Meemee I need yew more than ever I'm freaking miserable he's I juss got in a fight with dad and Tiffany abot my grades !! I keep telling them I'm trying but they don't notice!! Then tiffany chimes in and I tell her straight up yew never help me even I I ask for help wiu home work yew never dew help and I don't want yer help I don't even like yew and I'm not the only one everyone ew think is yer friend they don't like ew they notice how mean yew are to me ... For instance in the past she tried to punch me for mouthing off and I graves her. Wrists and said don't yew dare hit me and if yew do I will hurt yew Soo bad cause yer not supposed to hit a child !! Ugh then after we got done arguing abot the grades she told me straigt up she doesn't love me she never has!! And when I went up stairs she told dad to send him back to his mother!! Ug I hope he does cause no one loves me here bt I know if I come back a lot of people will love me!!

Hey Sis can yew put pics of EVERYONE on here not yew gather separate like Jimmy Patrick moe Lisa kids yew Dave mom moe granny terra Megan Stevens girlfriend Sandra Grannys friend everyone yew know wat I mean

Mikey..Jimmy & Tera are not together anymore, haven't been for 3-4 years, maybe longer. I will gather some pics later today of gran, Moe, patrik & Sandra.

mikey im so sorry i havent been on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been distacted by my ipod i have been trying to get texting or i have been reading storys made by fans of books like what they want to happen and plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz call soon im on winter break so call plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz love your little sister maggie

Will somebody jus write something I feelleft out that no one has replied or said anything it's almost cristmas and I would like to tlk to yew guys on here ...hello

hey Mikey..I'm here :)

Hi Meemee I miss ew guys Soo mcuch!! I wish I can be ther fer Xmas bu. Cant I dunno if dad will let memcall bt if I dew I'm calling Patrick and Maggie so be next to one of them and don't tlk bout anything personal cuz dad will be listing he doesn't trust mee cuz he knows I wanna come back home really bad!!

Hey mom... I juss wanted to let yew know I miss yew a lot and I wish I can be home fer cristmas like I always supposed to be...! Ugh I have some weird friends I have friends that smoke pot and they told me to try it so I did and I got sooo stoned and I loved it ... I dunno if I'm doing ok I'm Jude living life to the fullest and idgaf if dad says anything cause he said he's going to send me back when I turn 18 bout freaking time !!!;)
I love yew always michael

Miss him so much I was going to come see him that summer I love you Kevin

who is this?

sorry i havent been on but i was practicing formy chorus christmas concert

Mom I miss yew everyday no matter wat it kills me knowing I'm no. With yew cause if anyone wanted me I was always with yew!! I wish I was there now cause all we would dew is party!! I loveto party I got trashed the other night at a frends house when dad wasn't here I miss yew Soo much and I wish I can put a picture on here of me but I can't but. I look a lot like Kevin trust me cause dad says I dew!!< 3 I love yew moma Alwas michael

My son you are a mixture of your father and I and is'nt it ironic that your brother your fifth brother Mikey looks so much like you and I sounds preverted cause the fathers aint the same only the mom you two are the only children I gave birth to that even resemble me I love you all every one of you all look like me or not can't change the fact I'm your Mother not perfect don't want to be you all aint I still love you all just the same faults and all just like I cant change you all are my kids cause you came out of me and I would'nt change a thing I give my life for each and everyone of you love you all Mom

Kev you would have loved the whole day on the water it was beautiful I know how much you loved the water we thought about you all day along with my brother Michael who loved the water also we laughed about you and talked about my brother Michael we miss you both so much so here is the hoo ray for both of you we miss you

Omg who are these women?!! I know muh beautiful family!! God I wish I was there we would of got our tann on!! Mom I miss you Maggie I miss you too but I dunno who the other one is but I Love yew person!!

My first born son loved by everyone a mixture of mom and dad even your looks a mixture of mom and dad we miss you every day our lives changed the day you went away we can never get it back your not here to keep your mom and dad on track we blame each other and that is so sad we would both give anything to have you back now our lives are forever changed until the day we both see you again love you Mom

te amo everyone do you know what that means? it means i love you. its in one of rihannas songs. te amo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

te amo mikey i love u. te amo. te amo. te amo always

te amo. te amo. te amo. te amo. te amo. te amo. te amo.te amo. te amo. te amo. mikey i love u now GET ON THE WEB SITE

I'm srry I haven't replied soon Tiffany found out I had her IPod touch!! She searched muh room but that stupid couldnt find it I hid it in mu droor she got mad so I put it. In her dresser dwn stairs so if I don't reply soon shes around!! Ti amo Maggie way ever that is!! Lol Jk love the pics look at muh comments on them

Maggie an yew make a video of mom or granny or Patrick or leasa or Meemee saying hi and a lot of other stuff and put it on here please that can be a Xmas present from you!! I would love that very much!!

Meemee love and miss you!! Very much yew have always been there fer me nomatter wat !! I wish I can be home... For crissmas !!;( peace and love to all

Merry Christmas to you Mikey. Love you much ((((HUGS))))

Maggie I love yew leave messages

has leesa and her childern me mama and granny

It wont play it doesn't even show!!

I put some pics up, one of mama, one of me with glasses on, and one of me without glasses on

Heyy Sis juss leave messages and check every couple mins I dew juss leave me a lot I like messages!! Xp

ok we need to set times and dates for coming on here at the same time to talk to each other

I'm on here now!!! Well if I can't call we have this!! But dad said I. Can call! So I will make sure yew put pics on here ok!!;)

i will put pics on here as soon as i can. and we are never on at the same time because of the time difference and i check the site whenever im on the computer i even check it on my phone

mikey are u sure you can keep the promise to call at christmas because i dont want u to make a promise u cant keep......... i love u and want u to call but r u sure u can? I must sound negitive!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok call me on christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i will be looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love u Maggie (aka your lil sis)

hey i wish u were here i wish u never left but u did buti still love u

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure everyone is missing a loved one from the table this year, just remember, they are with just have to believe. It's a time to remind ourselves that we do have a lot to be thankful for, including the time we had with our loved ones, no matter how long or short, it was God's will to place them with us and allow us to love them and create memories that no one can take away. Forever in my heart...Always on my mind <3

mikey if u can could u call me i would be soooooooooooo happy and joyful just to hear your voice. p.s. i miss u.

and please reply under this if u can or cant

Maggie I miss yew too! I will! Call at Xmas I promise. Tell patrick I love and miss him and tell mom I love her very much!! Well I will check again l8er ok!!<3

mikey r u still on?

Hey Jimmy so how is yew and terra??!!:) are yew guys still together?? So dew yew still have muh stuff from when I left?? I hoe so;) I wish I can come back I told dad I would live with yew cuz he trusts yew more than anything!! Well please reply and happythanksgiving!!!!..

Give me Patricks phone number!! I'll call yew both tomarrow

mine is 843-926-5555 patriks is 843-609-4000

if u know patriks cell number u can say u got 8439265555 (my cell) from him

I will try and call tomorrow!! No promises! Ok I love you very much and wish yew a happythanksgiving!! Who are you eating thanksgiving with!!! Does yer dad have a grlfrend! Or is he and mom back together?? Tell mom I want her to try and get me back!! Tell her I asked her!!

i will tell her

Thanx well happythanksgiving lil Sis !! I love and miss yew very much!! Have a wonderful day!! <3

mikey i love you and miss u wish u here like you should be cause you belong here

I can't call that number then dad will know I was on here!! But I will try tomorrow okay

oh do u know patriks phone number

No give it to me

No give it to me

patriks cell is 843-609-4000

patriks cell is 843-609-4000

patriks cell is 843-609-4000

Ok now I have pats number

Meemee can yew record a video of everyone together and put it on here so I can see it!! Thanx

i love u if u want to call or text i dont mind i wish u would. as soon as your old enough come home!!! maybe you can sit down and ask your dad if you can visit if u cant that is sad but we will work through it. as soon as your back i will be so happy and ill be so happy because right now i feel like i lost 2 brothers when i only lost 1. only one person chose if u could stay or not and it was your dad i dont want to be mean but more people in your family should have had a say but we didnt that would be ok if sometimes we got to see u but we dont i wish we did. i love u and nothing will ever change that and if u could see me now i bet u would be proud of and if u ever hear me sing u will be amazed (just a warning)

Maggie I love yew too!! I wish sometimes mom will come get me and bring me back!! And I sing good too!!! I am in choir with my school! I love to sing !!! Can yew put pics on like right now so I can see them!! And make a video of everyone then put it on here so I can see it!! Ok here's a song I love singing... If you wanna be somebody,if you wanna go somewhere, you need to wakeand paaaayyy atition!! Always&forever Michael Aka mikey

what type of music do u listen to and could u posibley call me right now but i understand if u cant p.s. i listen to country and at school im in chorus pss 843-926-5555

I listen to pop and hiphop... Bruno mars taiocruz beyonce katey perry ... Ect! I can't call yew right now... I'm sorry dew yew still live in yer house by the park... If so is the number stilL5542372... If so I'll try to let dad call yew tomorrow since it's a holiday:)

im sorry but the line doesnt work and we wont be here tomorrow but can u call on fri if u can call 839265555 ok

Who's number is 839265555?

Who's number is 839265555?

its 8439265555 and its my cell phone number

Maggie can yew put pics of yew and everyone on here including mom !! Please I forgot wat yew guys look like;(. <<<333

mikey i need a picture of you i sort of remember what u look like but i still want a pic

Maggie I'm using an iPod touch to go on here!! I will try to put a picture on here... Member when Kevin had his hair cut reall short! I look juss like Kevin!

I wanna leave right now!!! And it's 18 I can leave California ! Kayy and I wanna come home right now!!!!!!!!¡

if any personal information is left in a comment (address) it will be deleted. the entire world can see and access this site. DO NOT POST and DO NOT ASK.

I have to go fer now... Bye and Maggie yew shouldn't spend Soooo much time on the computer?!!! Kayy

mikey y r u turning mean right now i love thats y i wanted your address i love i will always love i know u r not trying to be mean but that is how it seems

if his dad finds out you have his address he will not be allowed to come to this site and leave us messages anymore. he will get into SERIOUS trouble with his dad. all this address stuff i being deleted! NO MORE address talk PLEASE!!!!! dont post street names on here, cities...nothing.

Maggie I would-be have to be mean if yew didn't sound like mom!! Meemee is right no more address crap!! Meemee please delete it I'm getting tired of my little sister asking questions sounding a lot like mom!!! Mane yew should tell Dave wat Maggie is doing so he can monitor her computer time!!!

mikey im sorry i love u and daddy moniters this website sometimes and i have changed alot since u left i want u here and i have to go happy thanksgiving miss u love u oh and when your 17 u can leave california if u want to and nobody can stop u sorry if i upset u plus u dont have to call or text me anymore bye i miss u and love so much that u have no idea

Magie why did yew want that info who is yer freind and wat are yew going to dew!!!! Answer me now or I won't call or text yew

to be honest nobody knew it nobody is trying to i wanted to know because your my brother i have a right to know i wanted to know where u were i didnt even tell mom she left beforei found imnot even going to tell mom her heart is broken she misses u to death --im not an angel

Well go a head and tell her but if dad find out I told yew!!! So how did yew find this much out about where I live on a computer!! M good but not that good

But seriously if yew tell anyone I gave this info to yew!!! But way yew need it for!! Don't send anything!!! Or dad will know!!! GOT IT

Ok dont send anything!! Wat yew want it for anyway!! Tell me now

moms dogs names are shadow and buster my dogs name is sunny i already knew your adress me and my friend are smart with a computer my dad gave mom a key to the house so she can see me whenever she wants to y is your dad isolating u from mom mom never had a dad so she wants us to have a dad. some people are just cruel

Because of moms actions I can't explain on here!! But I think yew are lying to me! Why did yew want my address yew better tell me!! Mom always told me when I was lil" Mikey yew dont need a dad I'm yer mom and yer dad" ! But why dew yew need my address Soo bad!!! Feline now please

your mom DID grow up in a house with a dad. wherever you got that informaton, IT'S NOT TRUE.

I need answers NOW! mom are yew pretendingto be Maggie.... I know all those tricks I played them on dad all the time! Wat frend Maggie!! Don't lie tell me all

mikey mom is not being me i promise and its my best friend dont worry everything is going to be fine p.s. its maggie mom is getting me something to eat from mcdonalds

HI Mikey, it is good to see your messages on this page. I have always hoped for the best for you and have missed you very much. Each year that passes we all get older but our memories remain ageless. It only seems like yesterday when you were running around wreaking havoc!! I want to wish you a wonderful holiday season and know that while the family may be apart in body we are together in heart. Love your uncle Jimmy.

Hey Jimmy!! I miss yew sooo much!! I wanna come back I hat it here Soooo much!! So dew yew still have all muh stuff in my room at yer house! I hope so... Can yew dew me a. Favor! Give ALL muh stuff animals to mom and tell her I love her!! Thanx

hi jimmy wish i could spend thanksgiving with u but i cant and mikey i will probley get some of the stuffed animals to keep for mom because her might rip them up

I gave them to her awile back and Patrik has been staying in your old room for over a year now. Glad to hear from you and miss you alot too, Jimmy

What happened to him living with mom... And where is mom! Why is he living with yew?

mom is fine and patrik chose to stay with jimmy (mom is still on earth)

Well tell leasa I still member the conversation we had the day I left when she was working at mcdonalds... I still have the note she wrote to me I read It everyday! And that's wat keeps me going!! Leasa never changed she still looks like the old leasa! The one who used to bear me up fee my candy!! Meanie! Lol Jk I still love yew cuz!


Well just to let yewknow dad thinks I'm a spiting image of Kevin cause of muh hair and face ! I think it's funny actually! Cuz he told me when I was a baby I looked a lot like Kevin when I was a baby

How dew yew all know? I never told anyone

you didnt have to...

and's ok! TRUST ME!

How did yew all know... Im confused I was lil

sometimes you can just tell these things... so see...SMILE, we LOVE YA. No shame or who you are <3

Whoa big relief!! Well ok then ... Anymore pics.! Please

releif feels good dont it. gottaa feed the kids & i'll be back on to leave more pics. *MUAH*

Meemee I replied it towards the bottom! Read the comment I left frm the photo yew posted

ok..but read my reply.

...and FYI. no one hates me or treats me any differently and you wont be either.

Beautiful leasa is still beautiful so who's the gel behind them all ?? Where's kelighea

thats Kyleigh in the witches hat...Aleigha in the red...and Emaleigh is the baby. they are 6, 3 & 1 years old.

Whoa melody looks sooo different frm the las time I saw here I almost thought she was Maggie until I saw leasa and her have the same eyebrows nose lips and eyes

lol. their growing.

Kyleigh... This is your I think I'm yer uncle but I love yew and wish I can meet yew!!

second cousin mikey. LOL but uncle is Ok too.

Haha I'm sorry! I'm sorry fer the argument me and Maggie had earlier!! I juss thot mom was using her account to get to me! I asked dad if I could call tomorrow he said no so we are getting a disposable fone so leave yer number on here so I can copy it dwn l8er.. Love ya tell leasa I say hie

my number is 843-478-6597. I will tell Leesa <3 she will leave you a message here too.

Hey meemee dew yew think once everyone is there tomorrow if they all can write something to me on here?? I would love that a lot! Cuz this is my secret way of tlking to all of yew guys!<3

even if everyone dont show up I will get them to leave you a message tomorrow. Love you MUCH Mikey.

Ok thank yew I really wish I can live there instead of here ! I don't like it here but I don't show it towards dad! Theres been few occasions where I made dad really mad to the point he was going to send me back!! I love my dad a lot but prefer to live with my mom not some crazy person who never stops complaining!!! I cant beleve I didn't get a choice to go or stay!!! I really miss yew guys! I am going to miss kayleigh and the other new baby grow up!! I wanna come homereally bad and have everything the same way before I left! T hurt me to find of Grannie had a heart attack and I am scared everyday she will pass and I'm not there to see here when she is alive! I miss my mom sooooo much it hurts that I cant call anyone mom like I used to!! I wanna come home... To MY REAL HOME!

Mikey ..who said Gran had a heart attack? she did not. she is fine, just getting older. Leesa has 3 girls now..Kyleigh, Aleigha & Emaleigh. I'm gonna post a pic of her and them right now for you. it wont be long before you can make the decision as to where you want to be. just finish school, you need your education. and you didn't answer me about what you said: "came out to dad" if it is what i think it is...I "came out" too!! love you.

I rink I fixed it

okie dokie ;)
dang Mikey- is she really that cruel? if your asking for help with homework someone should be helping you. DO NOT, whatever you do, push, hit or put your hands on either them for NO reason. If she is that cruel she may call the police and try to say you have hurt her or him. Mikey- DONT let that happen, you have control. just hang in there the best you can. WE ALL LOVE YOU no matter how long your away from all of us we WILL be here when your able to find your way back. today is Stephen's birthday, if you remember, he is 26 this year. I love you Mikey, you just hang in there <3
Mikey a.k.a lil bro
14 years agoHeading even know the half of it ! She is a freaking mean person I can't take it I want to come home I'm going to talk to dad and tell him how miserable I am here I promise yew he will send me back!! That's what I wanted fer the past four years I hate t here I sank come home!! Now !! And tell Steven I said happy birthday
Mikey a.k.a lil bro
14 years agoI wish mom would go on here so I can tlk to her does she miss me!!??? Would yew guys even like it if I came back home?? Just a question??!