This afternoon I had the privilege of accompanying Jerahmia's mother, Vanessa and his sister Missy to the cemetery to visit his garden grave. It is so beautifully edged and decorated with various momentos. It was a hot afternoon, but the whole time we were there a gentle breeze caressed us. Absolute peace permeated the place. I was amazed that I didn't feel sad, none of us seemed to be overcome with sorrow. We just knew that he would like the way everything looks. Between this trip and working on a music tribute page yesterday, I actually feel like there is beginning to be acceptance and some closure for me. For that I am so glad, because I readily admit I have been a real mess emotionally. The peace that I felt there, I know, is just a glimpse of the peace that Miah now knows.

Jeremy, you came to me in a dream the other night. It was just as you sat and talked to me when you were a teenager. We were sitting on a bench with your dad on a sunny day,with a light breeze blowing. The sky was so blue and the grass was soft and green. You were so happy and so at peace. I put my hand on your knee and told you I loved you and you placed your hand on mine and with that big smile you said, "I know. I love you too." I looked over at your dad and he was also smiling. ( Something he does so little, since you left) I told you that all I had prayed for years was for you to find true happiness and to find your way back to us. You reassured me that you were finally happy and at peace. We sat there for a long time just talking and laughing like we did on the front porch glider when you were younger. You were so alive and vibrant. When I awoke, I longed to be back in your presence, in such peace and happiness. I miss you more than you will ever know. Thank you for helping me see that you are finally at peace and happier than ever! You were taken so young in life and it isn't anything we were expecting. Somehow I convinced myself that as you grew older, we would share many more happy memories like the one in my dream. Song #6 on your CD reminds me that we won't have a day but an ETERNITY together! It took me a while to be able to praise (sing) again, but I can't wait to sing with you again in heaven. I know that your voice is ringing out and blessing the angels! Till we meet again, Love, Becky (stepmom)

I remember one time Jeremy helped me move baby turkeys & also clean out the building afterwords, we stayed out there all day long & got all of it done in a day, work that should have took two to three days we compleated in a day, the spray crew could not believe it, Jeremy was a hudge help hear at the farm. I miss him so much & wish he was hear.
Love your Dad

I want to say thank you to all who have left memories & words of incouragement for Jeremy's family, they mean so much to me & the rest of the family & friends, Jeremy didnt know he was loved by so many, he would be so proud! Our e-mail address is mvcudney@yahoo.com, please leave us your e-mail address as you leave your memories & thoughts so we can e-mail you & talk. Again, thank you & keep them comming!
Jeremy's Mom

It is truthfully said that everyone must deal with grief in their own way. However, as we age we get a little better at it as our friends and loved ones pass on - except when it is one's own child who has left the world. No one can completely comfort you in your pain - we can only be there for you and encourage you to be brave. The wounds you will have will heal, but will leave you with permanent scars. Jerahmia's family and closest friends suffer the most. I was just an acquaintance of this young man - we met in Joplin and after he moved to Oklahoma we didn't keep in contact. He was energetic, vibrant, and radiated self-confidence. His smile alone could brighten anyone's mood. He was talented in song and always anxious to help out. There was never a dull moment when he was around. Jerahmia, if you can hear me, please know that you are loved and missed by all those whose lives you touched - even "just acquaintences" like me.

I remember meeting Jerahmia at a nursing facility in Quapaw OK, I had just started working there. He was so nice and hilarious! I loved working with him and will miss him dearly. I listen to this web page and become floored! His voice! Singing! WoW!

Your son's rendition of this song brought me to tears, knowing that he is no longer with us. Yet, the lyrics of the song are so true for all of us who believe. My prayers are with you during this time of grief and loss. May God give you peace and comfort.

I opened my son's bedroom door as I herd him singing in his room in front of the mirror! I was in "SHOCK" as I herd this beautiful voice that seemed to come out of nowhere! I could not believe it, then as quick as that happened he decided to go to the Christian book store to get some music so he could make a CD. So off we went to pick out the music, he was about 17 years old at that time, we came home with the songs he had picked out, he practiced (a little) in front of his mirror over the next few days & then went down to Central Christian Center in Joplin Mo & was put into the sound booth there, over the next few hours or so the CD was made, he then came home & I asked if he had gotten it finished & he said no with a blank look on his face, I was a little adgitated & said what did you do all that time you were gone, I figured he just went & goofed off in Joplin or something, well to my suprise he got that big smile on his face & put the CD in & I know the look I had on my face was TOTAL SUPRISE to say the least & then the tears came, I could not believe my ears & thought to myself that was the most beautiful voice & songs that I had ever herd. I remember crying & listening to those words in some of the songs, they sounded like a cry for help. I had not herd of most of them at that time but now I ask myself, how does a 17 year old go down & pick those kind of songs at his age, most kids would not have picked that kind of music to sing. I didnt know then what a true gift from God that this really was & little did I know that very CD that he made was the very music that would be played at his funeral & that Jesus already had Jeremy's life planned out from start to finish. Jeremy never boasted or braged about his voice, it is so very strange, he never acted like he even knew what an incredably beautiful voice he had, that is why I know that this was a gift from God to all of us, as a rememberance to him, & also Jeremy's testaony of his life & death. I also know this gift was left for me as his mom so that I can hear his voice every day if I want, I play it in my barn as I do my choors & sometimes I cry, sometimes I praise God for this incredable gift that I have to listen to, it is one of my most cherised posestions now from him. I know this will be a part of my heeling from this terrible loss & emptyness that I feel in my heart. I know that he is singing for Jesus in Heaven as he did on earth & that his voice is ringing out so that all Heaven can hear him. I often wonder now if Jeremy knew he was going to be taken as the chain of events that unfolded before & after his death. I didnt get to say goodby or tell him how much I loved him before he left me, my heart is broken, I wish I could have had one more hug, one more "I love you" but now I will have to wait to see you in Heaven my son. I look for you every day in the clouds above, some little sign or angel, I am looking for that breathtaking Eagle that flew so close over the top of me last year, I was in AWE as I watched him soar over my head, I have never seen an Eagle like that before so very close. I now wonder if that Eagle was there to tell me something as your favorite verse was Isaiah 40:31 Those who Hope in the Lord wil Renew their Strength. They will Soar on Wings Like Eagles & I know that is what you are doing, I look for you every day & I know you are free, as the Eagle represents Freedom! I love you with all my heart! My heart if broken but my heart rejoices also for you because you are free from pain, free from suffering, free from this cold world & in the arms of JESUS!

I came too this site too write something about the boy who died at six flaggs this weekend. I never met this young man, but what a power his voice had on me. I loved the music how blessed you are that you have this. I will never forget hearing him sing. He may be right he is very alive here.

If Jerahma's spirit was as beautiful as his music, he was a beautiful person. I'm sorry for your loss. ou have lost a son, a brother, a friend, but gained an angel. I'm sure he is watching over each and every one of you lovingly. God bless you all.

Today has been a tough one. All I wanted to do was sit around and feel sorry for myself. Finally I played some pop music, just like we used to listen to together. Cranked up the volume and the bass, just like we used to do. Surely I felt your presence there with me and remembered happier times and the ways you blessed and enriched my life.
PS Remember how I only listened to country music, when we first met? Oh my, how you changed that!

Good bye dear friend. For only in a short time will we be united together again. Your Light shines on, the memories of that bright twinkle in you eyes and that grimicing smile of yours keeps that shining light in my heart. My Friend Jeremy, Rest and soon we will not be apart .
God Bless You Jeremy, I know your in our Father's Hands Now. You will be deeply Missed here on earth, but only for a short time !
Never Forgotten, My Friend !
Becky McDonald
16 years agoJeremy this was when you had your 9th birthday with us. The picture is blurred because it was salvaged after the fire. This is how adorable you were when I met you. Love, Becky