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5 years ago

miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba

5 years ago

miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba

5 years ago

jus wanted to say happy birthday. got back from utah shortly before going to school n had a rly hard time adjusting. made some stupid mistakes. although met some amazing people. then got my life together around the beginning of 2019. been alot happier because of the new people im around now. esp a special guy; hope we have lunch w him some day... been in a much better place in life and jus wish u could see me now. i rly changed dad. miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba

5 years ago

idek if people look here anymore but i jus wanted to say happy birthday. summary of the year- i got back from utah shortly before going to school. had a rly hard time adjusting. made some stupid mistakes. although met some amazing people. then got my life together around the beginning of 2019. been alot happier because of the new people im around now. esp a special guy; hope we have lunch w him some day... been in a much better place in life and jus wish u could see me now. i rly changed dad. miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba/Jaude

5 years ago

well...idek if people look here anymore but i jus wanted to say happy birthday and i miss u tons. summary of the year- i got back from utah shortly before going to school. had a rly hard time adjusting. made some stupid mistakes. although met some amazing people. then got my life together around the beginning of 2019. been alot happier because of the new people im around now. esp a special guy; hope we have lunch w him some day... been in a much better place in life and jus wish u could see me now. miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba/Jaude

5 years ago

well...idek if people look here anymore but i jus wanted to say happy birthday and i miss u tons. summary of the year- i got back from utah shortly before going to school. had a rly hard time adjusting. made some stupid mistakes. although met some amazing people. then got my life together around the beginning of 2019. been alot happier because of the new people im around now. esp a special guy; hope we have lunch w him some day... been in a much better place in life and jus wish u could see me now. miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba/Jaude

5 years ago

well...idek if people look here anymore but i jus wanted to say happy birthday and i miss u tons. summary of the year- i got back from utah shortly before going to school. had a rly hard time adjusting. made some stupid mistakes. although met some amazing people. then got my life together around the beginning of 2019. been alot happier because of the new people im around now. esp a special guy; hope we have lunch w him some day... been in a much better place in life and jus wish u could see me now. miss u dad.. love u tons happy birthday big fella. rest up -jamie (lil jay) Dubba/Jaude

8 years ago

9 years ago

Hey daddy, Jamie here. I really miss u. I'm sure u can see me crying from heaven. you're probably drinking a beer. Thanksgiving wasn't the same. I sorta had fun. Well i'm not sure if i did because of so much stress....we met Sarah and Callie today and i don't know if they like me. Dinner was ok-too sophisticated for me. I just want to talk to you. I cant see you anymore...where did u go? Love, Jamie/Dubba p.s. moving on is hard

10 years ago

Jay...I am reading the directions..!!!!...Love to you...Nana and PJ

10 years ago

Missing you! xoxoxo

11 years ago

5th grade send off last night. The girls are getting so big. Middle school and High school next year.....We saw the dragonflys last night. We know you are with us.....We miss you. We love you. Always and forever. Always and forever. Keep staying close to us, it gives us comfort and peace. Love you...A

11 years ago

Happy Belated!!! I miss you always and forever!!!

11 years ago

I miss you everyday and feel you with us always...

11 years ago

Happy Birthday sweetheart. I love you always.

11 years ago

Merry Christmas, little brother... Why does everything remind me of you? I think about you everyday and miss you so much....

11 years ago

Merry Christmas, little brother... Why does everything remind me of you? I think about you everyday and miss you so much....

11 years ago

As you continue to watch over us, I continue to feel your blessings. I love you always.

11 years ago

We're going north for the New Year so you'll know where I'll be at midnight:) I will always and forever hold those memories close to my heart! Love and miss you!! J

Chris Rivera
11 years ago

Merry Christmas my friend........celebrate with love and laughter.. miss you Chris

Chris Rivera
12 years ago

Just wanted to stop by and say that I miss you. Danielle is coming home in a couple of days for a visit then off to Kansas!!!!! How happy she would be to come home and then come and visit. She talks of you often. Miss you my friend Chris

12 years ago

Dear Daddy, I miss you and I wish you were here to celebrate Father's Day with us. See you soon. Love you so much!! -Dubba <3 :)

12 years ago

12 years ago

11 years ago


12 years ago

12 years ago

Dear Big Daddy, If I had one day to spend with you it would be at the beach degrees and a slight wind chill. We would have a cooler full of Our favorite foods like: sushi, malted milk balls, and some pin wheels. Then we would go on a beach walk. With A.L, A.K, A.J, A.M, mommy, Tessa, and Lucy. With all my heart I would love to have you here. Stay with us please and show you are here please.

Mary Ellen
12 years ago

Jay, I just published my first children's book about summers at the lake. I dedicated it to you and Tommy. Miss you!

12 years ago

Missing you much, especially at this time of year. I wanted to stop by and wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! miss you : (

13 years ago

Hi Daddy!!!!!!! HOpe you enjoy Father's Day!!!! How is up there? I would suppose it would be AWESOME up there! :) I love you!!!!!1 Tessa H. P.S. Our Norwell didn't win the playoffs, unfortunetly.

13 years ago

Dear daddy, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is thinking about you. We all wish you were here today, and always!!! I/ everyone loves you!!!!!!! We love you so much that our heart could explode!!! What do you do in heaven anyway? Do you haunt mommys room? I think that would be fun to joke around, and scare people. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 WE love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S what does God do in heaven too? Love,Jamie(y) Holleran

13 years ago

Jon and I were at the BBQ the other evening and my asparagus was falling through the cracks, as always. Jon said, "Remember, a 90 degree angle..." We were both thinking of you at the same time! You were so right, Jay! We had fun, didn't we? Good Bless you, Andrea and the girls. LC

13 years ago

Dear daddy, My wish didn't come true. Well if you want to know it is to go fishing with you! Or catch a real fish. I was crying so hard because i missed you so much!!! Always remember, no matter what i love you to the moon... and back!!! xoxoxo!!! I miss you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I <3 U So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice time in heaven. I'm listening to the music and its very sad. I just want 1 more day with YOU and it will be the best day ever!!! <3, Jamie/ Dubba

13 years ago

I had lunch with Andrea the other day it was so great to see her and spend some time together. We are planning on a dinner soon because we have so much to talk and catch up on. We had some great laughs let me tell you. she amazes me!!!!! Miss you everyday, so hard sometimes to come into this place and know that you won't be here to chat with.....Know that you are thought of everyday and you will be forever in my heart.

13 years ago

Jay, We walked today for Pancreatic Cancer. Our Jay-Walker team raised over $5000 which will be used for research on what you referred to as this 'insidious disease'. It was a day that according to meteorologists, including one in the family, predicted downpours during the walk. Ironically enough during the 3 hours we were at the park the sun shined. Did you bring the sunshine just for us? As soon as we got home the skies opened up and the downpours came. I felt your presence with us today and think about you all the time sometimes with smiles and many times with tears. It seems that everything reminds me of you in some way or another. So often I think that I could use your advice and maybe the thoughts in my head are coming from you. I hope you are watching over all of us and keeping us on the right path. I love you and miss you Jo

13 years ago

LIfe is moving on but not a day goes by without thoughts of you entering my mind. It is Mother's Day and I think of Andrea on this Mother's Day and the unbelievable job she is doing. I know you are looking over your family and must be at peace knowing Andrea is here caring for the girls. I miss you and still wish you were not taken from us so soon. Please put in a good word for us all up there with the powers to be. Love, Kath

13 years ago

Hey Daddy!!! Happy Mother's Day! Mom was very happy this morning. Hope you are too!!! :) <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Tessa H. Hi daddy. Today is Mothers day as you are watching. We made coupons for mommy!!! We also ate breakfast with her. And had a scavenger hunt!! i copied tessa's little heart thingy <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 -JAMIE(Y)

Nicole Johnson
13 years ago

Hi uncle Jay - We are bringing back team Jay Walkers in your name, thought you'd like to know. We're trying to raise $5K for the 5K! I love and miss you lots.

13 years ago

I took the girls away, and we got home today. We blew you kisses from Florida. I know you are at peace - and directing our lives from above now. Jamie and Tessa want to say something: Jamie:-i miss you very much daddy! I also want you to go fishing with gimpa too! Remember i love you so so so so so so so so so much!!! I love you as big as the world!!! Tessa-Hello! Last night I ate a big bite of dessert for u. I love you this much: from here( to here)

13 years ago

Jay, Happy Birthday!!! or should I say "Happa Bocca to you"!! I got up and went to Mass at 7am this morning....it made me feel a little closer to you on this special day. I think about you always and how important you were and are to all of us. Miss you and hope there is a party in heaven for you today!! Love Jo P.S. Thanks for the dollar bill..........

13 years ago

Happy Birthday Jay!!!!! I hope that you have the best. We miss you so much and talk about you all the time....That Jason he is a funny man!!!!! Good choice. And you know I have to say it YOU WILL ALWAYS BE OLDER THAN ME. I miss you so much.......but know that you are at peace. Love Chris

13 years ago

Tessa is here Daddy. She says Hi. <3

13 years ago

I know you are watching over us. I am so grateful for the gift of knowing that. I love you.

AnnMarie Morse
13 years ago

I haven't seen Jay since I moved from Peabody, MA in 1975. I recall his wisdom and drive to do his very best. I often wondered if he achieved his dream of becoming a CPA? How his parents and sibilings were doing. Did any of his family members still live in Peabody. Was he married and did he have a family etc. Today, I am saddened and shocked to learn of his passing. My heartfelt condolences go out to the entire Holleran family. Jay was kind, had a sense of humor, fun, and always strived to do his best. I have fond memories of spending time at the cottage in Moultenboro. I wish I had some magic words to lessen your pain. However, as a mom who lost my 22 year old daughter in 2005 to colon cancer, I know there are no magic words. I pray that all of you will find peace and happiness in the fond, beautiful, and treasured memories of Jay. From all that I read he was a great son, brother, uncle, husband, and dad. Respectfully AnnMarie Paonessa Morse Candia, NH 03034

Nicole Johnson
13 years ago

Jay, These open communications are a little awkward for me but thought that this poem would help others to understand that though you are missing the girls and Andrea, you are having your first of the most Blessed Christmas. I Love you and will miss you always, Linda "My First Christmas In Heaven" I see the countless Christmas trees Around the world below With tiny lights like Heaven's stars, Reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular, Please wipe away the tear For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs That people hold so dear But the sounds of music can't compare With the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you, The joy their voices bring, For it is beyond description, To hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart. But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear. And be glad I'm spending Christmas With Jesus Christ this year. I sent you each a special gift, From my heavenly home above, I sent you each a memory Of my undying love. After all love is a gift more precious Than pure gold. It was always most important In the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other, As my Father said to do. For I can't count the blessing or love He has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas and Wipe away that tear, Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year

13 years ago

Uncle Jay- just thinking about you a lot right now & missing you. Tom is dressing up as santa at the family party this weekend - I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it. Love you always.

13 years ago

Hi Jay, As life goes on without you, I continue to remember and be thankful of how lucky I am to be your sister. You make me proud even after your death as I read what friends and family have to say about you. Your death makes me re-evaluate my life and what is really important. Family is the greatest gift and despite our many differences, we seek to look beyond each other’s faults and appreciate every moment together. I know you have forgiven Mel for not attending your wake or funeral and although I have chosen not to dwell on it, I can't help but feel that I lost another sibling on that day. The memory of you taking your last breath is still so hard to think about but being surrounded by so many loved ones made it an indescribable spiritual moment. For whatever reason, Mel has made the choice to leave us out of her life and ironically you would have given anything to spend one more day with us. I am sure you and Dad will watch over all of us including Mel and her family. I count on that.... Thinking of you …especially during the holidays... but happy for the peace you share with Dad. Love always, Jo

Maddy Brust
13 years ago

hey jay, its maddy i danced with you at timmy's wedding!( you really rocked the dance floor). i was thinking of you when i went to a dance last night and i thought you could totally win the contest. i'm 13 now and in the 7th grade at daniels middle school and doning well. i was thinking of you. miss you

13 years ago

I really really miss you. Love Andrea

Chris Rivera
13 years ago

So many changes around here, making me very sad and making me think of you more......Jason and I talk all the time about you, do you hear us? He said you are laughing at him! It is not the same without you. I hold on to the memories and the fun we all had. The stories you would tell.....I miss you my friend, more than words can express. I know you are in a better place with no pain and watching over everyone. We can feel you honestly we can. Everyone in the hospital talks about you.....we miss you and your laugh and jokes. You will never be forgotten here! Miss you but know you are in peace.

13 years ago

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