Hey Cee Jay, I member u from da ends u went to da same school az ma brotha, but me and yu never talked. Even tho we didnt talk it does not mean that I have not been affected by wat has happened to u!!!!! In fact it has helped me to think about life in a deeper way!! I member da last time I saw u was at Mc Donalds u must had come from da Carnival/performance in Walthamsto which was not long ago...I pray that yu are okay up there, I kno u are. God probably decided to take u away from from here maybe bcoz he thot u were too good to be amongs people who have such evil hearts I pray that ur family is okay and dat God will wipe away their tears, dat whoever has done this to u are iz found so justice is done. Whoever has done this PUT DOWN THE KNIFE AND GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST!!!!
Nuff Lov From me and ma brotha
R*I*P- CEE~JAY ...Angel :)
xxxx never will be 4gotten xxxx

Its mad how thought bak in leytonstone school this is how things would work out.but as the saying goes THE GOOD DIE YOUNG.but it still hurts.your in a better place now.The people that done this are gonna suffer for the rest of their lives.they will be punished wether its by da govbor GOD.THEY WILL BE PUNISHED.u didnt deserve it but ur memory will never die.
Never Be Forgotten
ur souls free

ooooooooooooooooo my god annother innersent person gone i have one thing to say to cj's mum and dad your son is in a better place now sohold your head up and remember the gone days

yo CJ man wot u got urself into bredrin, we were always tight,always lookin out 4 each eva mannn im realy shocked to hear dis, cant imagine wot ur fam must be goin fru, but ur in a beta place den me, but dnt wotch man 1 day ill cum n link u.

even though
i neva talked 2 yhu or neting
it was more your bruva
seeing u was a daily routine
which is stupidly broken
your death dere was no need for it
but at least you are in a better place looking down on us all

Who'z going to chat me to death now LOL
You never did know when to stop talking..
I'm gonna miss you so much.. Leyton Will NOT Be The Same...
Don't worry we'll look after Paul.
Love You C.J
Forever In My Heart..
Stephy x

Charles was a very caring boy. I was shocked to hear of his death and in such a brutal manner. No one should have to endure what Charles went through. He will always be in my thoughts and heart.
16 years agocant believe your gone cj
16 years agocant believe your gone cj