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Linda Dye
15 years ago

How terrible for some thing like this to happen. Just every day people living every day. and enjoying themselves. We have some wicked people in the world. Our Laws should be changed. I know it wont bring back your loved ones but it should never happen again. Our thoughts are with you all. BARRY AND LINDA XXXX

Tami Walker
15 years ago

We are Aussi's and we band together when times are harsh. The loss of our loved one's will be felt for an eterinity. 7th febuary 2009 will be remembered for generations to come . To everyone effected by this tragedy, know that all of Australia cries with you. And our hopes, our hearts and our tears will be with you.

coral blazely
15 years ago

condolances all that have lost family and friends. congratulations to all unsung heroes that are helping rebuild shattered lives. to all emergency personel we do not know what we would do with out you.prayers are with everyone

15 years ago

My Heart Goes out to all those familys who lost their houses,pets and friends and family. Everyone in Victoria you are in my thoughts and prayers. The Fact Somebody could have lit this on purpose is disgusting! How they could take joy out of seeing the death toll rise and the amout of house lost is horrible. I Hope that one day you will be able to continue live as normall as possible and i hope that everyone out there in australia is doing everything they can to help. Amy, WA

15 years ago

My Heart Goes out to all those familys who lost their houses,pets and friends and family. Everyone in Victoria you are in my thoughts and prayers. The Fact Somebody could have lit this on purpose is disgusting! How they could take joy out of seeing the death toll rise and the amout of house lost is horrible. I Hope that one day you will be able to continue live as normall as possible and i hope that everyone out there in australia is doing everything they can to help. Amy, WA

15 years ago

your in my thoughts may each day get a little better then the last.

Natalie Langman
15 years ago

My heart and Prayers go out the the victims and there family's I pray that I never have to go threw that loss. And what fantastic Emergency teams and volenteers we have here. I am proud to be an Australian because when someone goes down there is always someone there to help you back on your feet again. Words can't fix what is done but we are there when someone needs help or a shoulder to cry on. God Bless the Victims, Family's, All the emergency workers,Army and volenteers You are all HERO'S

15 years ago

Nothing really - it doesnt make up for what has happened -and its not over yet - fortunately for all my family in VIctoria, we are safe, but it could have happened to any of us... Im so very sorry for all those who lost family and friends... its absolutely horrific.. . Please donate to the Red Cross if you can - even $5 will make a big difference...

Tracey Costanzo
15 years ago

For those darling people who are not waking from the nightmare of finding loved ones have been lost and those who feel the task of living and rebuilding is too huge and an insurmountable challange that they didn't ask for and never wanted, There are so many people who do care, all ages, all backgrounds, when the smoke clears, when it is time to take the next steps, Victorians will be with you, helping in any way we can, just ask, let them, know they are doing it because their hearts are in the right place, it is not charity, it is you allowing them to feel they can do something no matter how simple but something to ease your burden. Love to everyone affected by this disaster, in so many ways people are banding together in an attempt to send you help in anyway they can.

15 years ago

To all the Victims of this Horrendous Tragedy Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very heartrenching time. May you all stay strong and healthy throught out this ordeal. We can not begin to comprehend the pain and heart ache this has been put upon you by heartless people who light these fires. They should be put in jail with the key thrown away for ever. Sharon Country Vic To all the firefighters,Police and Volunteers who helped save lives our heartfelt thanks go out to you all.

Julie Price
15 years ago

Our hearts go out to all of the victims of these terrible bushfires. May your Aussie spirit shine through and know that all Australians are thinking of you. God Bless and our prayers are with you.


I can not comprehend what is going on. I see pics of devasation and hear tales of tragedy. I am thinking of you all caught up in this horror. I am sorry for all that you are going thru. I wish I could do something. Be brave. Be strong.

Mandie McCullock
15 years ago

My thoughts hopes prayers well wishes love and support go out to all those who have tragically lost ther lives in the devasting fires and more so to those who have lost loved ones and have been left behind to deal with such overwhelming uncomprehendable tradgedy...may somehow you all fibd strength with in you to rebuild your lives and shattered spirits and i hope you can all find comfort in knowing that you will not have to do it alone and that all of australia will do all thay can to help mend fix and repair the devastation that has now become your world...

Carly Solberg
15 years ago

My thoughts are with you all in this difficult time. The whole nation - NO the whole world is praying for the families that have been touched by this devastation. To the families and friends that have touch by this disaster, you are not alone, AUSTRALIA UNITES - It's the true Aussie spirit that comes out in people....The want to help people. I am proud to be Australian. Good Luck to you all...X

Yvanna Frag
15 years ago

For the victims of the victorian bushfires.. I do not feel your pain but I do feel your presance, You are all here with us in spirit and in our hearts. Although I may cry from time to time. To witness such a horrific event was historic and I can not believe such sick people could find pleasure out of it all. May all your sould R.I.P and Victoria will NEVER forget you.

15 years ago

there are no words to express how saddened I am for those of you that have been affected by the fires, and the desire to want to help and bear the weight of the burden is so strong. I just wish there were some magic words to make this all better. you are all constantly in my thoughts.

Jessica Weller
15 years ago

To those who are dealing with this, my heart goes out to you. To the people who started this fiire. You should be burning in those flames right now you sick basteds

15 years ago

Like everyone, my heart is heavy and devasted at what has happened in Victoria last Saturday. I feel so helpless and would love to open my home to whoever needs it. My husband and I are already planning to go and use our skills to help clean up, rebuild whenever the call goes out in the months to come. We have donated money and will again on payday tomorrow but just don't feel like we can do enough. Australians have a wonderful way of coming together and helping when times are tough. Even those of us who aren't religious but are spiritual are praying for you. It is also hard to get the images out of my head of those who died by suffereing such painful deaths. They ran for their lives and didn't have a hope. It breaks my heart to know they were tortured this way. It is hard to understand that there are people so cruel and evil that live amoungst us. God help you. You going to need it!

Jessica Weller
15 years ago

To all of you who have survived this horrific onslaught, You are all so brave and all of my sympathies go to you. To those who lost their live you are always in my heart. You have all done well and to beable to leave this horror without any permanant damage will be a miricale.

15 years ago

My heart goes out to all the families, friends of those who have lost someone. To all the people out there helping we call you our heroes. This is a terrible thing to be going through, I may not know how families and friends are feeling, but I'd just like to wish them all the best for the future. No matter where we are in the world everyone is thinking of you. Jess, xx

sherryl murr
15 years ago

i am very proud to call myself an australian a am so proud of how we have band together to help all those in vic our thoughts and pryers are with you all god speed my fellow aussies sherry from bauple QLD

15 years ago

I'm struggling to comprehend the devastation and loss of life could be traced back to somebody PURPOSELY lighting the fires. How does someone find joy in such a thing? Victoria, we regularly jostle each other. We have a subtle dislike for each others states most times, sometimes not so subtle. But please know that you have the utmost support and sympathy from our side of the border at this time. We'll continue to offer what we can in terms of blood donations for the injured, food and clothes for the survivors, and money for all to start rebuilding their lives. And of course our grief at such a large loss of livelihood. Soldier on Victoria, knowing the world is behind you.

15 years ago

Our heartfelt sympathy to all the families. of the victims we have made a donation but feel so helpless, to the victims R.I.P our thoughts and prayers are with you all

15 years ago

even though I have not experienced anything like this, i want all the families of the victims to know that I feel your pain. Remember the good times and hope that they are reborn into a better life.

april cioch
15 years ago

even thoe i have never seen or been there when the fires erupted i give my hertfelt condolences to all the families who lost family and friends and to thoes who have lost their homes this is the worst bushfires ever in history this is the worst than ash wednesday

Jacqui Trugar
15 years ago

My thoughts and heart go out to all devestated by the Fires in the South and the Flood's in the North. I share your Grief, Sorrow & Hopes. Well Done to all of the people involved in Helping put out fires and those who are helping with the flood victims as well. xoxo

15 years ago

To all the people affected by this devastating tradgedy may you find the strength you need to carry you through your sorrow and suffering. My thoughts are with you all at this very difficult and sad time. To the firefighters, ambulance offficers, SES, police and all the volunteers that have worked so hard non stop to provide some kind of relief YOU ARE ALL AMAZING. Lucy and Jamie, Roxburgh Park Vic.

patricia barrett
15 years ago

as i watch the news my heart breaks for all of you and your loss, we live in victoria in langwarrin, came from the u.k in 1977, i am proud to call myself australian as i watch the strengh of all these people, the loss they have endured, i pray that your suffering will be helped knowing that other people feel your pain, to all of you who have lost loved ones , [ they will always be in your hearts and memories] god bless you all as you try to re-build you lives. pat and family, xxxxx

Nikki McMahon
15 years ago

Having experienced, on a more minor scale, the horror of a bushfire, my prayers and more importantly donations have been said and sent. May the nightmare end now and the death toll stop rising. (Nikki, Sydney, Australia)

15 years ago

words fail me to even comprehend this catastrophy. i wish and hope all victims, family and will in some way be able to pick up their lives again. having visited australia many times, lived in melbourne for years, i always like to consider it the next best thing next to home. just know that even i am half a world away, my thoughts are with you. hans amsterdam, the netherlands

15 years ago

An emotional Kevin Rudd, Australia's prime minister, has described the deaths of scores of people in wildfires as "mass murder". The fires spread through rapidly through communities in southern Australia, as desperate residents tried to flee the flames. Al Jazeera's Tarek Bazley reports.

Charnie Dean
15 years ago

i hope the fires stop soon cuz it has already called enough hurt for everyone....everyone is praying and hoping that all those that have been hurt by this horrific incident can eventually re build their lives and have a few if not alot of happy times even through the tought times they are having now....my thoughts go out to you and i hope all is well soon and aussie becomes the wonderful nice peaceful place it was once known as....i aint very religious but i will pray for every single one of you that have been caught up in this ...god bless.....Charnie Dean (Nottingham, England)

Linda and Brad
15 years ago

No words can express the sense of loss that is sweeping the nation. We are very greatful for the many hundreds of SES volunteers helping our brother and sisters. Those of you who's life's were not lost can rebuild unfortunatly for those who perished we must rebuild in their memory. Prayers and Thoughts are with all.

amanda lutzow
15 years ago

i would like to say how sad i am for all the people down vic. i have a brother in law & family that lives down that way.i just want to cry seeing how much sorrys down their. it looks like a war zone. my heart goes out to all involved. from QLD australia

15 years ago

my family and friends all live in this area can anyone tell me where to go to find out the deceased or injured

Nikki McMahon
15 years ago

The red cross have a 1800 number which you ring and they try to locate loved ones. Can't find the number at the moment but maybe if you google the Red Cross it will tell you.

15 years ago

Hi Jacqui - I am sorry to hear your friends and family are all in this area. I have a school friend and her family im trying to find out about so I called a hotline thats been set up for this. The number is 1800 727 077 you leave details of their names, address then your details and phone number and someone will get back to you soon as they find out anything. Good luck and I hope they are all safe and well.

Suzanne Valerie
15 years ago

My heart and prayers are with all you brave people in the Bushfire areas. It seems so surreal that we are having torrential rain and floods up here in the North and you are suffering devastation from heat and fires. Also may God be with the families who have lost loved ones. Words are just not enough to explain how the rest of our nation feels. With Love from Suzanne Valerie

Helen R. Ooi
15 years ago

We were horrified to see the devastation - so many communities - so many lives. Such a tragedy amidst nature's beauty! Such unbearable grief for those who managed to escape. Our hearts and prayers to you all. May you find comfort and support in each other in the following days and in the future as you try to rebuild your lives. We'll be thinking of you across the other side of the globe. Helen (Richardson) Ooi and family of Houston, TX

andy barton
15 years ago

Sitting here in England in disbeleif....God bless you all....

Beatrice Winder
15 years ago

We are all thinking about you in St Helens Mersyside England, Hope this ends soon our prays are with you all Love from the Winder family

15 years ago


15 years ago

To all those who have been lost & lost what is dear to them words cannot describe how you must feel or went through. May all those that lost their lives find eternal peace & those still here find strength in knowing that people in this world do still care. My condolonces to you all. To all the Firies,Ambo's, S.E.S & all the good people that helped others in this time of need, your efforts aren't in vain as there are alot of very gratefull people as myself . May you all have good health. Mick, Moe

Edward Klassen
15 years ago

It is with shock and horror watching the mass destruction in southern Australia and the flooding in Queensland. I share your grief, sorrow and hopes. My prayers and thoughts go out to all.

Edward Klassen
15 years ago

Its is heart breaking to watch this tragedy unfold on the news here in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. My prayers and thoughts to all in these areas of destruction. I want to include those who are suffering from the flood area I believe in Queensland where I hear a five year old has fallen prey to a crocodile. "Father, I lay this crisis into Your lovng and caring hands. Grant the victims and the strength and courage to endure. Please lay your healing hands upon body, mind and heart."

Rebecca Winn
15 years ago

We're thinking of you now, all those caught up in this terrible tradgedy, those who have lost lives and loved one, and the emergency services. Rebecca & Amy Winn

Joann Shepherd
15 years ago

Sending prayers for all those humans and animals whose lives have been affected by these devastating fires and for the brave firefighters who are battling the blazes.

15 years ago

I was searching for a place to post a message of support and came upon this website. We have been following the media coverage here in America and we are saddened by the images and stories we see. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this very difficult time. May God bless you. The Carney Family (New York, USA)

marion clifforth
15 years ago

I lived in Australia many years ago, my husband has family there still,too many to mention. We are heartbroken at every piece of news that we see and hear, You have our prayers for some kind of comfort at this time, too hard for us to imagine. Special thoughts to all famjilies that have lost loved ones and homes. A very big heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful brave firemen and all rescue services. May God watch over you all. And to the evil people that started and restarted these fires may you live in hell forever. Marion ..(Clifforth family)

15 years ago

Heartbreaking. Whole towns now crime scenes. Medical supplies needed - donations please

15 years ago

To the souls left behind in the wake of this terrible tradgedy, may you find the strength and courage to carry on and know that you are not alone , as Australians we will help you thru this ,our hearts are breaking, our eyes full of tears.We won't forget , you are all in our prayers ,may god bless you all ,please stay strong. Liz..

15 years ago

The toll is expected to exceed two hundred dead, they have found over 135 so far and there are already over 750 houses burnt to the ground. Hundreds of people hospitalised Livestock that have been saved are starving - food destroyed. Wildlife and small animal loss extremely high Donations for food very welcome www.aussiehelpers.com.au or the Victorian Farmers Federation http://www.vff.org.au/main/ Are prayers are with you all

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15 years ago

It pains my heart to see the extent of the suffering and misery people must endure through this terrible tradgedy, please find the strength to carry on with your lives and take faith in knowing as fellow Australians, we will help you thru .Our prayers are with you , our thoughts are with you and you wiil not be forgotten.God bless you all.

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