Kathleen was always 'Mrs Murchie' to me as my first contact with her was through her son, Peter, my schoolmate, and through Peter's many sisters & brother. She was always willing to engage in political and oter debate and treated we adolescents with tolerance and respect not always forthcoming from all one's schoolmates parents.
It was evident that she took politics whether local or international seriously and was engaged with what mattered to her, though also capable of healthy sarcasm and cynicism when warranted.
I expect I'll only get a fuller picture of Kathleen,s involvemets with local (Sutherland) ALP politics and her persistent inputs into the nitty-gritty efforts which result in social change as the years roll on.
I will not be able/allowed to come to Kath's Funeral, a matter of great regret for me. But I do want Peter Carol Valerie janet Gillian Fiona and Alan to know how much I wanted to be there.
At least my absence might distract from Kathleen's favourite tale at my expense - that I was foolish and duplicitous enough to claim I wasn't a racist despite blaming her soot-black kitten Nicodemus for my treading on it as it was invisible in the dark at the Spur Crescnt doorstep. I never did live that down, did I, Mrs Murch ?
with love and condolences,
David McEvoy.