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16 years ago

16 years ago

my u rest in heaven

Marie Therese Agius
16 years ago

t was not a robbery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was not an accident!!!!!!!! It was planned for him, they wanted to hurt him!!!!! Let us make it all clear He was A GREAT FRIEND, COUSIN, RELATIVE. WE MISS U mARIE

Melissa Mavropodis
16 years ago

sometimes in life we cant explain why do we go through so much pain, one day you could wake up and find the one you love left you behind last night you left us for a better place and for you this life starts a brand new theres no longing for the past just what the future holds for us while u stand at heavens gates watching us from that beautiful place be sure we will soon see your face we will meet you there with love and grace the memories we have of you will stay with us in all we do out hearts are filled with sorrow but there will be another tomorrow until then my darling friend may god keep you tight and safe under his wing for you are his child and too precious for him to lose you may be gone but not forgotten you will be dearly missed and always greatly loved by all R.I.P Doujon may you take care of my brother up there and all the others close to us all that have passed on. love always Melissa Mavropodis

16 years ago

Honey, the heartache is indescribable - the loss unaccountable. By the same measure the love and respect you have shown us throughout your young life will stay with us for ever. The years may pass, but you will never be far from our thoughts - we will love you for ever and ever..... I remember one New Year's eve when you had better places to be than at Uncle Reno's and Marthese's for a party... but you still came over with a couple of your friends for an hour or so... and you threw together a cocktail punch for us.... that was you.... always doing the right thing by everybody.... like your parents and brothers.... going out of your way not to hurt anybody's feelings.... and l love you for it Sweetie.... Nothing will ever be the same again. You were one of five kids I had the privilege to see being born and had the utmost pleasure of watching you all growing into young people.... beautiful, well-mannered, well-educated people... Nann & Nunno, Reno & I and a hundred thousand other people who love you, miss you a little bit more each day. You were a star by the way you conducted your short life here on earth and you are now a star in the Universe where you shall reign supreme forever. Love You Handsome Uncle Reno & Marthese

16 years ago

Do Do you like your brothers have always held a special place in my heart from the moment Mum and Dad shared the wonderful news that you were growing in the womb, you have always been very special to me Aunty Margie. We have been so lucky to have shared such wonderful times together as a family. As a little boy growing up with your little face and your deep brown eyes always smiling, playing with your brothers, Chantelle and Moo Moo.. I will never forget one time you must have been about two years old and we were sitting huddled around a table at Australia's Wonderland and you let go of your balloon, well you just looked, tried to jump up and retrieve it, cried screamed in fact you were quite inconsolable. It really was quite a sight you just could not believe that it had got away from you and you watched it till it was just a speck in the blue sky, you made us laugh so much the tears rolled from our eyes, the ice cream melted and you were only content once you got another balloon and grasped it tightly determined that this one would not get away from you. You kept checking on it every few minutes, it really was funny sorry. I don't have to tell you honey that we will always be there for Mum and Dad and the boys but you know that. I will miss you Do Do your smile when you opened the door for me, your hello on the telephone when I called or when you would ring up looking for Mum cause she was not answering her phone, it won't be the same without you. It really is not fair but you will always be with us. You have left many people with many memories, your gift of life and hope for us remaining. You hold on to all those balloons each and every one honey. Love you Aunty Margie

Joe Zammit
16 years ago

Doujon was not just my Nephew, Just like his Brothers Zeake & Laurent, They are sons to my wife Robbie and I, and Brothers to our children Jordan and Courtney! And again, Doujon, just like his Brothers, was a very special Grandson to Mum & Dad who think the world of their Grand children and give them nothing but heart felt, unconditional love! Doujon was a very special and individual young man who gave so much to all and expected nothing in return! He lived for his family and friends and had nothing other than the up most respect for whoever he met! He befriended all and was befriended by many more in return! I clearly remember as Doujon was growing up that he was some one very unique as he questioned everything out of curiosity & how he was such a “Social Butterfly” I remember as he was growing into a young man and we would chat & I always felt excited over the fact that Doujon was entering into another part of his life, And as a typical Uncle, I would find myself pondering how wonderful it will be once Doujon had his own family (Although that was never going to happen in a hurry!) I would like to share with you a funny story and I hope Ollie & Rose don’t mind me sharing it with you! I remember on the 2nd Feb 1988, sitting in Baulkham Hills Hospital next to Ollie waiting on the birth of my first Nephew & I was so excited, I said to Ollie, “What name have you & Rose chosen, the answer came back “Dwan” Well you can just imagine how “Surprised” I was and which I answered with “Dwan” you can’t name my Nephew “Dwan” I remember Rosemarie being rolled out of Theater and Ollie & I raced over to greet her and one of the first things Ollie said to Rose was “maybe “Dwan” was not the right choice” or something like that to which Rose replied “Ollie I really don’t give a ….” Well you can figure out the rest for yourselves! I think we all agree “Doujon” was a much better choice that truly fitted the individual that Doujon was! In fact the name “Doujon” is so unique, I could not even find any reference to the name “Doujon” on the Internet! Doujon, you are in a better place now and may you look down upon us all and give us strength to carry on, I know Heaven will not be the same now that you are there as you chase all the Angels around and feathers will be flying everywhere or should that be the other way around where the Angels will be chasing you! Mate, You will be sadly missed by Nann & Nunno, you will be sadly missed by Jordan & Courtney and you will also be sadly missed by Aunty Robbie & I. I will promise you one thing, and that is I promise to look after your Mum & Dad and Zeake & Laurent! We will love you always! XoXoX

Marina Pergoliti
16 years ago

I had never met Doujon but new Rose and Ollie and had the privilege of looking after Laurent at Parkside Baptist Preschool many years ago. To hear of this senseless tragedy happening to such a wonderful family so full of love for each other and their children has left me overwhelmed with sadness. Ollie, Rose, Zeake and Laurent - I pray that God will comfort you and give you strength. May you find joy and comfort in your memories of Doujon and in each other. When I think of your selfless sacrifice in donating Doujon's organs, I am inspired and encouraged to do more - Thank you

16 years ago

Dear Doujon Zammit, I don't know you but I feel I did. You only lived five minutes from me and feel I have known you all my life. May god be with you in your journey into heaven and give strength to your famliy. Everytime I hear your name I cry but now I will remember your name as a gentle person who has done nothing wrong and I will remember your name in my heart forever. My family also share their saddness of what has happened and hope God will be with you and your family throughout this sad day. Love Gina & family

Carmen Byrne
16 years ago

Having three sons of my own I find this situation hard to accept but with gods grace we find strength and courage to face each day. Doujon rest in peace you beautiful young man. My heart goes out to you all. Oliver and Family Deepest Sympathies. Oliver we were in the same year at high school. Carmen

Chloe Stead
16 years ago

To the Zammit family, This is a very sad and tragic event. We are very sorry for your loss and you are in our thoughts and prayers. May Doujon rest in peace. Rosemary my mummy Christina feels for you and sends her love. All our love Chloe, Christina and Josh

Caterina Esposito
16 years ago

To the Zammit family we are so sorry for your loss, they say that God works in mysterious ways and there is a reason for everything in this world but there is no reason for the senseless cruel death Doujon has endured for nothing. I will put down a few verses hoping that it will give you some kind of comfort Rose IF TEARS COULD BUILD A STAIRWAY AND MEMORIES LANE I WOULD WALK RIGHT UP TO HEAVEN AND BRING YOU HOME AGAIN DO NOT GRIEVE MY DEPARTURE BUT FEEL THAT I AM STILL CLOSE TO YOU AS I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FROM HEAVEN JUST AS I HAVE LOVED YOU ON EARTH FOR NOT A DAY GOES BY THAT WE DONT MISS HIS HAPPY SMILE HIS SENSE OF HUMOUR WE WISH HE WAS HERE BUT REMEMBERING HIS BEAUTIFUL PERSONA HELPS US GO ON YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS THIS DAY AND FOREVER ++++++++++MAY YOU REST IN ETERNAL PEACE DOUJON++++++++++

Mario Cassar
16 years ago

Zi, Jiddispjacini hafna ghal li gralu Doujon. Nitlob Ghalih, u jekk kien jixbah lil nannuh, il-Mulej qieghed jitpaxxa bih. L-ghomor Ziju Zezz

16 years ago

Rest in peace Doujon. Amazing guy from an amazing family. You and your family are idols for OUTSTANDING human behaviour. Rest in Peace Doujon, there is a light over Cecil Hills. You will always be with us. To Ollie and Rose, nothin I can say will ease the pain, but just know that you have touched the lives of millions of people. May God be with you always.

Caterina Esposito
16 years ago

To he Zammit family words can not express my deep sadness and sorrow for dear Doujon's life it was terrible and should not have happened, one thing i can honestly say is that all who knew him and whose hearts were touched by his gentle smile and that cheeky smirk, that you have special treasured memories of Doujon and you can all keep them close to your hearts and especially the memories of great times you all had together, all the people he me through school work clubbing parties and get togethers they will be great fond memories and you can all hang on to them .Rose i am a mother also and i do not know what i would do but i feel for you so deeply, but i suppose GOD had other plans for Doujon and know he is with the angels looking down on all of you and he knows how much you

Robert Belli
16 years ago

I had only known Doujon the last 12 months as he was working at cabra leagues and my friends and i that were at the club most weekends. We found doujon to be an absolute gentlemen who respected everyone and him and i had many chats about his trip that he was so looking forward to.I am absolutly gutted by his death and my sympathy goes out to his family and friends and Zammit family i know what you are going through as i also lost my son 16 months ago and i hope Doujon is looking out for him as i know he would be,because that was the type of person he was.

Moss Josephs
16 years ago

Like countless others all around the world, our hearts too have been deeply saddened by the tragic and senseless death of Doujon. As friends of the Zammit family, we cannot believe this young life from a wonderful family is not with us anymore. Our love & thoughts are with the Zammit family & friends during this extremely difficult time... Moss, Kerry, Courtney, Brooke

16 years ago

Even if I had never met you, you meant a lot of things to me only by knowing your name... I will never forget you... You are the rose of two new worlds, yours and ours.. Thank you for being with us 20 years!

Just a Greek Man
16 years ago

Good Speed I guess only the good die young

16 years ago

Myself being a Greek-Australian from Sydney and a father, I'd just like to say that the whole Greek community in Australia and in Greece is in complete shock and absolutely disgusted with what has happened. This is not what Greece or Greeks are about but I'm not here to make excuses. Our hearts go out to the Zammit family - may Doujon rest in peace and may his family be blessed by God during their difficult time. As I am in Greece at the moment, I can only say that the whole country is in utter shock and has been stabbed in the heart due to this incident - every Greek has shed a tear - not only for the loss of such a great kid but also for the bravery and kindness of Mr. Zammit and the amazing thing he has done by donating his sons organs. God bless you.

Richard Derks
16 years ago


Melissa Mode
16 years ago

Doujon was loved by by so many and will always be remebered for hes beautiful soul. There are no words to explain the pain that Doujons family must be feeling. It is amazing to see how may from far and near have celebrated Doujons beautiful life, May he find peace in a better place. Deepest sympathies to the Zammit Family

Lillian Goodness
16 years ago

My heart goes out to Doujon and his family. I have an eighteen year old son that I love more than my life....May God be with you all. ( A mother in Limnos, Greece)

Lile Nastevska
16 years ago

Dear Zammit family, i have cried with you these last few days and I don't even know any of you. What a disgusting waste of a beautiful life on one of the world's most beautiful islands. The "what ifs" are endless and your gift of life to others is endearing. May Doujon be at peace knowing that he was loved by his family, friends and thought of by strangers like me. Be blessed always.

Jamie Mark Foster
16 years ago

I didn't know Doujon until the other day, and from what I have been told and read in the news, I believe this man would have been proud that his organs are doing good in this world. Rest in Peace Doujon, And live a long life in those you are now helping.

info press
16 years ago

Wherever you are Doujon, may you find peace.

Theo Charitopoulos
16 years ago

As a mykonian , i would like to express my deepest sympathies to Doujon's family and friends and my moral support for their terrible , sudden and unfair loss. May the God of this world rest his soul and give comfort to his loved ones that stay behind. We will never forget you and the humanitarian lessons your family gave us .Thank you


..It' not enough... Being a journalist does not always involve pleasant experiences let aside emotions. There are times that you are overwhelmed by the strength of your feelings and you feel so weak; far from feeling satisfied from your job- you just have to do what you have to do, let's say your duty, no matter how unpleasant this may be. We had the chance to meet and come close to you just a few hours but we've been taught amazing things from you. You taught us life lessons, you gave us to understand what the real meaning of the word "human" is. Greece has been watching speechless your strength and the power of you soul -while being devastated you had the courage to permit to other people to keep on dreaming by giving them the most valuable gift-the chance to hope for what is mistakenly taken by most of us for granted, that is being alive. Please accept our sincere grief for your mourn along with our gratitude and respect . Thank you for everything.................. In Behalf of the Greek Jouralists : Vasso Kalyvioti-NET TV Dina Karamanou- Alpha TV Nantia Alexiou - Alter TV Anastassia Tsivgouli- Mega TV Giorgos Grigoriadis- Antenna TV Gorgos Kolovatsios- Star TV

Angela Karantonis
16 years ago

I am shocked and saddened by this tragedy. I am a mother of a 21 yr old and I cant imagine what the Zammit family is going through. We all cried in my family yet we never knew him. His family did a very brave and courageous thing by donating his organs. My deepest sympathies to the Zammit family and may justice be served. This beautiful young man did not deserve this. May God Bless you Doujon and may you rest in peace. Never to be forgotton. Love to you sweetie Angela Karantonis from Adelaide Australia xxxxxxxx

16 years ago

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Caterina Esposito
16 years ago

this is a beautiful collection of some of his friends

16 years ago

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16 years ago

tommy vasdekis
16 years ago

There's no words to tell you how i feel about your loss Doujon's family after all words at this point has no meaning at all but i hope the tears that drops from my eyes right now as i writtes those few with great respect to you guys make the earth lighter for our SON Doujon to sleep in paradise next to God 4ever,bcz Doujon is our son right now indeed as our daughters and son's belongs to you too Oliver make no mistake about that for now and forever you'll be in our heart's and our memories.Never be4 not in my wildest dream's saw a man who just lost hes 20 years old son to have the greatness and the courrage to forgive and go on and even more to that?give life to so many other ppl with hes son's organs,i'll remember that as long as i'm alive and i hope and wish to be a better husband,father and son God knows i got the role model and thats no one else but you Oliver. From someone that you can count as your brother from now on and 4ever. Tommy & Nora Vasdekis and our Son's Joe and Angelo. tomas_vasdekis@hotmail.com

16 years ago

i do not know the Zammit Family but as a mother but heart truly goes out to the family i cannot imagine what it would feel like to lose a child but may god bless you during this very difficult timwe and give you the strength to carry ob

16 years ago

Hope When we lose someone that we love And the loss is too great to bear Our friends are there to comfort us To show they deeply care. Yet in the very darkest hours When no one is around When saddened and so lonely That's where God's love can be found. Know that He is beside you He has been there from the start Just reach out and ask for help He will heal your aching heart. Please Accept My Deepest ~Sympathy~

16 years ago

To all the Zammit family we are thinking of you and can not imagine the emptyness and loss you all must be feeling. I felt a rush of sadness when I first heard the news but then realised Doujon was Joe Zammits nephew who I use to work with. I felt a rush of tears for you all. You are in our thoughts each day. Our love and prayers are with your family at this horrible time. Ana,Graeme,Mia and Montana Connon

Carine Deguara
16 years ago

He was part of our family and our heart is broken with what happened to Doujon. When he was in Malta i did not had the opportunity to meet him. He will never be forgotten and he will be in our life forever. For sure, he is going to live in other’s people life. Ollie, our thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family. Only time will heal the sorrow.

Alexandra Kambouris
16 years ago

I have never met Doujon before, but i am awfully saddened by this horrific, awful and unfair death. I never thought I would be so upset over somebody I never met - but he just looks like such a good, happy, honest boy! Gods garden must be beautiful, because he always takes the best. I am of Greek background, and I at this moment am very embarrassed and ashamed to admit that . Being a mother myself, I can't even start to imagine how this family is feeling.. I send you all my love, and im sure his memory will stay with you all a lifetime xx

16 years ago

The whole Zammit family are truly beautiful people and what has happpened to Doujon is a tragedy. He was an honest down-to earth boy who respected his family. I am deeply saddened by this and will keep his family in my prayers. No one deserves to die so tragically. What a waste of a beautiful young life. God will look after you now. All my love Michelle

16 years ago

i dont know doujon, but it hurts to hear a sad tragic incident like this one. no one deserves to die like this especially at such a young age. i cant imagine what his family must b going through. may God watch over doujon's family and help them get through this. "GOD NEVA CLOSES A DOOR WITHOUT OPENING A WINDOW" all our prayers go to the doujon's family !! God Bless ~..+..Amen..+..~

16 years ago

Man sees an end and sees a beginning. It is not so. You are upon the wheel of life. The beginning is the end. The end is the beginning. (Words of ClearWater) A parent should never have to outlive a child and as a mother my heart aches for Doujon's family and friends. I pray that as time passes, you will find peace and strength in the love, joy and pride that this lovely boy gave this world for 20 years. Sincerely, Libby

michelle wood
16 years ago

I do not know the Zammit family but my heart is breaking. As a parent we never want to face this situation. My deepest sympathies for all of Dujon's family & friends. To have his life taken when he was about to start the most exciting time of his life is tragic and disgraceful. Be strong and take care....Michelle (Melbourne)

16 years ago

I have never met Doujon but I am deeply saddened by this event & the needless loss of his promising & beautiful life. As a parent I am frightened to even think of the pain his family & friends are experiencing right now. As a stranger I extend my deepest sympathy & love to you.

16 years ago

You're death is unjust and unfair. I hope the people who did this to you get whats coming to them. You were a beautiful person with a great heart and smile and you will never be forgotten.

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