You Only Brought Joy & Smiles to my life. You lived for me. I'm still in Love with You

i still miss you! RIP my aunt Ify...........

Ify, I will always miss you. Continue to be in the bossom of the Lord till we meet to part nomore.

A mother, a sister, a friend and a role model all in one
Big Sister

A mother, a sister, a friend and a role model all in one

May u continue to rest in the lord.

Ify continue to rest in perfect peace. I know without doubt you are by the throne singing hosanna in the highest to our almighty.

Ifeoma Adibenma, Ezigbo Nwanyi, Omaricha Nwa. Safe Journey till we meet in Paradise. I have no choice than to make heaven because that is the only place to see you again. It is very painful but to God be the glory. Just learn t of your death today while searching Facebook. I couldn't believe it.
Oge, take heart and be consoled because Ify fulfilled her purpose on earth. I am her course-mate in ABSU. She was an exceptionally brilliant girl. I thank God for her life.

Ifeoma, my family and I got the news of your death today and it was shocking.You passed away since 2007? Your late mum was my mother's best friend.Your late brother Chidi was like a son to my mum. I knew you since I was 4yrs old till we attended Constitution Cresent,Aba and we where always on the same bench. Oge I hope you do remember me. Its me Oguguo Nwamara. Amarachukwu and Ugochuwu's younger brother. We lived in your house as your father's tenants in Aba.

I really miss you like never before, especially today being my birthday, I imagined what it would have been like with you present and my mind roam through the pass years of memories, You were the best, irreplaceable, unforgettable and undeniable. Every passing day reminds me of you, everything and anything reminds of you. I will indeed always cherish you and all the memories, i will always love you.

Angel,everyone is missing: your uncles,your cousins,your friends,and your inlaws etc...I never get to meet you when you're still alive but I've heard so many good things about you,well I know that you are resting in the bossom of the lord and He's granted you eternal rest....Until we meet to part no more...Adiue my inlaw...

Angel,everyone is missing: your uncles,your cousins,your friends,and your inlaws etc...I never get to meet you when you're still alive but I've heard so many good things about,well I know that you are resting in the bossom of the lord and He's granted you eternal rest....Until we meet to part no more...Adiue my inlaw...

i greeted shock and a heavy heart the death of Ifeoma Adibenma, a rare gem indeed. i met her in my second year in FGGC Abuloma. she was a final year student but was a good friend i could easily talk with. she was special and i always had a smile on my face each time i thought about her. i was actually searching for her on face book when i saw the memorial. i was hoping i would have the opportunity of meeting her once more but i guess God alone knows why he took her so early. Adieu, my friend. i know you are resting in a better place. until we meet again, you remain one of the best things that happened to me in FGGC Abuloma. Onyinye Mbeledogu.

my angel, my sister, rare gem, beautiful in and out, one of a kind i could go on and pon i miss you so much but know that u are in better place resting in teh bossom of our Lord - who you served tirelessely until lth every end. RIP Aunty IFY
15 years agoMy Angel, I 've really missed uuuuuuuuuuuuu. Just like yesterday, u've gone to be with the LORD. Your life is an epitome of God's grace & love. I still remember those times we spent together in laughter, love & harmony. Those are good memories that can never be wiped off. You touched many lives both spiritually, morally, physically & emotionally. Sweet heart, "Ada Jesus" my beloved, continue to rest in the LORD'S bosom. Shalom!!!
14 years agoyou ve really touched so many lives on earth....i am writing this message becos i just tot of u and how nice and happy and a caring person you are indeed a great loss to d entire nation and most especially your family members ...u told me u were gonna help me come over to london to complete my studies,but now big sis i am already a time flies..i believe u are resting in d bossom of the lord now...your legacy and ur prints on the sand of time is so clear in in peace my dearest cousin.....from my humble self jerry esq