It's been a month since I saw your perfect smile. :( God, I miss you.
I only know you through your cherished friend, non. But my, what a gentle soul. You are clearly someone who celebrated life. Rest in peace David. And though you are now gone from this earth, you will not be forgotten.
It's nighttime, I'm looking at your pics and "Last Farewell" is playing on your page, all 3 make for a melancholy moment. :( I love you David.
"Nappa gonna take care of you. C'mon kid, get in the van! Just get in the van!" (as he pinched my shoulder). lol David cut out the face & slit the mouth of Dizzy Guilesspe's (from an LA Weekly magazine) & he'd hold the face up to his mouth & stick his tongue through it as he did/said the above. Ultra creepy, but really funny. It was so random! I think that face is still around here someplace. I found a compilation cassette tape made today. :/ GOD, I MISS DAVID!