Kira and i frist met about 1999-2000 in foster care at rancho damacitas. I kept hearing from my house mates how hot he was etc etc etc. I knew with in seconds of seeing him what he was, as a was to a Lbgtq . I told him i knew and i was too . so at that point we pretended to date .... he would call my house pretending to be "D' my bf and i would call pretending to be "tweety" his gf. from that point on we were inseperable . and as each day passed we became family. he met my son and was intrducted as auntie kira. the day i found out she had passed my world world caved in. She was a fabulous cook ad fantastic dancer and performer. and she will be missed greatlly

My memory of kira is that of life and that she gave It to me in my darkest time and stood by me when no one else wood. She gave me a reason to live. She was my Lover and frienld and I miss her so much it hurts. I don't think that I will ever meet anyone like her agin. She meant the world to me and still does. I have many memories of her but the one that stands out the most is pure of heart

Kira was an amazing performer

I met Kira when she was 18 years old. She came up to Oakland to get trained to facilitate at a California Youth Connection conference and I was one of her teachers. I remember how instantly friendly Kira was, then going by Dustin. She would stay up late talking about all the things she was engaged with, especially her job building computers in Riverside and her love and excitement for CYC. I got to work with Kira again when she came up to make a digital story with the Y.O.U.T.H. Training Project. Kira was very talented and creative and her story was chosen, along with the other 9 stories from this LGBTQ series, to play at the Frameline San Francisco International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Film Festival in 2006. You can see Kira's story online at What I remember most about Kira was that she was a very tender soul. Sadly, the last time I saw Kira was at a funeral. She was dressed beautifully, was deeply respectful and shared her grief openly about losing another foster youth brother. Because Kira was so open, it allowed others to be open too. Because she was so out, she made it safe for others to come out. Because she was so sweet, she brought that out of others. Because she was so kind, others wanted to be kind as well. Kira was, like all of us, a complicated person. She had a lifetime of struggles for a lady so young in years, but she strived to experience joy in life, was amazingly optimistic and she loved with an enormous heart. If Kira had been rich, I am sure she would have been a philanthropist, in her soul, I believe Kira was most comfortable as a giver. I miss you Kira. I can only hope you're feeling good up there in the heavens, wearing the worlds tallest heals and lip synching with Janis Joplin. Yes, indeed, I can totally see that! When you're not rocking out with the best of them, rest in peace dear soul. with the biggest love, Jamie

so proud to hear from someone else about her struggles and how well she was doing
Jamie Lee Evans
15 years agoI hope others will post pics of Kira from the CYC dance series or from one of her many shows. Kira was such a talented performer, with dresses and costumes that would make the fiercest diva envious!