I'm certainly in a position to appreciate all that Ivan did for Nulungu. He was tireless in his physical efforts around the grounds, especially especially preparing the Gogler Oval. But he was also most conscientious in his teaching relationship with the students.
He and Nick were the closest of buddies and I'm sure they will be united in heaven now! And don't let it be forgotten that when Kamahl (our pet Labrador) was getting old and a bit arthritic Joan and Ivan became loving carers to him. It was at a time too when Nick was elsewhere from Broome.
Peter Hardiman

Ivan Gogler
Ivan must have been in St Enda’s Juniorate when Nick Bilich was in the Scholasticate – as Ivan spoke of Nick coming over to the Juniorate to add the finishing artistic touches to a stage prop cottage that he, Ivan had been building. (based on information Ivan submitted for inclusion in life of Br Nick Bilich)
Br Ray O’Donoghue says that Ivan’s mother provided the money for an image (shrine/picture/window) at Rostrevor College in memory of one of her sons who had died.
Quotes from the Broome CB Community Annals:
1978 - Ivan is listed as a new staff member at Nulungu College, Broome.
1979 “Over the Christmas holidays, Ivan Gogler had begun work on clearing and levelling the area set aside for an oval and in February, Des Higgins kindly donated his time and a D8 to complete the clearing. Due to the tremendous drive and energy of Ivan the areas was soon surveyed with the help of students and the planting of the couch grass commenced. This consisted of groups of students armed with scissors and knives going down to the wharf or any area where suitable grass grew and filling bags with runners. When a suitable amount was collected we would borrow a rotary hoe and another section would be planted. The levelling has proved to be a very valuable ‘workforce’ area and the boys particularly have taken a great pride in their efforts.”
1980 “Midway through 1980 Ivan Gogler retired as Science Master. Ivan had worked extremely hard particularly out of school time and is almost solely responsible for our present oval.”
Personal Reflection: I came to Nulungu in mid 1990. There was a prominent sign on the oval – “The Ivan Gogler Oval”. Several who had spent several years at Nulungu would often talk about this fact. During most of my time in Broome (1990 - ) Ivan ran a Shop he called “The Poster Shop” selling and laminating posters and framing art. Each year he would print off, laminate and sell the tides chart for the year. This was very popular as many Broome people spent a lot of time fishing and tidal information was essential as there was such a difference in tidal ranges (around 9 metres at the king tides). Ivan counted the parish collections each Monday and was a regular attendee with his wife Joan at Parish and civic functions. He was very close friends with Br Nick Bilich and they spent much time together until Nick died in 2000.
In later years Ivan became slower in movement and speech, eventually spending much time in a wheelchair. Ivan and Joan had an extensive undeveloped property close to Cable Beach which they later sold, moving into a home in the nearby Sunset subdivision. As Ivan’s condition deteriorated and Joan’s ability to care for him declined, they both moved into the Southern Cross Home in Broome.
Later they both moved into care in Sydney where Ivan died Tuesday 8th March 2011 at the age of 79.
Berkeley Fitzhardinge - March 2011.