i was deeply saddenned to hear of the passing of david. i have fond memories of him when i was young.i have been kept up to date with his exploits over the years and have been amazed at his accomplishments.my heart goes out to his sister janette and her family and to muriel. my thoughts are with you at this time

David was one of the reasons I decided to pursue philosophy. It was because of his enthusiasm and generousity with teaching that I went on to do honours. This is very sad news indeed.

I am very sad to hear of David's death, and treasure fond memories of him, especially as a member of our family. Sincere sympathy to Muriel, Janette, Miles, Sophie and the family - may you feel God's blessings as you embrace your sad loss of David.

I haven't seen David for many years, but via his family, have always followed with interest and admiration his many travels and his wide range of experiences. A very generous person, and, I feel, one who travelled his own road - anyone whose path crossed his will not easily forget him. I'm truly sorry his journey has ended so soon.

One of the most intelligent guys I ever had the pleasure of knowing. A man of great depth, knowledge and adventure. Always a wealth of good advice for the free spirit, his death is such a huge loss and shock and so very very sad.