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17 years ago

Your amazing film work touched us deeply...you were a beautiful man with a soul and spirit that leaped from the screen into our hearts...a celluloid hero like no other!

17 years ago

hi all heath was to me like the friend you never knew love your flim your shyness but the loveing why you had for your fans you will be missed but yet always be here in your movies pray for your family and friends to realize your not gone just a movie away we will see and love you more each day . god bless you and your family the lord keep your family will and happy ty for the momiers Phyllis fox amarillo tx

17 years ago

Rest in Peace you were great your daughter will be proud to have called you daddy

17 years ago

Heath You were a great Actor, and in my heart you will always be.. You will be missed here on earth, but I know some day I will see you again in heaven... My heart goes out to the Family all of you are in my prayers...Keep your head up high, because he will always be in your heart, and all the memories is what lines with in and no one can take that away from you.. Matilda I know you are still young, and it will be hard for you later on, but it does get a little better...Just try to remember the good memories that you remember or hear, because Your dad was the best and from what Ive seen or heard His Family meant a lot, specially you... We dont know when its our time to go, but live your life to the fullest, enjoy it and rejoice it, thats what your Dad would have want you to do.. And as long as we believe, when its our time we will see our loved ones in Heaven.. Take care and God Bless... With love A

17 years ago

I will miss you...you were a true credit to your craft...

17 years ago

Thanks For all your great movies... Monster's ball was astounding! All my love to your family! And to Matilda the Sweet baby girl...I know your daddy is watching you from heaven....

17 years ago

You had such a wonderful talent. Also a loving father to a spitting image little girl. You will be missed by so many. Your death is such a loss to us all. God bless you and thank you for giving us such pleasure.

17 years ago

I will never forget meeting you on the set of A knights Tale! you infinitely changed My Life forever Thank you for being such a wonderful friend through the years. I will miss our wonderful indepth conversations. My heart goes out to your Daughter , your Family and Michelle~ I share your Favorite Poem with those who morn you and miss you greatly! ~ The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! The sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; it moves us not.-Great God! I'd rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on its pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn, ~William Wordsworth (1770-1850) calla-83529@mypads,net

17 years ago

Heath Ledger.. a very gifted actor, an a passionate caring dad, you will be missed an my thoughts an prayers g out to your family an your baby girl rest in peace we love you.

17 years ago

Heath, I'll never forget you and my thoughts are with your family and your little girl. I love you forever, you were a great actor whom shouldn't have went home so early in you life, we will all miss you like crazy

17 years ago

Heath Ledger.. Un homme innoubliable!! Un de mes acteurs favoris, toujours aussi performant et surprenant. Il était bel homme en plus !! Le décès de Heath Ledger me boulverse.. Mes condoléances à la famille et aux amis.

17 years ago

heath, we'll never forget you, you are still on our heart, your talent, your charism,... Sleep in peace, we love you

17 years ago

Heath: An unforgettable man

17 years ago

I will always love Heath, he was a down to eath guy, an amazing actor and of course an amazing father figure for Matilda, my thoughts are with his family, Michelle and of course with his beautiful daughter, may he rest in peace. Michelle's so lucky for bringing to the world Heath's legacy. I loved when he sang in 10 things i hate about you.

17 years ago

I remember going to see 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU when I was 9 or 10. I didn't get most of the jokes, but since then it has been once of my favorite movies...mostly because of Heath. He was such a talented actor. I loved watching him on screen. I always respected the way that he and Michelle carried themselves and how they lived their life away from Hollywood. I expected so many great things from him. I don't think I'll be able to watch THE DARK KNIGHT without becoming emotional. Heath was a real actor...not a celebrity. It's so unfortunate that his daughter will never know her father, his family will never get to see their son/brother/nephew/uncle again, and his fans will only have one more chance to see his beautiful presence on the big screen. My thoughts are with his family, Michelle, and little Matilda. May he rest in peace.

17 years ago

Just watch "Casanova" and remember a naice young man, with a lot of talent, its sad when life is short and we dont have time to all the things we plan...Meibe he was tired and stop living, meibe it was a bad moment and sadness was more strong then courage to Heath... Who knows! Our head is so peculiar like death...So he just leave. Know all we have is , Memories... Rest in peace... IsaCraveiro from Portugal

17 years ago

A shy, quiet man with an incredible hidden talent until he began to mix up his movie choices and roles. Handsome, intelligent, down-to-earth - way too young to lose such an incredible man and talent. My heart goes to his family, friends, fans, and especially to his daughter Matilda.

17 years ago

when we watch a good movie you will always be remembered

17 years ago

~~ In Loving Memory of Heath Ledger ~~ GOD CARES WHEN WE LOSE SOMEONE SO SPECIAL We may never understand why someone caring, kind and good Would have to leave us long before we thought they would, Yet, comfort comes in knowing God is with us every day And grieves with us when one so full of goodness slips away. And so, we trust His steadfast love through sorrow, pain, and fears, As He holds us gently in His arms and wipes away our tears. ~~ Emily Mathews ~~ ' A loved one lives forever in the hearts of those who cared, A loved one lives forever in the memories that were shared' May angels wrap all who grieve up in tender wings to comfort you!

17 years ago

you will be missed by all, fans, and your family will miss you very much

17 years ago

Let him go in Peace and allow his family the privacy they deserve. To Michelle and Matilda: Godspeed to you both. To the Ledger Family: Remember the joy and hold onto it forever.

17 years ago

sadly missed, you will be missed by all family, friends, fans, and especially your children. I will pray for you and your family. I'm sorry, this is a horrible tragedy God be with you and your family. I will remember you always.

17 years ago

heath why did you go I miss you come back I wish you could be here with me telling me goodbye!!! I lOVE YOU WE ALL MISS YOU!!!!!!@

17 years ago

why why did you go heath you were so hot why did they take so so young you forgot to kiss me goodbye

17 years ago

I miss you Heath. Rest in peace. A

17 years ago

Heath, only God knows why he took you from us so young, but always know, that you have touched our hearts on so many levels. Every movie you made, we watched and waited with anticipation. May your family, friends know that you were loved from both near and far. Rest in Peace Heath. May your daughter always remember a loving father who would do anything for his little girl.

17 years ago

Rest in Peace and good travels, May God watch over your family and allow them to feel peace that you walk with the clouds... Marie

17 years ago

My heart aches for Heaths' family and friends.... what an incredible loss, but what beautiful memories he made in his too short life !! Be strong.

17 years ago

Well, I am in disbelief that you are gone. I have never been affected in such a way that I am now from a loss to someone that I did not even know in person till I lost you. I wish there was a way I could turn back time and take care of you and help you through your troubling times....I just wish there was a way, but I can't. So my prayer is that you are safe in God's hands and that He is taking care of you. I have learned so much about you since you have gone, that I did not know before...and you were such an amazing man with such a huge heart, someone that i think anyone could have been a friend to, A kind, gentlehearted, loving person and a wonderful father to a little girl who looks just like her daddy. I love you and miss you Heath and You will always be in our hearts forever. God bless, Kristy

17 years ago

Heath.....I can't even begin to fathom the emotions you have felt when you awoke and knew you were no longer with us. Whatever life and world you are in now, know that it was for a reason. I know you felt that your true existance was always for the moment, in the now. You gave us just that and we all could only wish to see what more you would have given us...your audience. I know in my heart you are truly still with us. Let the unknown of the afterworld take you to a peaceful and resting place. You did what you needed to do here and we are all very thankful for what you have given us. We all have wonderful pieces of your work to reflect on and I can't wait for your final project to enlighten us during this sorrowful time. You were truly a gift to us all and I can't wait to finally meet you in the next life. Know that your fans will keep a watchful eye on little Matilda and hope that she takes over the flight of your wings. Until the future of her unfolds, your legacy continues to upholds us all. RIP....with love....Faith*

17 years ago

Heath, i didnt know you in person but i know in my heart you were one of the good ones. dispite what the tabs say i believe that you werent trying to hurt yourself and it was an accident. God took you too soon and i will miss you! please know you were loved so very much by so many people. not to mention you were such a hottie! It sounds silly but i think i fell in love with you a little when you sang the song on 10 things to julia on the bleachers, why cant real guys be silly in love like the for real?

17 years ago

I don't know why this happen. Is hard to know that never he will be with Us.¡¡¡¡¡I will rememeber and love you for ever!!!!!

17 years ago

The twinkle in your eyes will be so very missed, rest peacefully Heath and God Bless you and your family.

17 years ago

I wish there was a way to turn back the clock Heath…and stop this from happening… One of the most talented and promising actors… so many images left unseen, so many emotions left to portray. And on top of it all, you seemed to be a genuine, nice and real person… Wish I could turn back the clock and stop this from being true… You won my heart…talent is a most splendorous thing… I wish I could still watch you when we were both in our 60’s. Wish there was a way… My heart sunk when I first heard you were gone… And it sinks everytime I think of you… I just shake my head in sadness and disbelief... I can´t take your face out of my mind Heath, and Gustavo Santaolalla’s “The Wings” from Brokeback’s soundtrack is playing in my head and won’t stop…Probably because it’s so sad, and so beautiful, and it reminds me of you… Rest in peace, Heath. May our love for you help ease the pein of those closest to you, and especially, may our love protect your lovely Matilda Rose through life... This is just me, one who never met you but now feels as if she lost a very dear and close, special friend, saying goodbye… You’ll forever be up there with the greats to me Heath… It’s really hard letting you go… You will be missed. Love always, Daniela.

17 years ago

i know that i sure will miss him in all the movies and he was a great actor and he will be remember as a great actor and a dad to his little girl.

17 years ago

loving u missing u every one wishes 2 b u hope 2 see u but not 2 soon

17 years ago

I've only seen two of your movies, but I walked away thinking, "I must keep an eye on him." You were someone I was looking forward to watching grow older, wiser, handsomer. I was one who always knew your name when others didn't, who pointed you out proudly saying, "don't you know... that's Heath Ledger." I have never lost anyone close to me... I have never had to mourn anyone... and yet here I am, crying over the loss of someone I didn't even know. That's how special you are. Others know what I am talking about. Others of our generation have broken down on the drive home from work or school thinking, "it can't be... we were supposed to be the exception, the invincible, the generation where things like this didn't happen." You brought the frailty of life to my attention... something I have slowly taken advantage of... and now, I find myself looking at my husband, a man of the same fair hair and rugged good looks, in a different and softer light... a light where I must involve myself to him in every moment because the next, as you have reminded all of us, might not be there. You are forever in my memory... and I thank you simply for sharing yourself with the world.

17 years ago

You are at one with the angles. A person can change their stars God bless you.

17 years ago

i remember the first time i saw this talent, bright, loving man. it was in roar and i thought he's going 2 go far. and he did as far as heaven would let him go. i just can't believe he's gone. it's like some dream that u can't wake up from. he had so much to live for and look forward to. i just can't believe he's not here. i love him so much and he inspired me in so many ways. he is the reason i want in this business. he did the moives that no one else would. and for that i love him. my heart and love goes out to his family, michelle, and especially his beautiful, larger than life daughter matlda. i hope she will always remember her father as this bright shining star that loved life and lived it to the fullest everyday. love u heathcliff andrew ledger and i always will. rest in peace. see u on the other side.

17 years ago

rest in peace heath You will be missed. Love you and your movies. To me you are the best.You love shined though you work

17 years ago

My heart has been so heavy, We put such pressure on the people we ask to entertain us. I hope this will remind people to be more respectful of the private lives and needs of people like this lovely young man. His warmth came out so often for castmates in Brokeback Mountain. It was a lovely and tender thing to see. I wish comfort for Michelle and her child and for Heath's family. Thank you for sharing this beautiful young man with us. Sending love and healing to you. Hope Heath is in a joyful and restful place. Laddie

17 years ago

Eras um bom actor. Gostei quando entraste no filme dos "irmaos de grimm" , adorei esse filme. É uma pena teres morrido tão novo, tinhas talento, carreira, vida.. Estaras na memoria de todos . beijinhos para ti e para tua familia

17 years ago

You will be missed..................... God is watching over you................ God gives, God Takes.............

17 years ago

May the road rise with you. May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God keep you in the hollow of his hand.

17 years ago

He was the really great actor. It was the first time I was crying when died someone who I didn't know. But for me Heath is still alive - in his films and in his smile! ['] ['] [']

17 years ago

It's a terrible shame that this has happened.The world has lost a talented and gifted young man. Few and far between are there - that don't jump up and shout "Look at me - I'm a star!" He was quiet and gracious, meek and mild yet very strong when it came his family and values - protecting them. To his parents - well done! You raised him well. Deepest condolences in your loss. The world grieves with you.

17 years ago

Dear Family, I will always remember your son as Gabriel Martin in The Patriot. He was absolutely perfect as Mel Gibson's son. I was on vacation in South Carolina, where every scene for this movie was shot. I read the island scenes were filmed on a very small island just off Edisto Island. I left Myrtle Beach and drove to Charleston and on to Edisto Island. This summer of 2000 will always stand out in my memory. Too I loved your son in A Knight's Tale. I loved the scene where the medieval dance turns into a modern dance; your gorgeous son danced so beautifully with the lovely young lady. Too it was so funny when the spectators at the joust did the WAVE! My prayers are with you as you suffer this painful loss! I have cried several times over Heath, and I did not know him. Sincerely, Dorothy Partridge School librarian (Media Specialist)

17 years ago

I will miss your work and look forward to watching Matilda growing up and finding out how wonderful you were and how many people adored you. She's a lucky little girl to have had you for a daddy.

17 years ago

Rest in peace Heath, your spirit brought movies to life. Your vibrancy has touched so many lives including mine, for which you will always be remembered. Pocivaj vo mir...

17 years ago

Heath touched so many lives with his spirit and soul! He brought movies to life!! He was an amazing person that touched so many people over his career! To those closest to him, I am deelpy sorry for your loss and the loss his daughter will realize later in life!! He smile was brighter than the sun!! RIP Heath you had a grat heart!

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