awaaaah , iwishh u was my sis * your so preety * you wiL bee missed:)

Rest in peace baby girl, you will get your justice one day, we are all cheering for you. God brings the best angels home first, he misses you up there baby girl !

You are with Jesus now and there is not a better place to be. Watch over your family they love and miss you so much!!

Caylee, I know you are with Jesus now and you have been since this awful incident happened to you. You are a beautiful little girl and I am sure Heaven is a brighter place with you there--although for your family it is a darker world without you. I pray for your family, especially your grandfather who so obviously loves you very much. I also pray for your mother--although I am so angered by what she has done but God calls on us to pray for all persons. Ask God to send His angels to comfort your grandfather and help him heal. His family needs him. Mr. Anthony, if you ever read these--remember this is not your fault and though your heart must be shattered--your life still has value and meaning. Caylee is safe now--it is not the same, I can only imagine how you must feel--but she is with Jesus and all of the other little children who are taken from us. There is nothing you can do now but help yourself. My prayers are with you Sir. I mean that with my heart. I have been praying for your family since I first heard about your situation and though it was obvious from the start--something terrible had happened--we all, as did you, held out hope we were wrong. Please don't let this end your life--there are people who need you to be strong--this happens to other people too--sad as it may be--there are other families dealing with the same loss and often, the same circumstances. I mean not to minimize your anguish--you are fully validated in your feelings--just remember God loves you and He did not want this to happen--but He will help you through.
God Bless you Sir, and may God keep you and have His face to shine upon you.

that is so sad, dhe died on my b-day, that makes my life a lil less awesome.... who could've done something like that to thier own flesh and blood!?!?!?!? idin't know Caylee, but that just makes me want to be a better a mother and i don't even have kids yet....
RIP Caylee...

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Rest In Peace And May The Angels Stand By Your Side And Protect You And Sing And Play With You [=

Caylee was a wonderful little girl if i would have known her horrible beast mother would do such a thing to this beautiful girl i would have taken her as one of my own. there are so many children out there that are being abused nicglected and murdered for no reason what so ever. there are alot of sick people out there but remember one thing you cant trust anyone and i mean ANYONE! Be careful and please say a praire and light a candel for the little one may all the angels be with her and stand by her side each day with her mind wide open with the memories at the times her loving family cared for her and remember the people who still care about her lye in her heart today . Rest In Peace My Angel
Missy & Jo Jo


Baby mine, don't you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part, baby of mine Little one when you play Don't you mind what you say Let those eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear, baby of mine If they knew sweet little you They'd end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head to your toes You're not much, goodness knows But you're so precious to me Cute as can be, baby of mine

Rest in peace Angel.

There are some things in this world that no one can take in or understand! How a woman can carry a child in her womb for 9 months and develop a bond so strong that she would do anything in this world to protect her child and instead, the one person put on this earth to protect you was the one that hurt you and I am so sorry that you had to go through any of it. Truthfully, I never really wanted to believe that it was you found on Decbemer 11, 2008. But, Unfortunately it had to be so that we may understand that you are now in a better place and safe with all of the other angels. I am so sorry Caylee
and my thought will always be with you sweet baby.

Dearest Little One,
I spent many sleepless nights for you and prayed to God that you would be found before Christmas. God answered. It wasn't the answer we all wanted to hear, but He is God and He does all things well. You are now in His heaven in His arms.
We don't always understand why God allows things like this to happen - and we like to forget that evil does exist in this world.
While I know where you are now, my heart goes out to those that must live with the memories and the horrible images that creep into their minds and hearts when the night falls and sleep eludes them. Cindy and George and Lee - may the sweet peace of God help you. I know how hard it can be to keep those awful images away. I also know how hard it is to not blame yourselves for things you could not ever comprehend happening.
Caylee's precious expression is so much like my own granddaughter's, it is uncanny.
My prayers will continue for the Anthony family to cope with the loss, the nightmare they face and the uncertainty of it all.

Still thinking of you Precious Girl.

I just saw the most beautiful tribute to this little girl! It sums up perfectly how so many of us are feeling so I wanted to post the link:
You really are an angel now, Caylee. We all rest better knowing you are safe.

you are a beautiful little angel, and i know you are in heaven, may god bless you'r little soul.!!!

Why and How can people like NANCY GRACE be so dad gome cold and put on such a fake act when it comes to this precious little angel. I am a guilty party of raising her raitings, but like Cindy Anthony said, this is the only way we can get any news about her because we live so far. But in the meantime, if she, Nancy Grace, does not hear what she wants to hear when she asks a question, she RUDELY cuts off the guest(s) to which she asks their opinion and all we hear is her! The ONLY person she has shown any respect to was and has been to Dr. Lee - ONLY! Our constitution says, and if anyone should know IS HER ABOVE ANYONE, "YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY"! She acts as if she is the ONLY MOTHER, THE ONLY ATTORNEY, AND THE ONLY JUDGE - SHE ACTS AS IF SHE IS GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF. I myself, have shed many tears for the precious life lost of Caylee, but I more than that, pray to God that this child did not suffer and did not see the hand that killed her, whoever it was. I am not here to place judgement as to who did it. Yes, Casey has made many lies but does that make her a killer? She liked to party, does that make her a killer? Why doesn't Nancy Grace spend an hour on the compliments Jesse Grund provided about how dedicated and loving Casey was as a Mother? Why does she always have to be negative if it's not her beliefs. She is in the publics eye, she should report for the public. Not everyone may think the way she does. Personally, I believe SHE convicted Scott Peterson - and his case is what made her, gave her the show. Unfortunately, I am forced to watch her to find out updates. It was a tremendous pleasure to watch Larry King Live and listen to him question his panel and let them answer. He asked a variety of questions and did not toot his own horn either as a jouralist, legal whatever he may be, or parent, he simply provided the public with great information on both sides, all after confirmation of little Caylee's body. We are put here on earth to do a job, and to place judgment is only for Our Lord and Saviour to do, and she is not mine.
I am totally overwhelmed and out of words for Casey, her brother and her Parents!! As a Mother and a Grand Mother, there is no way I can imagine how empty they feel. I so hard was praying that the remains found was not that of Caylee's but had it not been, then that would have meant that another child was deceased - so ......
I surely do not agree with the fact that Casey is not allowed to attend to funeral for her child. Again, she is innocent until proven guilty. There are convicted felons all the time that are allowed to leave prison for grand parents funerals, etc, for hours, with a guard, but she is being neglected of this. And wonder if she if she if found innocent, then she had been forced to miss her final good bye to her child.
This whole sitution is so sad and I think if the media, namely Nancy Grace, would have presented evidence differently, Casey would not already be convicted. She would have her right to her fair trial. Even as we speak, as a FORMER attorney, she is showing her tail and cutting people off on the Dr. Phil show. Fox will definitely get my business from now on and so will Jane Vanez Mitchell. Where the news is presented without a violent host.
God Bless you Caylee. And God Bless Casey. I hope you can get a fair trial and may God see that justice be served to whomever took this child's life. And to the Anthony Family in general - I am so sorry for your loss. I hope someday soon you will somehow find peace that Caylee is with our Lord and without pain and surrounded by Angels and Saints. And also for Jesse Grund, you are one wonderful man and come from a loving family, you can tell. I am so sorry for your and your family's loss as well. She was your baby too.

you are in heaven now you are taken care of sweet little girl.

you are now with the angels, just like you are!!!

Rest in peace little one

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There's always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
Let me be empty
Oh and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight
In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There's vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting
Keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack
It don't make no difference
Escaping one last time
It's easier to believe
In this sweet madness
Oh this glorious sadness
That brings me to my knees
In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

a second video for caylee heart felt it needed to unload some sorrow from this terrible situation, and beautiful lil girl who for some reason, God allowed into this situation, but praying not in vain, i know she did touch many lives including my own, without ever having to have met her. tons of great photographs of this darling, can be viewed here in this video. i scoured the net to make this tribute to this precious lil angel, and found alot of photographs i had not yet seen, and watching my own

This is a video I found on You Tube & loved it & wanted to add it to this page & share it with everyone, hoping the person who did this video does not mind !

I have never met this little angel, but my heart just breaks for her..Calley is a beautiful girl that is needed more in heaven then here i guess.God knows best...I will always remember you Calley...You may be gone BUT NEVER forgotten.I love you little angel..You can see my grandfather who is in heaven with you....
16 years agosweetie, we r not sure of the exact date of death, but June 16th was the last day she was seen, but they are sure it was very close to that date (june 16-18th) thank you for writing =)