Volg tribute en ontvang updates
11 years ago

5 years ago today our world was ripped out from under us. A phone call at 3 in the morning, a call that every parent dreads, a true nightmare. I still re-live that moment everyday. I have been cooresponding with a friend of yours for a little bit and she sent me a beautiful letter yesterday.. a beautiful tribute to your life. Sweetie it's amazing how many lives you affected probably without you even knowing it. One comment she made was how when I left for Fort McMurray I hugged you like I would never see you again and how you girls laughed at how silly mothers are. She also told me how happy you were that I loved you so much. I loved you with all my heart and soul and always will. But if I knew at that time that no I wouldn't ever see you again, I would have never let go. But as each day goes by, it brings me closer to seeing you again. I long for that reunion and then we will be together for ever more. I love you so much !!!! Watch over daddy for me please!!! He needs some guidance and strength more now than ever. I'm blowing kisses to the sky today for you.....

12 years ago

As I sit in Heaven, and watch you everyday I try and let you know with signs, I never went away I hear you when your laughing, and I watch you as you sleep I even place my arms around you to calm you as you weep I see you wish the days away, begging to have me home So I try to send you signs, so you know your not alone Don't feel guilty that you have life, that was denied to me Heaven is truely beautiful, just you wait and see! So live your life., laugh again, enjoy yourself, be free Then I know with every breath you take, You'll be taking one for me. I thought this was so beautiful and surely reflected on what i know Chantel would want for everyone she left behind. It's been almost 4 years since you left us my sweet angel and never a day goes by that you are not on my mind. I love you and miss you beyond words but I know you are looking over us and we will be together again some day.

13 years ago

I Never Got To Say Good-Bye I never got to say good-bye, To kiss your cheek once more; Before God called you to come home, Back through Heaven's door I wish you were here with me now, But I know it's what God planned. He needed you more than me, Although it's hard to understand And I know that where you are, You're smiling, safe and warm. Protected from any bitter cold, Hatred, hunger or storm I never got to say good-bye, The hurt, it runs so deep. How could I know, that on that day You would forever sleep. Even though I miss you now, More than you'll ever know, One day I'll hold you in my arms, And never let you go. But when I get to Heaven, And see your smiling face, I'll know that it was meant to be, For God to take you from this place. You can't imagine all the tears I've cried, I love you more than words can say. But I am at peace because I know, That you're safe in Heaven today. I never got to say good-bye, To see that one last smile. I'll just have to remember, I'll be with you in awhile. And when I get to Heaven, There's at least one thing I know, We'll never have to say good-bye, We'll only say... "Hello." Happy Birthday to our beautiful angel who would have turned 24 on March 1st. Forever in our hearts you'll always be. Love Mom & Dad

13 years ago

Hey Chantel I know that you can hear us up in heaven and we miss you so much.We all miss you and will always keep you in our HEARTS .Barry,Sherry,Melissa and Tyler Stewart.We are going to miss you on vacations with us.I still remembering you calling us 2 days prior to coming to Niagara Falls to visit us. WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU SO DEARLY LOVE THE STEWARTS

15 years ago

the girl that was a good friends to me and if she needed me i was there for her.. she was someone that was taking from use .. chantel i will alway be thinking of you because you are one of a kined that did not care what people say or do you just like to help or be a good friend to the people that was always there the day i got to know you i liked you because you did not say a thing about me about my age and how i was .. you look at me like i was a aunt that you needed sometimes ... i am happy that i was in you life for some time .. i will always miss you but i know there will be a day that we all will get to see you .. its just not right now but i will be happy the day comes to see you just one more time ... love you all ways tina

15 years ago

Hello Chantel, my name is Hailey. I know we never met but I know so so much about you. I used to live with your grandmother for a year, she always talked about you and how wonderful you were. She really misses you, alot. And I hope where ever you are you're looking down on her. RIP Chantel. -Hailey Atkinson.

15 years ago

Hello my beautiful angel. Well your daddy finally made one of your dreams come true...He asked me to be is wife on Christmas morning. i'm sure you were there with us as it was such a beautiful and joyous moment. His only regret was that he had not done it sooner as he knew that was the one thing you wanted in life. His exact words were.."I know our little girl would be so proud to see that what she was planning all along was finally about to come full circle" We love you and miss you so much; there are no words to describe how much of an impact you made on us in such a short time...I want you to know that I wear this ring with pride and that someday i will be daddy's wife but first and foremost i will always be your mommy. RIP in my baby girl; your love grows on through myself and daddy and your brothers forever more until we see each other again.

Dan Kelly
15 years ago

I found out today that I will never see you again. You and your Grandmother Jerry and your brother visited me in Wasilla, Alaska nearly 17 years ago. Still, I love you and will pray for you, as will your mother Tivvy, who just found out about what happened to you. We will love you forever. Grandpa Kelly

15 years ago

Chantel ... I didn't know you as well as Desiree or anyone else we went to school with, but your story breaks my heart. I remember having several highschool classes with you in Niagara Falls and I remember how positive you were everyday... trying to talk me into comming to class with you instead of skipping... you are such a wonderful person... and I want you to know that. I hope you are looking down on us all... You are loved girl. <3 Sherry

Angela Myers
15 years ago

Chantel and (Rhonda), There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I don't think about you two. The first day I met you-Rhonda you were in pain from a tobogganing accident, having fun with your kids. I fixed you up with my 'Gentle Touch Massage'. after a while you brought Chantel in for a massage, and it started to become a regular rutine every two weeks on Saturday morning at 9. I would see a very tired Chantel from late nights, and she usually slept through the whole hour of massage treatment! I miss everything about her, I still have her files, which will stay with me in that filling cabinet, just so I can still have a piece of her with me where we spent so much time together. Chantel you will never be forgotten in my mind, my heart and soul-I love you like a sister. ~Angela Myers (Fischer)

16 years ago

Hi Sweetheart: Well we just spent our first birthday without you but we still celebrated your life because thats what you would have wanted. So many memories were shared; laughter, tears; we did it all. We even had a cake for you honey with 21 on it and took pictures; but we included your portriat with those pictures. My favourite memory was when I put your ice cream cake in the fridge instead of the freezer and it melted. I remember your words: well done mom!!! LOL. I still have a deep ache in the pit of my stomach and such a tightness in my throat everyday I realize I won't see you anymore; touch your cheek; just knowing I can't hug you anymore. I wish I could have been there to protect you from any harm; that was my job and I failed. But I long for the day I will see you again and then I will never leave your side. I love you so much and I will carry my memories of you with me until I am with you again. Rest in peace my beautiful angel as I know heaven as only gotten better since you arrived. Save the pranks until I get there; Love MOM

16 years ago

Happy Birthday Sweetie, My thoughts and prayers are with your family today. I wish things could have been different for you. I wish you were here to celebrate and enjoy this special day of yours. Love you always, Matt Sherk and daughter Hailie xo

16 years ago

Today you would have celebrated your 21st birthday. You should be enjoying today with your family and friends. But, life has changed so many things for us now. You are in a better place, but this is not the way it should be at your very young age. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your Dad and Rhonda and their families. We sure do miss you girl. You may be gone from our lives, but you will never be gone from our hearts. Rest in Peace Chantel, Love Mary and Jim Cosby, and Stacey Sherk

16 years ago

i dont understand why this had to happen someone who cared who was loved and a beatiful young girl how everyone wanted to know her chantel i miss you alot u were a great friend antie to jordan baby gurl we miss you alot think about u everynight lots off love hunn<3god will love you he brought u here and took u back 20 years later

16 years ago

i just want to say i was prgnant when i new here and she was one of those girls who evrythime u seen her u just wanted to hug her s all i can say is she will be issed and never forgotten by me or mine i love u so much and i hope o see u again some day... as for her family i give u all my heart felt condolences

16 years ago

Chantel. Everytime i look at your name or here it i cry. You were loved by everyone. ANd we miss you so much.I remember how we would all hang out at country style every night to to have fun. And the car shows. Remember we laughed so hard when the guy went to put his shocks on and his car stald in the middle of it.. Lol. So many good times with you. And I wish I could have seen you one more time. Your were takin from us for a reason only that guy knows. My deepest sympathy for your family and the Niagara Falls community. REST IN PEACE LOVE> WE ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH. ALways Remember Never Forgotten Sadly missed

16 years ago

16 years ago

Dan McLeod
16 years ago

I had karate with her there for several years, her parents knew my parents and we car pooled to the local tournaments and that, she was always determined to do good. I sort of fell out of contact after I had to quit there cause of a broken leg, and I regret having been too caught up in other aspects of my life to have remade contact when we were both at Westlane. She woulda loved my pets, going on what I knew and heard of her. My condolences to the entire family, no one should go through this.

16 years ago

I attended a very moving service in Niagara Falls today in honour of Chantel. The young priest at St. Patricks Church captured her life and her upbeat spirit. It was a great tribute to Chantel and certainly a great consolation for her family and friends. He also prayed for all victims of violent crime, and their families. May Chantel be happy forever in the arms of the angels.

Craig Adam Hegge
16 years ago

A Very Tragic Story.. To hear of these things saddens me deeply. My deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences go to her family and friends.

Timothy Henderson
16 years ago

i never really got to know chantel too much we shared a couple classes she was nicer then most students at our school and didnt deserve this it is a truly sad thing that happened and we must take care to not forget her

Lacey Macmillan
16 years ago

This shout-out is in accordance to having had the opportunity to meet ya wonderful family & some great people, we were in the same business & although I never met you Chantel, I feel like I have. It's people like you who change people'z lives 4eva in a way I will alwayz remember foreva and try to be a better person. Thankz Chantel u r Da Bomb Sincerely Ya Homegurl Lacey Macmillan P.s I'm sorry I couln't perform but I made you & ya fam sum shirtz, Thanx Kat, Kennedy & Danielle & the family as well for lettin me be apart of this. RESPECT^ITZ ALL GOOD IN DA HOOD* PEACE YO & 1 MADDD LUVVV~

16 years ago

chantel u were always there for me and melissa when we were down and if we needed someone to talk to u were there...You were like an older sister to melissa and i ...you were always there for melissa and i and we hung out all the time together ...u were a hrd working girl.

16 years ago

What a shame that this beast of a man had to resort to killing such a vibrant young woman, who never harmed anyone. And then to bury her in the backyard. Shame on him. My heart goes out to Chantel's family in Edmonton and Niagara Falls. Be assured of my thoughts and prayers. My hopes are that justice will be served to Matthew Todd Barrett... life without any chance of parole... and that the family will find the strength they need and the comfort to get through this senseless tragedy.

a mother
16 years ago

I didn't know Chantel, but as a mother who lives in the neighborhood where Chantel spent her last hours, I would like to convey my sympathies to her parents and family. The death of this beautiful young lady is tragic. Her young life cut short by a troubled young man who hopefully will be locked up for a long time to prevent these actions against other young women. Chantel, may you rest in peace in a better place and may family and friends hold memories dear.

16 years ago

i din't know you .But im so touched by wat has happend to you .i used to be a workin girl for the same agencie but thankfully to god i stop workin years ago and not ever planing on to working ever again.my prayer go out to you familly and friends may god bless their soul for wat there goin thru. and may you bee in a better place so peacefully and happy.i also like to say to all those woman's that are workin as escort to plz try to find a different job i know money is great but theres soo many other thing they or you can do.is not worth it you have families that love and care for you.and if you just cant quit may god bless you always and be with you ..and be safe.....

16 years ago

I just dont understand what this world is coming to? What makes a person kill another human being, especially one so precious as Chantel. She was a human being with family & friends who loved and cared deeply for her!!! As, I've learned she had alot of ambitions and goals. The loser that did this to her deserves everything he gets and more, how dare he take another person's life so satisfy his own sick mind!! My prayers go out to the family, friends and anyone that knew and cared for Chantel, may her sweet soul rest in the hands of our Lord.

16 years ago

This is a horrible tragedy for someone so young to die at the hands of such a piece of crap. In the paper they are bashing the owner of the agency but he did call the police when she didn't check in. I can't help but wonder if she was still alive when the police came to the door and accepted the piece of crap's story that she had called a cab and left. Any of us working girls know that we would never do this, we call our driver. I hope the cops are held accountable for this for their part, when it's a working girl they never do very much. I didn't know Chantel but I know people that worked with her and they all said she was a total sweetheart. My heart goes out to her family.

16 years ago

I also knew this Monster who did this to her. He has a history of vilence, and had, on occasion made threats to me. You did not deserve this, Chantel, but because of your strenght, and confidence, and determination, you took a freak of nature off the streets. I am sorry it had to hapnne to you. I should have done somethig sooner to have had him put behind bars, but I too feared for my life on occasion. I have so many things to tell you , and in my prayers, I will do this. I will do anything it takes to see to it that he pays for what he has done!!! Although I do not know you, I feel we are connected in some sort of way. I will be your voice!!!

16 years ago

I did not know this woman, but i do know the skumbag who diod this to her. I also think that there is a good chance others were in on it. Hiow coukld this have hapenned with others in the home, adn nobody did a thing about it. I hope "Todd" ROTS in hell for this and I hope the others involved are brought to justice as well!!! peace Sista!

16 years ago

I met Chantel 2 years ago when she first came to the city. We befriended and dated for a little while. We decided to stay as friends but kept in touch. She would call me up, and come to my bands gigs. She helped me when i had a broken foot. I remember one time when we were watching arachnophobia and she scared the crap outta me! I think im scarred for life hahaha!! The one thing I'll never ever forget is everytime she'd get into the car she'd ask me if i was still listening to Metallica, and my answer would always be the same. It was about 4 months since I had last talked to her but she had called me up the Friday night and asked how I was doing and how band was. We talked for about 10mins and told her I'd call her next week because I was out with some friends...it was like she knew to call me for one final goodbye...and it still freaks me out because it was 3 hours before the unfortunate happened...I'm still very shakened by that...but for happy memories I do have them and will always keep them. Her smile and laugh were always contagious no matter how quiet she was. Chantel I will miss you and so will my family <3

16 years ago

Chantel.. you were amazing at sports.. always had a smile on your face.. you were a funny, loving, high spirited person, who always stayed positive..may you rest in peace sweetheart... So sad you were taken at a young age, for someone's stupidity.May they pay for what they have done to you beautiful girl.... and you will always be remember in my heart for the Chantel I knew who made me laugh in the smoke pit when I was going in sane from Mr.Lafontane.. lol... you will be missed dear .. Lots of love RIP

john do
16 years ago

its sad , but when you live a dangerous life this is the stuff that happends , May people learn from it and stop. rip

16 years ago

I've only met you once, a not so long ago. You and your friends welcomed me into your home and shared a brief moment into your lives. You shared your beautiful smile and your laughter. You talked about family. Rest in peace as this one person has nothing but fond memories of you!

16 years ago

As a friend of chantels from her home in Niagara Falls, i feel sick. I can't believe, and i can't understand that this is what she got into. It wasn't her, she was the incredible hockey player, and baseball player, she even received a scholarship but declined it to play hockey in Edmonton. Chantel had dreams and goals, and she was one of the few in this tiny city that was going somewhere and was going to make it until some sick bastard destroyed that. Chantel you were beautiful, and you still are! We love you, and the baseball game next tuesday we are going to have a a minute of silence for you, all the teams we be on one diamond for this. We also are making a memorial of you for the league room, you were part of it for forever, and now you'll never leave. I miss you soo much, you were so tough, such a fighter i can't even start to think of the fight you gave that pig. It hurts knowing how much of a fight you did give, you could take on anyone, thats why i dont think this was by himself, premedidated yes!! first degree is proper, but it doens't bring you back,, ever ever again. And it makes me sick that for as much as Chantel was working as an escort why is that that's the way she is being talked about and thought of by strangers thats what she did, but it's not who she was! How about a 20yr old athlete is missing, or 20yr old baseball player, hockey player, college student, young woman, anything but label, because Chantel never labeled anyone! she was so excepting of everyone and everything, she never had a hegative thing to say of anyone! Chantel, i want you to know that Niagara Falls is thinking of you, all your friends here are thinking about you! We love you, we accept what you did, but we won't ever accept what happened, you were the one that was going to make something of her life. Krissy is actually out and getting a white tiger tattoo in your memory, you were never given the chance to. We remember, we won't forget!! God Bless you Mr.Robertson, i know how much you loved your daughter, you were her number 1, and she loved you unconditionally! You gave her an amazing life, and you couldn't have done better raising a daughter! There will be a memorial in her honor taking place in a hall/church in Niagara Falls, the date has not been set. Tuesday night, we'll be playing you tiger!. I love you!!! forever beautiful!!!

16 years ago

Chantel was very friendly girl....I will miss you Chantel Freedy Driver

16 years ago

The newpapers are making a big deal about this young lady being an escort. Chantel was a beautiful 20 year in the prime of her life. That some sicky distroyed. We will never know what could have been for this young lady. My heart goes out to the family and friends. May you find courage and peace in the month and year a head. Hold your memories on your daughter, sister, and friend close to your heart.

16 years ago

Well I dont know you personally Chantel, but I know alot of women like you. I also know that most of the women I know living that life are strong, caring, loving, one could almost say perfect in a way. Im sure you were no different. Judging by what ive read and heard, you were an icon to many people whether it be known or not. I hope people look at this woman and see her for who she was, and not the career she chose. I also hope it changes societies outlook on sex trade workers as a whole, dont force them to hide, dont force them to lie, let them be who they want to be and accept it. Protect them, and help them, and just maybe, we can prevent the next murder. My only regret...is that I didnt accept them, and never had the chance to meet such a beautiful woman... Goodbye, you will be missed.

Shannon Ells
16 years ago

I will never forget our many adventures, our ambush snowball fights. So many memories, I never thought I that there would be day when you wouldn't be here. I hear my phone ring and I wonder if it will be you on the ID. I wish I could have been there to save you, I was so close by, I feel you with me and I will never stop wishing that I could have been there for you.

16 years ago

16 years ago

I offer my sincerest sympathies to the family & friends of Chantel, I just wanted to sat to those grieving that no matter how tragic and senseless a death may be that it will not be in vain. May Chantel's memory and story help to promote safer regulations and quicker responses to missing people's of high-risk status. I send all of my deepest sympathies to those hit hardest by this beautiful and amazing girls untimely passing, lots of people I know knew her and I want you to know that there is lots of support from throughout all communities to you and yours.

16 years ago

I remember the days, when i first had my son you were always over helping us out everyway possible but that is the person you are always wanting to help out, you were a very happy person, very sweet, caring, kind to everyone..we will always miss you Chantel. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you, you didn't deserve this. My sympathy goes out to her family. I'll always remember the Country style days, when we were all together. R.I.P Chantel.

16 years ago

I will never forget you Chantel, and we all miss you so so so much. You may be gone from us physically, but we will always have you in our dreams. I cannot believe someone could hurt you like this, but I promise he will pay for what he did Chantel, your family and your friends will make sure of this. Well, goodbye for now, and we all love and miss you!

Carrie Williams
16 years ago

16 years ago

RIP Chantel **hugs and kisses**

16 years ago

R.I.P. Sis i miss u alot and u will always be in my prayers

13 years ago

chantel we miss you alot jordan stil talks about you ,miss you soo much cant even eplain R.I.P chantel bear

Carrie Williams
16 years ago

16 years ago

Someone in Edmonton plz light a candle for us here in Niagara Falls at the site thanks

Christine Riley
16 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss, Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Tyler & Christine

16 years ago

Chantel, I am so sorry what happened to you. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this sad tragic time. I didn't know you, but as a woman, mother, daughter, I understand how we can be under valued by males within our society. You were a victim and I am so sorry this sorry excuse of a man hurt you. You are now safe , loved, and honoured by God and his Heavenly Angels. Peace~

16 years ago

Hey i dont no Chantel but i no many people that know her i am so sorry for what happend to her i wish the best for her family and her friends i am sorry to hear what had happend no one should ever have to go threw that not even her what she did for a living dosent mean that she was a bad person....Well Thanks For Letting Me Leave A Comment On This Page For Her....I what her family to know that this story has touched many people all over the world including me..I wish the best for her and her friends and family ..Thanks

Carrie Williams
16 years ago

You didn't deserve this Chantel. The way you chose to live your life sure wasn't accepted by many, but this was wrong. You could have had better. shame it had to end this way. Youre now in a better place. RIP

Carrie Williams
16 years ago

16 years ago

this shouldnt be up here come on .. her family wants to remember her in a good way not police at the crime scene....

16 years ago

yeah take this down!

16 years ago

it has been reported

16 years ago

yea thats all true

15 years ago

I used to live with chantels grandmother... She took it hard. This really shouldn't be up here.

15 years ago

I used to live with chantels grandmother... She took it hard. This really shouldn't be up here.

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