I may not have known you but I came arcoss you doing a school project. It's a Memorial project and I've choosen for mine to be on you.This project saddens me because of what has happen to you. I have gay and bi friends and I couldnt imagine my life with out them. I will pray for you and your family.
I may not have known you but I came arcoss you doing a school project. It's a Memorial project and I've choosen for mine to be on you.This project saddens me because of what has happen to you. I have gay and bi friends and I couldnt imagine my life with out them. I will pray for you and your family.
I'm an open gay teenage male. ever sence before i knew i was gay i always got teased because teh way i acted. When I was about 14 i figured that i like guys more. but when i was 15 i came out as gay. But I did try to date a girl but did not work. Though I did not know Lawrence he will be in my prayers forever. No one should lose there life over something that the individual is. The family will always be in my heart as of Lawrence too. I'm sorry for your lose.
A friend of mine just posted a video about this on facebook. It saddens me to think that not only was this not national news, but that something this awful could happen. As a Mother, I will love my children regardless of who they are, and I will teach my children to love and accept people for their differences as well as their similarities. If we were all the same what a boring place this world would be. God be with you Lawrence, and God be with your family. I hope that you have found your peace over the rainbow and that you live in His heaven in happiness and acceptance.
I am a bisexual female and I think it sad that this happened to an innocent little child,Life is just to short to take an innocent little boy or girls life no matter what their sexuality is,We should all understand that God loves everyone for who they are because God didn't any of us perfect,I may not of known Lawrence but if was a child of mine I would always love him no matter who he was,God will always be their with you Lawrence in Heaven through out your eternal life. I would like to say sorry to his family and all his friends who lost a beautiful soul,but always remember Lawrence will be watching over you day and night ,May all the hate end today and may Godbless all the people who was a victim of hate and who lost their lives for being part of the LGBT community,Lawrence and the other hate crime victims will always remain in my prayers 4-ever!
Lawrence I did not know you, But last night i was in youtube looking at your pics when you where a little boy and i was crying because i am in the closet and i am scare to come out what i mean is the i am 16 and I am gay god will be with you peace.
The tragic truth is that a life has been lost. From what I have read i see man felt it was their right to take Gods gift from his loved ones a friends. His beliefs were no ones business. They were between him and God. My heart goes out to his family and friends. I pray you find peace.
I never knew you, but I read about you in newsweek, Larry. I love you, wherever you are, and I always loved you. To anybody else who is in a situation like the one Larry was in, I also love and support you. Even if you do not live in a place that can accept your unique personality, please try to survive and stay true to yourself in your heart. There are people rooting for you. TO ALL OF LARRY'S FRIENDS AND FAMILY: I am so sorry for your loss, I never even knew Larry and just reading about his story really touched my heart. Larry's smile is vibrant and vivacious in all of his photographs. He was truly a beautiful young man who will be remembered. My best wishes go out to everyone who is suffering from this loss. I hope the knowledge that Larry will not be forgotten, and that his memory will be honored, allows his loved ones to feel some sort of peace. My thoughts and heart are with all of you.
I did not know you but from what I have read you seemed to be a very brave young man. I admire you for your strength and courage. May you rest in eternal peace.
larry, i never knew u...u were a very brave young man. may r rest in peace.
I know your pain,I lost my beautiful daughter March 2006 .I run a child loss website and forum [free of cost] For more support please visit www.mychildlossgrief.org/ Again I am so sorry.Your son is beautiful Louise Lagerman
My memory of this child is seeing his small sweet face in the news saying he is dead ... I did not know this child but I do know what it feels like to loose someone you love ... Please know that I for One believe in this childs right to be exactly who he is ..... I am so sorry for the parents and hope they are in Gods hands .. Susan M Sannar Please know that you are in my prayers
he even wore nail polish which i didn't think it was bad that was cute. and if lawrence wanted to come out to his friends then go for it at least he was brave enough to stand up for himself to everyone telling his friends that he's gay i don't think there's anything wrong with that but he didn't have to die for it. that's not right to hate someone like him and brandon is going to pay for what he did to that boy it's was a hate crime.
i hope that brandon gets what he deserves because that little kid didn't deserve to die like that just because he was gay and he had the courage to stand for who he was and he wasn't afraid to express himself to anyone especially brandon he had feelings for i thought it was cute of him to ask him to be his valentine but to die for it is no excuse just because he wore a dress high heels and makeup even jewelry is no reason for him to lose his life people shouldn't discriminate against someone and hurt them because of who they are it's so sad my heart goes out to his family and friends R.I.P. little larry may god be with you.
I didn't know you Lawrence King, but from your story I know that you were a brave young Hero waiting to spread its wings. Keep flying little Lawrence we will watch from here waiting for equality. Thank You Lawrence King
I didnt know you but Ive heard your story and its people like you that help me get up in the morning and face others. THANK YOU!
To be honset i hope the assalown gets life in prison and then he can play with the big boys. This kids life never should have been taken at all period!! My the God of God bless his family and friends
Lawrence, I did not know you but your parents and those who believed in you can be proud of you for standing up for your beliefs! It's so sad that some person didn't care about your life and about those who were left behind... God loves everyone, no matter what race, sexuality or what they believe in!
I have never met this kid but i know that one thing is for certain he never in his life deserved to die. He was a kid and was trying to firn himself. I am a lesbiean and a mother and if any one has a problem with that we can talk. It is a free country and people need to mind there business and worry about themselves. This world has gone to hell and back. But instead of people worry about the kid next door that may dress like a girl why dont people worry about the kid who had the gun and how he got it. That boy next door may dress like a girl but he didnt kill anyone. I hope this kid pays for what he has done.
You died, as they have before, for our hope. You died, as so many others have, for our dream. You died, like many with no names, for our right. You died, with noone to hold you, as multitudes will. We live, as we all should, for your future.
Such a horrible thing. I'm so sorry for your loss. To die because you want someone to be your Valentine.
Such a horrible thing. I'm so sorry for your loss. To die because you want someone to be your Valentine.
I dont know Lawrence King but i give my heart out to him and his family this is a terrible thing that happend to him he was only 15 years old what is this world coming from
I'm so sorry for your loss in such a tragic way...I hope they charge him as an adult. If you would like a candle lit for him, please send me an e-mail. Here is my site, I too have lost a child and my grandson, then my dad. www.memoriesofangels.com God Bless
I really hope that Lawrence's passing will not mean that his honest and open approach to life will stop. He deserves much more than that. Can we start something here, to make sure that he will never be forgotten and his death was not in vain. Talking about martyrs of a free mind.
I didnt know larry, but it brings tears to my eyes because this kids life was taken for something so stupid! can we all teach our kids and eachother not to be so ignorant! I feel so sad for his family.
i miss him and i am cry bec i not know him well i am deaf transgender and i go to memory him too
We will miss you. You are in better place now.
It's sad that Lawrence had the courage to stand up and die for his beliefs. He didn't come to school to cause any controversy; he went to get an education. He was a courageous kid at such a young age.
We need to change our way of thinking it's not cool to discriminate or try to hurt one another because of what they choose to do with there life... rest in peace , angel!!!!!!!