When somebody dies, a cloud turns into an angel,
and flies up to tell God to put another flower on a pillow,
A bird gives the message back to the world
And sings a silent prayer that makes the rain cry.
People disappear, but they never really go away.
the spirits up there put the sun to bed,
wake up grass, and spin the earth in dizzy circles,
Sometimes you can see them dancing in a cloud during the day-time,
when they're supposed to be sleeping.
They paint the rain-bows and also the sunsets
and make waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to wishes.
And when they sing wind-songs,
they whisper to us,
don't miss me too much.
The view is nice and i'm doing fine.

you touched us with your smile and your heart and you will live on forever in all of us and your little girl RIP mate

I am honored to say i am doing a rememberance song at my school for him singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" from his great movie 10 Things I Hate About You. Rest In Peace...this tribute is for you Heath.

When Tomorrow starts without me
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me,
I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me, as much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready, in heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought, I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for, so much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible, I was leaving you.
I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterdays, the good ones and the bad.
If I could relive yesterday, just even for awhile,
I'd say good-by and kiss you, and maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized , that this could never be,
For emptiness and memories, would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I though of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From his great golden throne,
"This is eternity, and all I have promised you,"
Today for life on earth is past, but here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last,
And since each day's the same, there's no longing for the past.
But you have been faithful, so trusting and true.
Though there were times you did things,
You know you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven, and now at last are free.
So won't you take my hand, and share my life with me?
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart.
Author Unknown

I cant believe tmrw is a month of his death... I still think about him constantly and it seems that I am still in shock with his death. I will never stop missing you, heath. We love you!!!!!!!!

Two years ago I suddenly began buying all of Heath's movies. I began to research his life and career. I was so happy to watch his success. It gave me inspiration. I have a son near his age and also hope he finds life rewarding. I was looking forward to every new film Heath chose to do. I am not even someone who knew him but my heart goes out to those who did. The sad part is, I know Heath would still want to be among us.

almost a month it's still hard to believe that his gone i'll miss you a lot Heath rest in peace MY LITTLE ANGEL

One month later, I am still so sad in the loss of this man - I found the perfect song for you, Heath - "Name" by the GooGooDolls. You are now a bright light in the Universe as you were here on Earth.

Your life was a true "Knights Tale"

A really great man never dies. For his life might have ended but his greatness lives on. Since I saw him in "Ten Things I Hate about You" I knew he would be a great asset to the acting world as well and the world itself. Heath was a old soul and will live on in our hearts and screens forever.

I have been saddend by this tragic loss of such a wonderful actor who I am sure was wonderful person. A light has gone out in Hollywood: for a thoughtful actor, a delightful person through and through. Heath Ledger was one a million. As an actor, you were a very specail person. You are loved by many, not for just acting, but for you as a person. Heath Ledger was a loving son, brother, and father to a wonderful little girl name Mitilda. You and your family will be in my thoughts and my prayers as well. I was looking forward to many more great films. I can't wait till the dark knight comes out in theaters in July. May god bless your family, my heart goes out to all of you. I love you Heath Ledger.


"I thought he was the kind of actor that made you feel as if you knew him personally. I feel sad for his family and friends. He will be missed greatly by many."

just tears rolling down my face for such a tragic loss of a man, father & brilliant actor. You will live on in your baby girl & the hearts of not only those who knew you, but all of us who loved you.

He was not a Great actor but a Loving father to his baby girl. He will be missed and never forgotten. He will live on in his baby girl.

rest in peace my thoughts are with your family

I have been saddened by this tragic loss of such a wonderful actor who I am sure was a wonderful person
who will always be remembered for his beauty.
god bless his family.

to lose someone so young is a tragic and terrible lost for everyone, but my heart feels pain for heath's daughter who will never know her dad and I hope that she will grow to know how much everyone admired the work he did and how sad everyone was about his tragic death

of all the movies i seen him stare in he still brings a smile to my face.
he is gone but not lost
he changed my life and now i want to do so much with my life because he made me realise how important life is
thank you heath
jenni xxxxxxx

Its been a week since i wrote my last memory and the pain and heartache is so much stronger I can t stop thinking of you dying all alone someone should of been there with you ,maybe you would still be with us now I so wish we could turn back time I will love you for always Heathxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Still does not seem real. I know he will always be with his girl Matilda. She is so much like him in so many ways. RIP Heath. Keep doing what you do best in heaven. Your smile lit up a room, you had such a great perspective on life and love. Thank you for leaving us with so many brilliant movies to remember that beautiful face xxxx

At the end, your face was a vision of loneliness and darkness. I wish I could have helped your pain. You were lost too young. God rest your soul and help us that are left here if you can.

Well i just became a big Heath Ledger fan after i watched brokeback mountain and candy and i can seriously say that he was one of best actors I've seen in my life time 17 years may not be much but the point is we've lost a very special person you will be missed by many and loved by all rest in peace

A light has gone out in Hollywood: a brilliant light; a thoughtful actor; a delightful person through and through. The world will never know the awesome and unfulfilled potential of one of the sincerist and talented young actors of all time. He was one in a million.

I will miss all that you were kind enough to let your fans in on,the characters who will never be represented by you,and your onscreen charm.God Bless the loved ones you left behind,may they find strength in one another.

Mechikung e Heath...A Dios lobengkem :*(

I always felt that as an actor, you where a very special person. You are loved by many, not for just your acting, but for you as a person. I was devastated by your untimely passing. May God be with you, for we will all see you again. God bless your family, my heart goes out to them.

i will miss you alot

A loving son, brother, friend, but most important, a loving father. May your family and friends find strenghth at this difficult time. Such a wonderful actor taken too soon. Thank you and the cast of Brokeback Mountain for the amazingly haunting story. I could see much of myself in the role you played. I only wish I could have met you to thank you. You are loved and missed.

Still can't say goodbye.....until we meet again.

You will allways be in my heart and dreams...I think about you all the time. How can it be, that MY favorite actor dies by accident, and this young? I was looking forward to many more films, that I could enjoy alone with my self....smiling at you and dreaming of you and me and what if.....?!? Now I only have my semiboring married life with 3 darling kids and a "not as attractive as you" husbond, and no nice dreams of going to brooklyn to bump into you and....Maybe we´ll meet in heaven, because I´m sure, you are there....Just some silly thoughts and lost hopes and dreams. My best to your family and loved ones. RIP Heath - love Gitte

Heath, you are with your father now, you gave the world so much we will miss you peace my friend we love you. gone but we will not forget you rest my friend.

My thought of Heath's passing was he was so young. May the Lord bless his family and peace in God's Love.

Rest in peace Heath you was such a great actor and you inspired many people you was taken to soon , but they say all the good die young witch is not fair. my heart goes out to all your family, Michelle and im sure Matilda will grow up knowing what a great man her dad was who was loved by many. R.I.P Heath .

How sad for us all that we have lost such a beautiful, kind, exceptionally gifted actor. I hope where ever his soul may be, he knows how much he is missed. Time only seems to make us sadder, realizing he is gone for good and there will be no more acting, no more photos. God bless and keep Heath. What an amazing angel he must be!
His family , and especially his beautiful little daughter,remain in my prayers.

you will not be forgotten.

I would like to say goodbye to the body, for we all know his spirit shall live on.
though I did not know him in person I would like to thank him for opening my eyes. He let me realize what true love was about on his performance on brokeback mountain.
He was and will always be known for his kind ways and his amazing talent...I love you HEATH!!!
my condolences to his beautiful child and his family.

It's weird I did not know the actor, but I am very saddened by his untimely death. I think I feel so bad is for two reasons one being that he was so young, and the other being his daughter. Poor Matilda will really only know her father through movies, and hopefully as Michelle stated she will know her father through her as well. I truly is sad, and his talent will truly be missed. Rest in Peace Heath. You have left a remarkable impression on many people. Still not fair your not around to see your daughter grow up, and be a beautiful young lady

I´m gonna miss your beautiful brown eyes,that was the mirror to your lovely soul.Your adoreble smile that took away all the pain in my heart.You were/still are the man that was so special in so many ways.I´m gonna miss your acting skills(you are the greatest)and you as a man with a big,gentle heart.How many nights haven´t I seen you in my dreams...There will never be another Heathcliff Andrew Ledger again and that breakes my heart.When you lived my heart was broken because you would never be mine.Now my heart breakes because your gone and that you will never be mine...I love you.You will be in my thoughts forever and always.Rest in peace,and maybe I will meet you in the next life...

Its a sad thing he left at such a young age.He had alot to give to the world as an actor and as for his little girl well she will remember him every time she looks in the mirror because she looks just like him..As i watch his movies it comes over me as how sad, too be gone so soon.May you rest in peace and now you are an angel watching over us.God Bless his family and friends

rest in peace

There is nothing I can say that will make any of us feel better, but I like what Cherish in Australia said about throwing roses into the ocean; what a beautiful way to remember him!
I have cried a lot over his passing as well and have prayed for his family and friends (specifically Michelle and Matilda).
Heath had such a beautiful special love for Matilda that is rarely seen these days.
I was watching a clip from the interview that Oprah had with the cast from Brokeback Mountain and Heath was discussing the loves of his life and Michelle said ".....but you should see the way Matilda looks at her daddy." That just broke my heart and brought me to tears, that Matilda will never see or feel that love. I can only pray that she will get a great sense of that love through her loving family around her as she grows up.
May we all be reminded of the goodness, compassion and love Heath showed everyone and strive to follow in his footsteps. Maybe we can make a change in someone else's life like he did in ours.

A wonderful actor taken from us and his family. He will never be forgotten as I watch Brokeback Mountain almost every other day.

Even though it is out of the news, I still think about Mr. Ledger and wish his family well through a tough time.

man were all gonna miss you so much, such a graet actor and dad!!! you wil never be forgoten!!!my best to his family!!!
R.I.P HEATH LEDGER!!!<3<3<3<3

missed always and forever!!!

We'll never forget you, I love you, I will always love you.

ti ho conosciuto con Roar..ho seguito la tua crescita,ti ho amato eri il mio attore preferito(e lo sei ancora)combattevo e ti facevo conoscere a chi mi chiedeva chi fossi...sei un grande sto male al pensiero che tu nn ci sia più...Addio Heath..ILY
Resta in Pace

heath, its horrible what happened but your legacy will live on. thank you for the memeories you are leaving behind of a wonderful actor, father and so much more. rest in peace

You will be missed. you were one of my favorite actors and you always will be the family is in my prayers