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11 years ago

Another birthday done and dusted. The day flew bye so quick....they all do now. Nothing a year in the tropics wouldn't fix. Possibly in a 60, yours of course. You probably have one by now...then again... Miss having a chat and laugh ... a break from seriousness just for a few minutes. Peace :-)

Jodie Miller
11 years ago

Gosh I miss you. Wish I could talk to you and hug you my gorgeous man. Love you

Jodie Miller
11 years ago

Hey beautiful boy, 17th feb again, 3 years since our lives changed forever. I was scared but believed everything would be ok, but it wasn't & now you are gone. I miss you everyday, still not a day goes by without me talking about or thinking of you. I cherish the love that we shared and the amazing baby that we made. My world is so much less than it could have been , yet I continue to try & live a life worthy for Olivia ! Love you always & forever with everything I have! Jo xxxxx

Jodie Miller
11 years ago

Hey sweetheart, It's the end of a very long Christmas day, number three without you and I missed you every second of it. Three Christmas's with you and 3 without you. Hopefully you were with your precious daughter and I. I can't help thinking how it should have been, I miss you so much. Love you forever my prince. Jo xxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Beauty, Today would have been our 5th Anniversary and we probably would have had our Fiji Wedding. Love you now, always and forever my beautiful man. Wish I could go back to our first snog on 25 Sep 2007.................. Love u baby Jo xxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey David James, 40 years ago you entered this world 12 weeks early, weighing less than 1kg. Seems uncanny and unfair that you were born fighting to live and died fighting to live. Born premature and died prematurely as well. Not sure why either would happen, when we meet again you can give me the answers. So today your folks, Livvy and I went to the Wally for lunch. I had a stone grill, mushroom sauce and a westcoast for you. Livvy ran around on the grassy beach, just as we had watched so many children do before. Was my first time eating there since you died. I truly wish that you could have been here, hopefully you were watching over us. If you were here I would get to tease you about being an old man. Missing you, loving you and thinking of you everyday. Happy 40th Birthday David. Love forever Jo and Liv. xxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey David James, Well today would have been your 3rd Father's Day, but you never got one. Shitty unfair. I miss you like crazy and our daughter is missing so much by not having you in her life. Wish you had got a chance to enjoy at least one Father's Day. We had breaky at your parents this morning which was lovely, I also think about the what if's though and feel you missing. Loving you every minute precious. Happy Fathers Day Love Jo and your princess Livvy Clare xxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Babe, Just to remind you that you are in my thoughts each and every day. Love you. Wish you were here, its not getting any easier without you. love Jo xxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey babe, nearly two years since I have seen you. My heads all messed up sweet, miss you so bad. Love you with all my heart and would give anything (except Olivia) to have you back. Forever in my thoughts LOVE JO XXXXXXX

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey my babe, Been ages since I have written here, not because I am not thinking of you, just doesn't seem to help any more. Our daughter misses you as well. Just today she looked up at the photo of you kissing her and said "My daddy and me, daddy coming back on Wednesday." I told her you were in heaven and she said "bye bye heaven its Wednesday." By the way it is Wednesday, can you come back now? Love you with all my heart forever. Jo xxxxx

12 years ago

Thinking of you. The past, the present ... the future. It's has been almost 2 years since your passing into eternity. I keep expecting to see you, then realise I won't. Not in this life, possibly the next. Is it OK? The process? The emotions; feelings? The realisation that you exist in another dimension and place? The pain is all gone now, changed at least. The memories live on... love matters! We miss you!

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey did you hear Lyn and I bagging you today? Were you laughing or pissed off? Nearly our princesses birthday....................miss ya Love you to the moon and back million trillion times my big brown hare! Jo xxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

I miss your Love, miss having you to love.......... Forever Jo xxxxxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Sweetie, Happy Easter precious, another "special event" without you. Seems so cruel that I have to keep celebrating all this stuff without you, but I guess I do because of our daughter. What I really want to do is just stay in bed and let the day pass. Every second is filled with thoughts of you, memories of you, Em and Steve easter hunts, meals at your folks etc. So so hard without you, I just want to scream and bawl, miss you. Forever love you gorgeous. Jo xxxxx Infinity

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Precious, So much that I want you to know about what has been happening, but hopefully you already know it all......... Miss you, forever without you seems impossible. Every moment is filled with a void because you are not here, I don't think I will ever feel any real happiness, although I try so hard for our beautiful girl. My heart is still so full of love for you, now and forever. Jo xxxx

12 years ago

19/12/2010 Hey Dave I had lunch with Jodie and Olivia on Friday past. It’s comforting to know that I could be myself with Jodie and as to the best of my knowledge Jodie was herself with me. The only person missing was you. It was nice to be there together and without so much of a spoken word, be comforted by our individual thoughts of you, as well as the fond memories we have of you. The three of us always did have a laugh, and a good talk. It was always honest and straight to the point, but sensitive when it needed to be. Oh and as to be expected, as in almost every conversation, we talked about you having a HJ60 in heaven- OMG we laughed, just like we would if you were with us. “One with all the fruit” as you would say. If only that CB radio had the same frequency eh. The things we could all talk about. The day brought back fond memories of the laughs we had. I could even imagine you walking through the door and ordering your usual double quarter pounder meal with a cheeseburger- upsized to the hilt of course! And polished off nicely with a coke. The time spent together was healing, even though your passing has marked our minds and hearts for eternity. I’m sad that you are gone, however I consider myself fortunate to have been your mate for 4 years. There’s the rub though, a void has been created in our lives. Jodie and I can share, although from quite different circumstances, that comfort and familiarity of you with each other. As I said I’m sad that you are no longer here, but I am comforted that when with your “sweet” and Olivia; for that moment in time you are with us again. Olivia is such a happy girl. Jodie and I were joking about her larger perfectly round head. I could picture you smiling, then laughing, and defending her with a comment like “mate I’ll have you know and furthermore it needs to be noted for the record that it’s all brains in there and that’s why her head is so big, she going to be a genius, just like her father”. I was taking every moment in, all Olivia’s noises and reactions, her smiles towards me and Jodie, the stares at the TV on the wall, as if to repeat it all back to you; and someday I will. Andro

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

My Precious, Well it is two years today that our lives went from great to crap. Don't really no what to say, except wish I could turn back the clock and have none of this happen. Em's birthday today, tried to make this one good for her, given the last two were so bad. Can't help but think of you and miss you so very much. Thanks for all of those number plates earlier in the week, you are getting good baby.......................... Love you forever Jo xxxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Davo, You will always be my Valentine. Thinking of you and cherishing the love we shared. Miss you precious. Happy Dave n Jo Day xxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Davo, My sweet, well it is New Years Eve, 30 minutes until 2012, another year that you will not get to experience. Shocks me that you were not here for all of 2011, 2010 was the last New Year that you experienced, I don't think we even did anything good that NYE???? I can't even remember? Christmas day was 18 mths without you, 1 and a half years. Miss you baby. Took Olivia to see her first up close fireworks tonight, she hated them, probably the noise, she was scared and snuggled in telling me "no". Well I keep wondering how many years before I see you again, I want to be here for our daughter, but life is so hard without you. So much sadness, so many "what ifs" and regrets that I carry each day. You were my world sweet boy and now your gone, spins me out, pisses me off and crushes me Dave. Hope you are somewhere experiencing our lives with us, loving us and keeping our daughter safe. I really hope that you are getting to experience the joy of our precious girl, cause she is 100% amazing and beautiful. Loving you, missing you and cherishing our baby everyday gorgeous. Love your "sweet" Jo xxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey My Prince, Our second Xmas without you darling, I only had 3 with you and our baby got none and you got none with her. So shitty and unfair. Missing you, loving you and thinking of you all the time sweet. I will start the stocking like we talked about, take her picture tonight as she sleeps and do all of the things that we planned. Promise I will give her a great Chrissy, so not the same without you though sweet and I could have used some help wrapping as well. Took her to see santa lights tonight, Steve told us you were with us, following. Hope you were, always be with us Dave. Love you and missing my "Drummer Boy" Per rump pa pum pum" I can picture you doing that. Wish I had it on video. La La La forever Moon and Back a trillion Zillion times Jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

Hey Precious, Thinking of you and feeling you with me today Dave, our baby started childcare. I don't think you would have agreed with her starting so young and I was arguing the point with you. Sorry babe, but it is something that I think she needs, wish you were here to argue with me about it though. Miss you and love you so much darling. "I have had enough already". Be with us and keep me strong my boy. Today is also 17 months since I lost you and it has not got any easier to deal with, I still love you as much and miss you more. La La Jo xxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
12 years ago

well it's been a while since I wrote to you, although you are still in my thoughts daily. Nothing new at all, I still miss you like crazy, can't stop thinking about what our life would have been like. Olivia is growing so much Davo, you would have adored her. I retired your computer with lots of guilt and regret, can't bear to throw it out though, even though it was "ratshit." The new computer is hard to get used to and lots of settings that piss me off but I don't know how to fix them. Another thing that you could help with.....oh and I would love a sleep in. Wish she could have a day with daddy. Life is shitty empty without you precious and I am fighting so hard to remember everything about you. David love you forever. Jo xxxxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey My Beautiful, Today is our anniversary, would have been 4 years, not long really and we didn't even get that? I miss you gorgeous, I am trying to treasure and be grateful for the time we did have, but I am so tired sweet boy, tired of my half life without you. Tired of the lonely life because of the void that you left. Love you and remember you forever. Jo xxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey You, Was my birthday yesterday and I so wanted a message or sign from you, would love a call just to say Hi and so I could tell you how much I love you. But not possible I know. Our daughter discovered she has a shadow today, was really beautiful to watch. I have nobody to share that with, nobody that would care bout something so small and insignificant. You would have cared, you should be here to care. Miss you baby. Only $310 in the moneybox sweet, so u win, way closer than me. And yes it was full..... Love you forever precious Jo

13 years ago

Well Dave you owe me a coffee yep thats right Cole was spot on. My Tigers beat your Dragons. Woo HOO. I really miss you my friend xx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Beautiful, Today is your birthday my prince, you would have been older than me now, 39, nearly 40. But I guess that wherever you are, you are not getting any older hey. I want to know why all this happened baby, why you are not here with us, sharing our lives, letting us love you and giving us your love? I miss you and really want to hold you and hear your voice. Don't suppose I will get any answers. Thinking of you on your birthday, everyday actually and loving you to the moon and back a trillion zillion times Dave. Not sure whether to mourn you, yell and scream today or celebrate that you were here, that you were born, that you were loved and gave love and most significantly for me, you left behind our daughter. A gift that is part of you, she allows you to live on.............. Happy Birthday David James Love Jo and Olivia xxxxxxxxxxx P.S Sorry I was a cheap ass and didn't buy you a gift, although I will be opening the 50c tin today and counting how much is in it. Think your guess was $460? I am guessing at least $700, actually $820.

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Davo, Today should have been your second Father's Day, Livvy should be jumping on you in bed and giving you loads of kisses and cuddles. Thank you for our princess, I wish you were here to share her. I can still remember the last time she heard your voice and she stopped screaming, I remember your tears when she was born and the love that you felt for her. I will make sure she knows what a brilliant dad you would have been and how very much you loved her. Be with us my beautiful. Love Jo and Livvy xxxxxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Sweet Pea, Sunday's are the worst days without you and Saturday nights actually. So very lonely and empty. I always think of what we could be doing, should be doing. I had you, I loved you and now you are gone. So unfair precious. Keep remembering your smile, wishing I could see it again. Hope you are smiling somewhere. If you were here you would be LYAO at our beautiful, funny and at times naughty little girl. We love and miss you darling boy. Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

I miss you babe. Was just thinking wish you were at work so I could call you to plan our weekend. Wish we could play uno, its stupid mundane stuff that I miss. So lonely without you precious. My heart still chockers with love for you.

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Thinking bout you heaps baby. Wish I could spend at least a day with you, not sure if I would spend it kissing you or bragging about how beautiful and clever our daughter is..........would love a cuddle from you. You truly were the best thing that ever happened to me and I treasure the time we shared. Love you always Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey sweetie, Miss you, can't stop thinking bout what we have lost, you deserved to have a family, Olivia needs her daddy too. Life is shitty unfair my sweet and life is never going to be better than average without you. I love you. Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hi sweet, We had a day at The Entrance yesterday, hope you saw us. Did you arrange for that bird to shit on me? Sorry about the music, but the whole carnival, markets and food stalls all added to the atmosphere, I told everyone I had planned it all for you -lol. Lots of kids and they all seem to have had a great time. Our princess was as lively as ever, she was exhausted at the end of the day. Although didn't make her sleepin this morning. Everyday seems that I have the realisation that you are not coming back. I was making Olivia's bottle this morning and thought, "well I have survived a year without Dave", then it hit me that you are never coming back. So unfair precious, I really hope that you do share our lives with us, cause I need you. Whatever way you can be with Liv and I is better than zip. Oh Andro came yesterday and he is so brilliant at reminding me of all the things you used to say and how you said them. I was reminded how you used the word "super" and it made me smile. "Super" as in very very, not as in great............. Love to you my gorgeous. Jo Jo

Annie Cole
13 years ago

Dave Mac you will always be in everyones heart and always be in everyones thoughts. I know I miss you heaps. I will be thinking of you especially today the year has gone so quick it feels like yesterday you left us. I will have a carlton draught for you today xx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

My precious, One year without you and time hasn't healed anything sweetie, just seems like we are further part. I worry about forgeting your voice, forgeting how it felt to be loved by you and to love you. "I think about you throughout every single day. I long for all the happiness you used to bring my way. I think about the memories that I will always treasure and dream about a perfect day when we are back together." I love you so very very much - forever. Loads of love from Olivia as well, she constantly talks to you, but I guess you know that. Jo xxxxxxxxxxx

Annie Cole
13 years ago

I miss how we were together EVERY weekday at work, how you always knew how to make me laugh, how I could tell you ANYTHING. I miss our chats But MOST of all, I miss my BEST FRIEND Dave Mc RIP it has been a very long yr xx

13 years ago

missing you

Michelle Wells
13 years ago

Dave, I know you are watching over and protecting two gorgeous girls who are missing you terribly. I know that you can see how much Liv has grown and what a treasure she is, how she makes Jo smile, how she makes your parents dance and just how much she is loved. I know that you can see how some days are harder than others for Jo, but despite the daily challenges and the constant heartache, I know that you can see that she has carried on with determination and grace. I know that you can see the wonderful home Jo’s made for her and Liv, how it is filled with love and affection. I know that you can see just how well Jo has kept you as part of their lives. She has done this so naturally and beautifully that a sense of you is always present. I know that you are with your Girls everyday. I know that you will never be forgotten; you will be always loved and dearly missed. We are all proud of Jo and Liv, I know you are too. X Mish

Michelle Wells
13 years ago

Dave, I know you are watching over and protecting two gorgeous girls who are missing you terribly. I know that you can see how much Liv has grown and what a treasure she is, how she makes Jo smile, how she makes your parents dance and just how much she is loved. I know that you can see how some days are harder than others for Jo, but despite the daily challenges and the constant heartache, I know that you can see that she has carried on with determination and grace. I know that you can see the wonderful home Jo’s made for her and Liv, how it is filled with love and affection. I know that you can see just how well Jo has kept you as part of their lives. She has done this so naturally and beautifully that a sense of you is always present. I know that you are with your Girls everyday. I know that you will never be forgotten; you will be always loved and dearly missed. We are all proud of Jo and Liv, I know you are too. X Mish

13 years ago

I find myself still thinking that I will hear from you soon out of the blue ... through a text message or a phone call to saying "hey mate". I wonder were you are and try to imagine the journey we all will take in our life, a journey that you took so soon and suddenly. I find myself reliving the moments and conversations that almost made us cry from laughter, many a time almost spitting out the cigarrette we were smoking.I miss that. I miss the laughs and the friendship we had. That tree ouside the front office were we would all gather for the smoko and chat. I MISS THOSE MOMENTS! Its been nearly one year and I still miss you mate. I laugh and I smile and I miss that we don't share those special moments anymore. Well know this Mr David this Saturday all who love and miss you will join together to remember you in their own unique way, with their own memories of you...we will probably laugh and smile...but .... we will miss you mate!

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey my boy, I feel really crook in the belly baby, miss you so very much and can't believe it is nearly a year since you have been gone. I was at work today and couldn't stop thinking about you, I was remembering how loud and annoying I was to get your attention, I'm sure it didn't work though, cause you didn't seem interested until i toned it down a bit. I was thinking about the start of our relationship, how right it felt, then when we moved in together, our decision and the discussion about having a baby and then the excitement of my pregnancy. Everyday I am thankful for the magic that we shared, the love that we had and our precious child, but I still want so much more. I want you, I want the family that we both dreamed of....................................... You were a great man Davo, Olivia and I are missing out on so many things and wonderful times by not having you in our lives. I love you my precious. Thank you for your love, at least I have that stored in my heart to share with our daughter. Love you to the moon and back forever David James. Your sweet Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Babe, We had Olivia's naming today and her birthday party. Think it went O.K, house looked great, lots of decorations. As always way too much food. We should have shared this day together my sweet, I feel so sad and lomely now, like there is no purpose in any of this, I want you back. Nothing I do is worth it without you, it's just all shit that feels like a chore. I miss you so much my boy. Hope you got all of the balloons, wish I could put a hook on them and drag you back. Love you darling. Can't wait til I see you again. Jo xxxxxxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Cherub, Another occasion that should be filled with Joy, although in tainted with sadness because you are not here. Olivia turns one tomorrow. I took her picture and have a rough draft of her birthday Eve letter. Hopefully I will still be here to give her 18 of them on her 18th Birthday. But if you asked me on Feb 16th 2010 I would have said you would be here........... I can't even remember when we discussed doing this if we had a child, i think it was before she was even conceived. I know the idea came from an Oprah episode. I have decorated the house with a few banners and balloons, put some balloons in her room and wrapped her presents. Her party and naming day is on Sunday, I am worried that it might rain and the whole stress of a party. I miss you my beautiful and still feel shocked that all this happened and you are gone. Thankyou for our princess though, I could not continue without her. I love you precious. Be with us tomorrow and everyday. Jo xxxxxx

13 years ago

Dave wishing you are here to see and celebrate your little girl turn the big 01.You would be so proud. We need to take it all in to talk about it one day again...in the future... i'll have a beer for you in the meantime.....peace!

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Beauty, Miss you and love you forever. 10 months ago I lost you and It still hurts so bad. Forever you will be in my heart and thoughts. You are my lost treasure................. Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hi Sweetie, It's Easter, our first without you, Olivia is about to go to mum's for her first easter egg hunt. Wish you were here, the kids can search for eggs and I will be searching for signs that you are with us. Love you precious. Olivia is walking now, every happy moment is tainted by the sadness of missing you. I love you gorgeous. Happy Easter. Love Jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey "Booful", So much happening gorgeous, yet nothing at the same time. I'm teaching Livvy about "stolen kisses" and she loves them, although if she is not in the mood she lets me know...... I can't believe how very much like you she is sweetie. You would adore her. Thinking of you everyday, missing you and loving you always. Jo xxxxx

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey Beautiful, Today is 9 months since you died, feels like yesterday, although forever at the same time.We used to love number 9. I am trying to organise Livvy's naming day, looking for music and I keep finding songs from a daddy to his daughter. Makes me realise how much she is missing and will never have by you not being in her life. What about when she gets married sweetie, she will not have her dad. Crushes me to think about it and what a great dad you would have been. Wish she could have known you, if not forever, at least for a few years............... Your tree is planted, hope you like it....................... Miss you precious, in mine and Livvy's heart forever. Jo

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hi Gorgeous, I miss you, feels like I am only half alive without you. I am so very sad and lonely most of the time. Our baby is gorgeous darling, she has so many of your characterisics, you would adore her and it is totally unfair that she doesn't have you in her life. I am giving her so much love and hopefully she will be all filled up. Football season is about to start, your Dragons were headlined as being "Best in the World". You would love that I bet. Not a day goes past that you are not in my heart and thoughts sweetie. Love you Jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13 years ago

Hey Dave Just seen some pic's of Olivia. Oh Dave she is just so beautiful. I hope you are looking down on her and Jo Jo. You would be so proud of Livvy and the amazing job that Jo is doing raising her. Wish I had that damn magic Wand I would bring you back for them in an instant. Dave I know they miss you heaps and I miss you as well. I know that there is not a day that goes by that everyone wishes you were still here. Life is so cruel and you of all people didnt deserve this. God it is still hard to believe you are no longer with us.

Jodie Miller
13 years ago

Hey beautiful, Well I have been dreading this day, this time last year we would have both been getting ready for work, our lives were "normal", it was our last day in our bubble of perfect. I have so many awful memories of how that changed my boy and I liked the thought that this time last year, life was great. After tonight I will not be able to think that anymore. Wish I could go back to this time last year, just to make sure that I was loving you enough, making you feel special, hugging you heaps and appreciating what we had. I want it back so bad my darling. You truly were amazing, I miss the love you gave me and the life that we had and were planning for the future. Sending a million hugs your way my prince. Love forever, in my heart always Jo. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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