still missing you i dont thenk any of us her will evere be the same whith out you. you made us smile. there will never be any one to take your plase you are one of a kind and you are missed more ever day.tell we meat agen r.i.p.

Je pense souvent à toi Heath.
Tu nous manques, tu me manques...
Il y a des gens, qui marquent nos vies, et que l'on n'oublie jamais!
I Love You Always And Forever

Yestarday was your birthday... I've looked at the sky, and I've thought "happy birthday heath, wherever you are"... you're there now, between the stars, you're the more shining... I hope you're heard my message...
Italy, like the rest of the world, miss you Heath... so much...
Good bye Heath

Missed and loved by all who knew you and adored your work. You live on in your baby, Matilda. May she know just how wonderful her father was. Good night, God bless, Heath. xxx

It doesn't make sense does it,WHY DID IT HAD TO HAPPEN,WHYYYYYY YOU.I have seen so much ugly and bad in in this world ,in humans, so much evil in humans who go around robbing and beating innnocent people up,murdering causing pain to others .WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ONE OF THESE PEOPLE,WHY YOU,WHY THE GOOD,LOVING,CARING & ANGELIC LIKE YOU,WHYYYYY ? Can't function anymore babe,life has no meaning,i don't understand it at all.

Happy Birthday Heath Ledger you were and still are a very Special Actor. Very kind and caring person. From Candace in Canada. God Bless you your a very Special Angel. That song from Alabama Angels Among Us is about you. Thank - You for your movies.

You we kind and talented and shared so much of yourself that you didn' thave anything left over for yourself. Happy Birthday in heaven. you are an angel looking over us now. You will remain in my heart forever
Matilda will know you for the angel on earth you were and the angel in heaven you are

I just turned 30 a few days ago and you would have turned 29 today…
I wish there was a way to turn back the clock…Stop you from leaving…
One of the most talented and promising actors… so many images left unseen, so many emotions left to portray. And on top of it all, you were a sweet, genuine, shy and real person…
Wish I could turn back the clock and stop you from leaving… You won many many hearts, including mine…talent is a most splendorous thing… I wish I could still watch you when we were both in our 60’s. Wish there was a way… My heart sunk when I first heard you were gone… And it sinks everytime I think of you… I just shake my head in sadness and disbelief...
Happy birthday my darling Heath…
May our love help you rest in peace, and may it also help protect those dearest to you, especially your beloved Matilda…
You’ll forever be up there with the greats to me…
You’re being missed.
Love always,
PS- For your 29th I'd like you to take this song.. Happy birthday.

~Happy Birthday to you Heath Ledger-if tears from fans could bring you back, you would live to be at least 1000-from what I have read just on this site & on youtube, there are sooo many people that LoVe you & always will-something Jill Kinmont once said pretty much says it all "How lucky I am to have found someone & something that saying goodbye to is so damned awful" sleep well, sweet Prince~

I wish you all my love ......
Happy Birthday Sweet boy

Today, you would have been 29, but now you are ageless. Forever young, your spirit will always surround everyone who ever knew you, and everyone who only knew you through your films, but loved you just as much. I'm also thinking of your family today, your daughter, Michelle, and especially your mother, Sally. I can't imagine what today, which should have been joyus for her, will bring her. I want you to know that you will always be alive. Every time I watch one of your movies, or think about you, you will be there. I want to thank you, Heath, for sharing your gift with all of us, you were truely selfless. A true hero.
I miss you, Angel, and on on fine day, we will be together in Heaven. You, me, and everyone you've ever loved, and everyone who's ever loved you. Till then, watch over us, and know that we will carry your memory on forever.

Happy Birthday Heath.... May your memories live for ever

Hello lover,happy birthday again sweetie,i did want to be the 1st to say it &im glad i did even if it was a couple of hours earlier.I had your zodiac candles burning all day 4 u ,incense, cake in your name & to end the night, i have watched Brokeback Mountain again 2nite twice & after another cup of tea its going to be A Knights Tale. See u soon babe, goodnite for now ,talk to u soon.I am bound by responsibility thats why I can't be in the pleasure of ur company otherwise believe me i'd be there.

Although its still a day early here, it is already the 4th in Perth. Although the sun will always come out again, there is a darkness over this earth that no amount of sunshine can break through. My heart still aches for you every day. Happy 29th, love.

BUON COMPLEANNO HEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Sei ancora tra noi...
Michela, Milano(Italia)

You are not here to celebrate your life,But that dosn't mean you will be forgotten....i will still wish for you a happy birthday,where ever you may are always in my thoughts.... heartfelt wishes to your family tomorrow as they awaken to your birthday without you......R.I.P Heath xxxxx

My HEART FEELS FRACTURED over the loss of you physically on the earth....yet your spirit is alive
APRIL 4, 2008

Hey sweetie u will be 29,lots of love,hugs and kisses.Mull up honey,have a bong or 2 and don't forget to save me a cone.I'll be there soon with a case of VB.We'll go flying together afterwards babe,we'll rock the spiritual plane.

Broke Back mountain was one of the most touching movies I have ever seen in my life. During the movie, we had to endure the tragic death of Jack Twist and now sadly we lost our beloved Ennis Del Mar. God's speed Heath Ledger...and Happy Trails to you Ennis Del Mar.

Your birthday is coming up next week...and thinking about it still breaks my heart. To know that you'll never celebrate another birthday, chirstmas, or any milestone in life makes me cry. I so wish that someone would have noticed what you were going through, and stepped in to help you. If I could turn back time, I would have been there for you. I feel as if I have lost a best friend. I miss you, Heath. See you in Heaven someday, Sweetheart.

I remember your quiet strength in the "The Patriot". I truly believed in love after your performance in "Brokeback Mountain" a real love story. The world loves you for loving Michele and Matilda so sweetly...your way.

I will always love you Heath.i cant stop theking about you.i miss you R.I.P.


What is it...two months since your passing and this site still is flooded with tributes?! I sit alone in this room and wonder why and how it happened...trying to make some sense is no sense at all...Gone too soon, Heath Ledger. That smile, too sweet...gone too soon...

Your movies were great just as you were. You will be in my prayers always and you will be missed.

I have always loved you! I admire you for all you've done and I hope that Michelle raises Matilda to know all she can about her father. My heart is sad and you will be missed I love you!! Rest in Peace


In some way it never comes up that u are not here any more..
Surreal. Not true..
It seems that it is easier forget about it for a while than to put up with it and go on..The pain is just so unbearable..damn it.
Why is it impossible to make you live again?...would give life for that.
Hope it is not too many years left for me to be on the same side again.
Be happy where you are, Knight, eternally young.

I miss you more than I realized I would. For some reason, your death hurt me in a place I didn't know was there and I find myself mourning you as I would a friend, although I never met you. Thank you for letting me know that you are okay where you are now. I don't know why you chose me, maybe because I took it so hard, but it truly touched me and I thank you with all my heart for giving me that. I am doing as you asked and letting your fans know the same; that you are in a better place, you are happy, and you are okay. I miss you, Heath.

I watch your movies and you're right there..... only you're not..... and it sucks........ it just sucks.......

I am grateful for the films that you have left us with. Now, two months since your passing, I find myself watching your films over and over again. I am so saddened that there will be no more films. I hope that wherever you are, that you are at peace. I pray for you, your family, and for little precious Matilda, indeed she is the spitting image of you. You truly were a gift to the world, and are missed terribly!

I Will Remember Him By The Role Of The Joker I Will Miss Him

Your talent, beauty, and grace will never be forgotten
because the love we feel for you lives

it.s been 2 months sinse your gone and it feels like though as if your still alive i watch casanova and al your moves and think i wish he was still alive wards cant describe how i feel but dear you will always be in my heart as well as your little ange matilda rose i pray for her to grou up and see what your like rest in bease dearling

i stil to this day cant believe your gone but in my heart you are and always remain loved and alive rest in beace i hope the best palce in heaven for you my dearling

dear heath, you'll always be in my prayers and in my heart.

Sweetheart, you were the brightest and the best, and you came through for people when they needed it. Every word was precious to me. I read them again and again. Goodbye, friend. I will hold you in my heart. Keep smiling, precious one. You were, and are, loved, and you deserved that love.

Dearest Heath,I miss you.IM, so sorry I did not do whut we had plaind to do.When i meant you in 1998 i new you wood make it i hade soo much faith
in you.Im so up set at myself i did not look you up tell you were look so diffrent of screen plus the benie you hade on.You the Big star stayed on the internet like you sead you wood.Im so sorry i was not there for you like I sead i wood be.MAN you made it ,and we lost you.I no as your dear frend and whut we taket about it was a acedent you loved life and your hurting evrey day i was not there for you Heath, But i will always remmeber the timed we shared.tell we meet again I love and miss you so mush. My you R.I.P.

I still cant beleive you have left us, through us your spirit and heart will live on. Sadley missed love michelle xxx

Hi love its been 2 months 2 the day since you've been gone and the wound in my soul are still 2 fresh as if it was yesterday,not gonna forget u that easily,guess what ,i have a tattoo on my left arm for u saying something like this HEATH LEDGER 1979-2008 ,is that good enough for you babe,i hope so,see u when its time,until then my sweet darling......

God saw the road was getting rough the hills was hard to climb,he gently closed his loving eyes and whispered peace be thine. For all of us you did your best, may God grant you eternal rest. I often sit and think of you and speak of how you died, to think you could not say good by before you closed your eyes. Rest in peace sweet Heath. I will never forget you. I love you more today then yesterday and will forever. R.I.P. Missed awfully.

I talk to Heath, pray for him and shed tears over him every day, I will love him for ever. He was one of a kind. God gave Heath to us for a short time and when He saw the road was getting rough He called him back to Heaven. I am sorry he died alone. I have 11 of his dvd's now and will collect them all. I loved Heath in "A Knight's Tale", he was so handsome and such a joy and pleasure to watch. My heart is crushed, broken......

A loving father, a devoted son, a faithful friend. You, like too many before you, were taken too young. Now your pains are no more.

you were loved by all hated by few. you were the most talented actor with such great expectations.cant wait for that batman movie. your one of the greatest of all time. rest in peace dear heath. XOXO

Dearest Heath,
May your family and friends never forget the caring, generous, loving person you were, may you always be with your daughter Matilda, You are deeply missed.xxxx

may he always be remembered and now he is watching over us to see who next will carry on the ledger reputation.
may he rest in peace

Dearest Heath,
I remember how much I loved your performance in Monster's Ball and in 10 things I Heard About You, which I saw with my family. My family and I miss you so much.

He was a good actor. I liked everything he did.

From the first time I saw you in "10 Things I Hate About You" I knew there would only be great things to come from you. You proved this in "The Patriot" and in the many great movies that followed. I only wish Matilda would have had more time to learn from you. You will live on in her and in the memories of all of your family, friends and fans. You will be missed more than you will ever know. Watch over Matilda, you are her guardian angel now. Keep her safe and secure.

I recall seeing Heath in "10 Things I Hate About You" and knew he was an aspiring upcoming actor with magnificent talent. Then I watched "The Knight" and "Brokeback Mountain" and saw such greatness in his acting, as well as his own character. He will be dearly remembered as a great actor who was called away from us too soon. God love ya, Heath - I dearly will miss you! See you in Heaven, you heartthrob you!