach
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Franklin Roach. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 21 March 2011

Sr Jean Adams
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Sr Jean Adams. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 28 March 2011

Ivan Gogler
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Ivan Gogler. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 08 March 2011

Noel Dawson
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Noel Dawson. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 31 March 2011

Christopher Fenton
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Christopher Fenton. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 28 March 2011

Peter Ash
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Peter Ash. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 16 March 2011

Stewart Mitchell
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Stewart Mitchell. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 02 March 2011

Loys Healey
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Loys Healey. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 11 March 2011

Charles Murray
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Charles Murray. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 24 March 2011

Esben Storm
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Esben Storm. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 28 March 2011

John Brew
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend John Brew. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 24 March 2011

Ronald Sullivan
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Ronald Sullivan. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 25 March 2011

William Webber
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend William Webber. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 12 March 2011

Valerio De Simoni
This is a Tribute for family and friends to gather, share their memories, and celebrate the life of our beloved friend Valerio De Simoni. Please feel free to leave your memories and photos
✟ 12 March 2011