your talent and your spirit will truely be missed

hope you found peace. you definately left an impression in our world

I have admired his work since "Roar" & saw the potential for greatness. He didn't disappoint. Generous to a fault with his love. Creative & talented beyond description. So many more worlds left unexplored:( I so wanted you to get the chance to use your tap shoes & voice in a musical, see your directing, see your photography & paintings....You packed much into your 28 yrs. as if you knew something we didn't. As they say, "The world is less beautiful today". My heart goes out to those who were lucky enough to have your light touch them & now will so miss it.

It's been more than a month ago and I still search on the internet if there is any news about Heath. He touched a lot of people (some were not even a fan before he died). But they are now! Still keep on watching his movies. I really think that Lords of Dogtown and Candy deserve as much credit as his performance in BBM. I wish all his fans comfort and strength and of course his family. They hurt the most.
RIP Heathy
PS a very good site to read news about Heath is!!!

My memory of you only began after your death. A little over a month of memories now. I've searched all over for interviews, stories about you. I've never been so obsessed by the life of anyone I didn't know. I don't know what it is that makes me feel connected to you. It must be how much energy you put out there. As for now, that energy is being put into many tears over your passing. I'm hoping that soon tears will turn into inspiration, and the same vitality and strength you emitted will fill all of us who are deeply touched by your life. No doubt it will. Your light was much too vibrant not to. May your soul keep living and learning and shining upon us. It definitely is too transient to be resting! I hope to find peace with your passing, and hope you realize we are only going through such great pain because you were such a great pleasure.
Peace and love to all those feeling the same way, and to you Heath.

i am deeply saddened that you are no longer in the world i love your movies and have watched one every day since the terrible news. you were so talented and my thoughts are with those that were closest to you.

i watched your movies from day one. i truely admierd your work and your dedication to wat you did and do. you will always be apart of everyone who knew you personally and those who just loved you and what you did.

Rest in Peace Heath....I only had just started to watch your movies...A truly gifted man who was so humble !!! You will be sadly only remembered for your death and not the talent that you had.....

I never met heath, and never seen a movie till after his death. But never has a celebrity death affected me so much. I felt sick upon seeing ll the negtive comments and stories after his death, he did nothing to deserve that.. i find that i think of him everyday and i can shed a tear if i don't get the thoughts of him out of my head. After his death I saw brokeback. What a talent he was in thqt movie. I only wish I had known you heath I would have done everthing I could have to save you from your depression. The outpouring of love has been something else. I encourage all of us to love our friends while they are here and tell them what they mean to you so as this may never happen again. Heath, may you rest in peace and whatch over matilda and all those who loved you,,, God Bless you Heath

heath,u were blessed with a great talent and u shared it with the world,and now you will be missed very dearly, my thougts are with your

r.i.p heath sorely missed a great talent

You are an extrodinary human being who was taken to soon. You had only just begun being a legend in your own right. The entertainment industry is at a loss without your remarkable talent and amazing compassion for others. Heath, may god watch over you and the angels beneath your wings. You are truly missed here on earth....Peace. Corie Tarello, KS

You were a beautiful Soul here on Earth, now Heaven has a beautiful Angel.

God bless your soul and keep you in a beatiful place in the heavens.
We miss you already. We pray for your family and most of all for your beautiful little girl, Matilda.

know that somebody thinks about in peace...ANGEL

I'm fortunate enough to say that I had the unique opportunity to meet him last year in Santa Monica CA. I was having coffee at a small deli and was sitting a table away. He was nice and I really never felt like I was talking to a star. He signed my napkin simply Heath. I treasure it. I'll never forget you.


Darling Heath
I am so sorry not to have been able to help you in your pain. You touched my soul.Thank you. Love Brenda

you will forever live on in our hearts and in our memories. you will be missed tremendosly

oh!! i feel so sad. You stay in my heart forever. My heart is broken, it's very hard! One thought for his family. i miss you so.
All you have made during your life was good. Congratualation for you little career. Rest in peace...

well heath rock the heavens
and we are going miss you
by cindy

I fell in love with him in all his movie ,he is some one very special i pray for your family &friends some how he was the dream person of all our life he brought laughter, joy and love in all people and that a blessful thing

A shinning star who's light burned out here on earth, will shine brightly in the heavenly sky's above. A constant reminder of a wonderful actor and Man who has touched the heart of all who has seen his work.. May you rest in peace. You are sadly missed..

Heath why did you have to go at such a young age. You were amazing and i miss you and i wish you were still with us. I Love you HEATH ANDREW LEDGER

what can you say....We can only hope that the best parts of Heath will be forever a part of Matilda, may she understand you never lose someone that you love they are just in another room waiting...Michelle your pain will never be understood except by yourself...freedom belongs to those flying above.

R.i.p good sir, you were an insperation to millions heath ledger. greatly missed and loved , brilliant actor. sleep well sir.

sadness and shock has hit me to here of heath's death, he was a brilliant and talented actor and will be missed by millions. what a shame hes gone. be seeing you. r.i.p

such a sad loss,heath thankyou for being the wonderlul role model you were,greatly loved,died too soon too young,but left a beautiful little girl matilda rose,who you are lookn over.thankyou god for sharing heath with the world.hes beautiful carefree spirit lives on.we prey for all who knew him.......our angel heath

im so sorry michlle and to matilda i wish you all the best heath ledger was such a great man and you anyone that new him condiser your self blessed its better to love and lost than to have never loved at all and again he will be missed , remembered and loved and again im sorry to the little one who wont get the chance to know him but michalle and family can tell her great things that her daddy did and again im sooooo sorry for youre loss!

it's such a tragedy you will be missed heath you are great love you always

I'm so sad for Heaths family and friends. We will all miss him.
Its so sad, to be gone at such a young age, and to know we will never see him on t.v. again . I guess ,we do still have his movies, And everyone that i have seen ,I have loved .
R.I.P. Heath we will all miss you.

This has been so heart breaking...Heath Ledger w/ be deeply missed...He was a very talented, genuine, rare man...I adored him in his roles and in interviews...He stood out from all the rest...You felt his heart threw his smile...Best wishes to the family....

I like his movies

heath you had a special name and you were a very special person, maybe the good do die young or you were too good for this world, but one thing i do know is , you are sorely missed, love and peace to you and your family and loved ones. syl. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Heath you were one of the greatest actors in the world. No one will ever for get you. God rest your soul. You touched my peoples hearts. Rest In Peace Heath you will always be in my heart.

Heath you were a great actor and a pleasure to watch on screen.May your spirit soar through your beautiful daughter Matilda Rose.Godbless you xx

Heath you touched so many people in your career that it's ashame that you can't pursue your future dreams.It's sad that a young man with extrodinary talent is gone.I loved all of his work especially Brokeback Mountain.You gave a excellent perfomance.Your soul will live on in Matilda.R.I.P.Heath.

Goodbye Dear Heath you were "australia's" actor.Your daughter Matilda will see you on screen one day and will be in awe of your work.You were a wonderful man with orginality and spirit.We'll never see that again.You should of come back to australia we would of looked after you.You needed to heal.

Your death was such a shock to so many people around the world.
I am very sorry for your families tragic loss.
You are still alive in sprit & when we go to sleep we will see you again in our dreams.
Rest in peace Heath.

We will see you again, dear friend. I swear Heath, there is no words.

My favorite movie "Ten things i hate about you", i have seen it so so many times...

I think of Heath every day. I still am in complete shock of his passing. What a talented young actor whose life was tragically cut short. We know we will meet you again but we miss you, Heath. Why did you have to go? Rest In Peace.

hi I'm felicia I'm 13 years old i can still remember watching a nights tale, when i was younger i thought he was so hot and loved the music played in the movie to then around when i was 8 i first saw the movie 10 things i hate about you wow he was adorable!!!! ever sinsce then i loved him and wished to one day meet him but now i just have to wait untill i one day go to heaven to meet him.....HEATH LEDGER i love comes the tears again .....i really pray his daughter will be just as nice as i hear her father was.

What a tragedy. You were one of the most talented actors of this time. Like your sister said, there will never be another Heath. RIP Heath Ledger. You will remain in my heart and memory forever.

i hope you get the peace you were looking for sleep tightly

Your memory will last forever, you are free

you are special person and will NEVER be forgotten!!!God bless your family, Michelle, and Matilda Rose

If that was your massage to us, let it be. You gave us something special witch we never forget. Never.

You have touched so many lives. You are beautiful. The world is a lonelier place without you but Heaven is blessed with your prescence.

you have moved the world by your passing heath like we have lossed a great energy from this planet to say you will be missed is not a big enough description of how we all feel you warmed my heart with each performance and you always made it seem so personal love again not a big enough word to describe the feelings felt for you we will all meet again in the world you are in now make it warm like your smile we shall be in your presence again some day but until then we have you on our screens when we need to be in your company missed always and forever heath