Dave old mate. Still in my memory and still a great bloke. Miss you. JR

You were one special guy. There are not too many people we come across in this world with such integrity and honesty - you were one for me.
You touched many people - in fact most people you came across. I shared many years in your early adulthood with you but regret that we did not keep in touch after you moved back to Australia. You leave a legacy on those who you touched but also a living legacy in Jo and the wonderful family you leave behind.
If your offspring continue your values and integrity the world will be a better place.

as we approach a year of losing you dave, I still think of you a lot. I am grateful that you shared so many thoughts and bits of your life with me in the last six months. I know Andy would have loved you to come home to from the UK but how lucky to have the family he has. Thinking of you with love mate. JR