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15 years ago

Knowing this would be a difficult day, I wanted to leave a quote about Mothers: Because I feel that in the heavens above The angels, whispering one to another, Can find among their burning tears of love, None so devotional as that of "Mother," Therefore, by that dear name I have long called you, You who are more than mother unto me. Edgar Allan Poe

15 years ago


15 years ago

Elinor -- A most gracious lady, a treasured friend. In the early years our families had many enjoyable outings together, as we watched our children grow. One memory comes to mind. In the summer of 1970, as our family was staying at my mother's house in Finland, Elinor and Bill came to visit. The Mansons, my husband Dick and I took a trip to Eastern Finland and the price of the motel included a visit to a sauna. Elinor and I got nice and toasty and then, as custom demands, ran down to the lake and jumped into the chilly water. Elinor was a good sport but then realized that she actually enjoyed the experience -- so we repeated the procedure! She had a big smile on her face as she swam around in the cold water. -- In the later years, as Elinor moved about the country, we kept in touch by mail. She was a faithful correspondent and I have piles of photos of the children and granchildren, and have kept apace with everyone's accomplishments. I will miss the connection dearly. -- Dick and I send Meryl, Ashby , Sallie and the family our deepest sympathy and will keep all of you in our prayers. With love, Pirkko Dyer

15 years ago

This is something that I shared with Meryl earlier in the week. One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Leo Buscaglia, you might remember him from years ago when he was on PBS as the "Love Doctor" (teaching people to be loving). I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love. I think that everyone will agree that their lives have been enriched by having known your Mom.

15 years ago

It's a legendary story of Elinor that happened at Meryl and Billy's wedding. Many of you were there, so you may have your own point of view, your own interpretation,someone's recount - etc. But It happened between me and Elinor so this is the TRUTH! The story begins at the reception when, for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to cut off Hudson's pony tail with the wedding cake knife. What I didn't realize was that the knife was a very expensive Waterford Crystal Cake Knife. Before I even picked up the knife, I think Elinor's spiderwoman senses activated. It's that precognition only the mother of a two year old can understand. The idea that something is going to happen soon, and it's gonna be bad. I knew Hudson would be pissed, (the pony tail was pretty long and must have taken years to grow) so I knew I would need to be swift and have an exit strategy. Before you could bat an eye, I grabbed the knife, got the pony tail in one hand, and sliced it off like a turkey's neck on Thanksgiving day. With the knife in one hand, and the pony tail in the other, I was headed for the door as fast as I could run. I was still running through the parking lot at full speed when I gathered the nerve to look behind me. As I expected, Hudson was on my tail and he was full of piss and vinegar as you can imagine! What I didn't expect to see, was Elinor in full sprint -screaming and yelling. Her purple dress following her in the breeze. By now, you should be visualizing a screaming purple banshey FLYING through the parking lot - chasing two men, one of witch has a large knife in is hand and a scalp in the other. By the time I rounded the Buick, Elinor had passed Hudson and was bearing down on me quick. She took me out from a distance of thirty yards with one of her purple pumps to the back of my head. I think that's what happened anyway, all I remember after I woke up bruised and battered, was her over me wielding the knife in one hand and keeping Hudson at bay like a mother lion protects her kill from hyenas. Later, when I was bandaging my wounds and Hudson and myself were finishing off the keg together, I saw Elinor sitting as stately and sophisticated as aforementioned in so many memorials, having cake and tea with her friends. She gave me a wink and yes the crystal cake knife was still in her hand. For a kick, I try to imagine the look on Saint Peter's face as Elinor the Blue Blooded Screaming Banshey raced through the Pearly Gates with Hudson's pony tail in one hand and that crystal knife in the other. They say "rest in peace" but, Elinor I think you should "run like the wind!"

15 years ago

Elinor Hill Manson's Obituary was published in the Pasadena Star-News on 4/15/2009. You can read a copy of it here: http://www.legacy.com/SBSun/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonID=126229742 The by Pasadena Star-News has sponsored another Guestbook for Elinor Hill Manson at http://www.legacy.com/gb2/default.aspx?bookID=5648008223982&sort=1

15 years ago

I also found Elinor's Obituary published in the Oklahoman for April 15. http://newsok.com/classifieds/funeral-services/Funeral-Services I can't find a direct link to the listing, so I am posting it below: MANSON Elinor Hill Manson, 19342009. Elinor was raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Earned her B.A. in 1956 from Randolph Macon Women's College in Virginia, then worked in Washington, D.C. with super computers. In 1959 Elinor moved to California where she lived for almost 40 years, with time spent in Florida near her Mosk grandchildren (19931997) and then Oklahoma City (1997-2008), near her brother Victor G. Hill Jr. and her nephew Victor G. Hill III. Elinor is survived by her three children, Meryl Hill Mosk, Meryl's husband, Captain William F. Mosk, USN, their 4 children Marissa L. Mosk, Claiborn A. Mosk, Nathaniel J. Mosk, and Abigail A. Mosk; W. Ashby Manson III, his wife Christine and their daughter Naomi Elinor Manson; Sallie A. Manson; and her nephew Victor G. Hill III. Elinor lived in La Canada from 1975 to 1993 where she raised her children. She never tired of traveling with family and friends, whether driving, cruising, or flying. Elinor was a gracious lady~ mother~grandmother~friend who will be missed by all who knew her.

15 years ago

I can definitely attest to the fact that one you entered her heart ...she never let you out. I was blessed to have shared a short time with her during her life in Florida with her beloved Mosk family. I could always count on "Meryl's mom" for a hug, a smile and a warm welcome ...always! Truely a great lady and a fabulous mom, grandmom and friend to all who knew her. My greatest sympathies go out to your whole family. Much love to all the Mosk's. My heart aches for your loss. I know how blessed you have been by her life on earth and how much she will be missed....and she lives on in the great impact she has had on the lives of your children. Meg

15 years ago

When I was about 5 years old my mom told me I was getting a new Aunt and her name was Elinor! And we were all going to the wedding near Washington DC and stay in the Iwo Jima Hotel! Aunt Elinor, the beautiful bride was tall, statuesque and elegant in her white dress , over the elbows long white gloves, shoulder length veil and honey blonde hair in a perfectly magnificent french twist! At the wedding reception, Aunt Elinor made me feel truly special when she cut the wedding cake she took the flowers from the top of her wedding cake and gave them to me. And, the wedding photographer took our picture together! A great day! My grandmother loved Aunt Elinor too, but when I was about 10 years old she once told me my Aunt Elinor had spent over $70 for a single pair of shoes and that was outrageous !! It was the 1960's and so maybe that was a little extravagant. But from then on I made a mental note to always notice Aunt Elinor's shoes! And yes, she had some great shoes! By then she was living in California and people from California would wear gold or silver flats in the middle of day for everyday casual wear. Truly surprising for us East Coast Virginians. Aunt Elinor could slip into something as simple as an ordinary plain shift dress and look sophisticated and sheek . She was positively Jacqueline Kennedy-esque in her fashion sense and style. She wore deep beautiful shades of pink, magenta and purple; Bellodgia was her signature perfume. I was truly impressed. She gave me a beautiful gold jewelry box she had enjoyed but wanted me to have. Real looking diamonds and gold butterflies decorate the top. I still use and cherish it; it reminds me of her personal style and uniqueness. When I was 13 my family drove across country from Norfolk, VA to Los Angeles CA. We visited Pike's Peak and the Grand canyon along the way. But equally impressive to those famous landmarks was the lasagna my Aunt Elinor had ready for us when we arrived! Wow! It was made with ricotta cheese, and not cottage cheese and tasted positively divine. We visited Disneyland and had "great fun" with my cousins Meryl, Ashby and Sallie . And I made sure I came home with my most lasting trip souvenir: Aunt Elinor's lasagna recipe! No restaurant lasagna seems right in comparison to her special recipe. Aunt Elinor took up quilting and I have two beautiful Christmas pillows she lovingly make that I have enjoyed for over 20 years. Also, in 1882 Sallie and Aunt Elinor made a beautiful blue , red and white crib quilt with a red trim for my daughter Angela when she was one year old. Now Angela has the quilt to use for her daughter who will be born in a couple weeks. Whenever I talked with Aunt Elinor she was always happy to give me the latest update on what was going on in her children and grandchildren's lives. She had many adventures with them and they brought her much love and happiness. Aunt Elinor's love lives on in her family and friends and all whose lives she touched. I will miss her very much. Sallie Gatling Volk

15 years ago

Meryl, This is such an amazing tribute to your Mom and great pictures that remind me of her. I am glad she lived her in Jacksonville and I was able to get to know her and even help her pick out designs for her quilts! She was so talented and loved those grandchildren! You are very blessed to have had such a caring and loving Mom. Can't wait to see you at Marissa's graduation and give you lots of hugs, Beth

15 years ago

I remember yours mom's gracious hospitality during high school and college. She was always so welcoming to all your friends, which of course included snacks whenever we came over. I have particularly fond memories of your ground-level trampoline in the back yard on Gould Avenue. She always seemed so happy to have guests enjoy her home. She will be greatly missed. Love, Cathy

15 years ago

Elinor was such a LADY. She had so much class. She so enjoyed talking about "the children" never said the kids. She made it enjoyable to go to work, Her laugh was just great. I could never begin to quilt to her standards I miss her so. Lynda

15 years ago

Thanks Lynda.

15 years ago

15 years ago

This was created on Wordle.net using many of the words from Elinor's Memorial message.

15 years ago

15 years ago

This was created on Wordle.net using many of the words from Elinor's Memorial message.

15 years ago

15 years ago

This was created on Wordle.net using many of the words from Elinor's Memorial message.

15 years ago

My favorite memory of Elinor is from my bridal shower. She was helping Sallie organize the gifts and the list of who gave us which gift so I could write thank you notes. I remember opening her gift. It was two sets of placemats, one blue and one red. I remembered thinking, placemats? I didn't even think to register for them. It didn't even occur to me that I might need them, and I briefly thought that it was an odd choice of gift (sorry to have to admit such a thought!). Well, it showed how little I knew and how much she did. I had no idea then that I would use them almost every single day of my married life, and that I would silently thank her again and again for giving such a useful and homey gift. That was Elinor all through - unassuming, gentle, practical and wise. I am so sorry she's gone but I am glad I had the chance to know her at all. I know that she is missed and mourned by her family and friends, but I am comforted by the words of J. K. Rowling in one of her books, "...the ones who love us, never really leave us." May she rest in peace, Beth

15 years ago

It didn't matter where the Navy took my family my Mom always planned a trip every six months to visit so that her grandchildren would know her. When she came she would have crafts galore in her bag. She would do whatever they wanted to do: quilt, lego, puzzle, playdoh, read, sing "lalalala", beanie baby, barbie, davie crocket, her huge tinker toy set, watch their favorite video ie Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Toy Story & Aristocats. She loved them all with equal force. My Mom taught me how to care for my babies and to love them all uniquely yet equally.

15 years ago

An inspirational movie by TheLightBeyond.com for people grieving the loss of a loved one, based on the sympathy poem Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep. It aims to comfort mourners with the thought that the person they grieve for has become one with nature. The music is by Brady Barnett in memory of his son Jonah.

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Alaska Cruise

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15 years ago

When I think of Elinor, I think of the color Pink. Her love of pink registered for me even as a child. When it came to picking colors to create the online memorial, there was no other choice, but to go with Pink. I've also uploaded a collection of pink flowers in Elinor's honor.

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A photo of a contemplative Kirsti Dyer (Comfortdoc) with a smiling Elinor circa 1970.

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