I am here again just to talk,start getting moms place ready,she will be joining you soon.she was on her way according to the dr's but she refused,she was not ready to give up yet. but I don't think it will be long,she can't live alone now and her speech is not understandable and she is so confused.if she gets to leave the hospital she will go to the nursing home.I know she will be so happy to see you and I hope you will be waiting to open the door of heaven for her and help her thru to a better,happier and painless life.I love and miss you.vallerie

Jenny, I miss you every day. I miss your kindness and reassurance. You were my very best friend for a long,long time. We had some really good times and could talk about everything. I remember getting lost at night in that little fishing boat on Lake Ozark,I was so scared and you stayed so calm til we found the shoreline.
Life is hard without you but I pray to you sometimes and know you hear me.

Wow tomorrow it will be 3 years since you have been gone. Sometimes It seems like it was yesterday, that you where here. I only knew you for a few short years. But in them years you became my second mom. Cairra still talks about her nurse jenny. We shared some crazy times together. Polishing brass at the catholic church I still laugh about that. Painting your living room Red and pink, we spend 2 days doing that. You came over so i could cry on your shoulder when my cat franky disappeared. Trips to the swimming pool even tho I don't like swimming I always had a great time. Going to the park for cook outs. We spent a 4th of July together. And had Christmas dinner at your house one year. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. Some days I hope that it was all a dream and you will come to the house with skippy and adie. I hope now you are in peace and you have time for yourself you had spend so much time taking care of everyone else that you never got time for your self. I hope you found your dad since he has been up there and that he is healthy again, and you guys are enjoying a happy carefree life. . Miss you jenny...

Jenny I'm here again and still missing you, You have been gone 3 years now,and the hurt just gets stronger,and I guess I need you even more,Mom and I are no longer speaking ,I understand what you went thru even more now.I love you and will always miss you Vallerie,PS Richard Overman left us to be with you and I'm sure you guys are playing games and spending time together.till I see you again Love Vallerie

So many years ago, Jennifer, her parents and us would get together to eat, play Tripoly, go fishing or just visit. Our son, Gary was almost the same age and they played together endlessly. We have known Jennifer since the time she was born as Sue and I have been friends since High School. Her untimely passing has left a big whole in many hearts. May God bless her and her family.

Hi Sis
Its been almost a year and miss you more than ever,I know mom does to.I think of you almost daily.I wish we had spent more time together.You will never be forgoten .I love you.

You were always my sister,We had a love/hate relationship like most sisters have.We were absent from each others life's for so many years.Then our life's rejoined and we got to know each other as adults.We got to be friends as well as sisters.We got to share our first vacation together,not knowing you would leave just 3 months later.You played an important role in so many lives including mine. My daughter cherished your friendship,she called you her other mother.I'm so proud to be your sister,Your Love,Your Care.Your Kindness,and Your COOKIES will never be forgotton.I guess you knew Dad would need a special place in heaven so went to prepare that place for him because he left just 75 days later.
Jennifer,I'm sorry I never told you all the things I wanted to say. I LOVE YOU and miss you so much.
And Richard Thank you so much for this,She always loved you.

Jennifer was a classmate of my daughter, Mari Anne and graduated with her from Oswego High School in 1974. Jenny went away to college & pursued a nursing career. She retired in 2000 and moved back to Oswego to be closer to family. We became friends through church and the church choir. Jenny enjoyed singing and shared her talents with the choir. By the way, Jennifer, since Sacred Heart Church has been closed, the choir is singing every Sunday morning at Mother of God. The music is wonderful, but your beautiful voice is missed. Fr. Larry says he thinks of Jennifer every time he walks into the church and sees the sparkling tabernacle. He remembers all the hours she spent cleaning, polishing & buffing to get that "shine." You did good, girl.
You were fun to be around, Jenny, and I miss the good times we shared.