Never forgotten.

Never forgotten.

Sweden will carry your torch!

I was thinking of you today, Shawn. John Sweeny is back in the States doing a follow up to his documentary that you starred in . . . only this time two of former head $cilons that harassed you are now on the outside helping gather information needed to bring the cult down.
You are remembered with love. RIP, bro.

I just remembered seeing him on the BBC Panorama program and thinking he has balls of steel.
The end of Scientology looms nearer, As long as we all keep it up and share the word.
Rest in piece.

I only "knew" Shawn online, but he was my friend.
The courage he showed in his one-man campaign inspired me to action as I watched it happen, and it still inspires me. The cult of $cientology attacked and viciously tried to ruin the life of a man who was just telling the truth.
Always remember Shawn Lonsdale.
Finish his fight.

RIP Shawn, God bless you, may god pardon thee for all thy sins

Before he died, Shawn was attacked by a high level scientologist named Ron Savelo. I wish he were around to see the progress that's beeen made! Never the less, Shawn is still being attacked by Scientology long after his death . The fact is, he videotapped this attack by Savelo and posted it on the internet before he died. Ron Savelo, feeling the smarting of having a his reputation marred by the truth, actually lied to youtube and Chilling claiming he owned the rights to Shawn Lonsdale's video of that assault when they actually belong to the estate of Shawn Lonsdale. counter complaints are in the works as I write this: This goes to show you how persecuted he was by Scientology and how effective his videos are. They are a testimony of truth. Ron Savelo should be ashamed about what he did but he isn't. That's a scientologist for you. Cold and calculating. R.I.P. Shawn. The Lord loves you with all his heart and soul.

This man was the Indiana Jones of the Anti-Scientology movement. Not even the most hardened veterans of the battle for free speech against the cult could so bravely walk up to the steps of their robot factories in Clearwater and make videos. No one could so openly talk about their highest levels while almost literally surrounded by those crazed dingbats. We will continue the fight Shawn started in his honor and in the honor of every victim of Scientology. Expect us.

I admire your fight with Scientology given your circumstances. I used the words Cult Watch on my picket signs and of course your name was there. I cannot picket recently but I will continue the fight in your honor, and many other victims. You will not be forgotten.

This is why. This is why I still attend the protests in downtown, even though I'm tired of looking at the Mecca Building and Mansell's still being a jerk. No one should ever have to fight past that level of hardship to speak their mind and show the truth, and if we have anything to say about it, no one will have to ever again. You and your dedication are missed, Shawn.

I only know you from the John Sweeney programme in the UK and the net but your hard work will be missed.
Rest in peace.

I just recently heard about this man, someone who spoke out against the largest cult in history, a man with nothing to lose. this man was the living embodiment of courage against insurmountable odds.
Eventually he had a steady job going, was going to go back into school, and become a private investigator.
this man was murdered... that is no suicide, he was murdered.

I only heard about him after the BBC documentary. He was a good and brave man. Actions like his, in the name of liberty, can slowly change the world.

While I didn't hear about Shawn until his death, I still hold great respect for him. His death, tragic as it was, has motivated many members of Anonymous that would otherwise have wandered away. Personally speaking, he has put steel in my resolve, and in his memory I will not stop fighting the cult he protested until they have fallen apart. Farewell Shawn, you will not be forgotten.

His bravery and integrity will allways be remembered.

GOD BLESS Your Soul Shawn Lonsdale People are PRAYING the Truth will be told and Truth is what GOD IN THE NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST is all about TRUTH and LOVE. i only found out about Shawn Lonsdale after His death, in the pictures of Him Shawn Lonsdale did not appear to be troubled He looked like a Man that was well adjusted

Shawn, may you rest in peace and know that you were loved by many many people. I miss you so much.

I am so sad that I only found out about this wonderful man after his death. I will be studying closely the amazing work you did, and I for one will not forget. I am just so very disappointed that I couldn't get to know you, and my condolences to the family. Your son's impressive words, brave action, and sweet character are going to spread around the world.

One man and his camera. Driving a cult crazy.
Thanks Shawn for all you have done.
I'll think of you, every night I look at the stars.

Shawn, I pray for you and ALL those who died either while "in" Scientology, trying to get out, or as you-fighting to expose their abuses.
Your work won't be forgotten. Fly high, my friend, and blessings
to you all.

Shawn, you made a difference in this world, and that is the best thing anyone can hope to do. Rest in Peace.

Sgawn's tireless efforts to stop the Scientology crime syndicate's crimes and abuses and to assist Scientology customers will always be remembered. His humanitarian efforts costs him his life. Human rights activists around the world will miss him.

“When the man across the street was led away, I watched from the curtains. When my next door neighbor was led away, I watched from the curtains. When they came for me, no one was watching. “ - Unknown holocaust survivor.
Shawn didn’t watch!

Shawn seemed to sort of stumble into his activist role, picking up a video camera at a garage sale and putting on his own local public access TV show with sometimes non-edited footage. Shawn was a decent, honorable person who saw a problem and did what he could to fix it. Scientology tried to destroy him, and maybe they succeeded. Clearwater has been pretty creepy for several years, and it's getting worse by the minute. Residents are hereby warned.

Be in Peace, Shawn. We can wonder when the culot will pay for the many many ruins it has created in lives of his members and of his opponents. Thanks for what you have done. It was human and useful.

Happy trails my courageous friend.

Brave man... few will take on the cult.

I never got to meet Shawn, but I admired his work and his dedication to exposing the truth in the face of harassment and assault perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. You are missed, Sean.

Shawn was stronger than most of us. He had a great sense of humor. When I would talk to him on the phone, no matter how down he was about his problems surrounding him, he always had something whitty and funny to say. I wish I could have done more to help him. He will not be forgotten. I love you bro :)

I didn't know Shawn, but what I do know is that he was a brave soul fighting what he saw as wrong and corrupt.
We will not forget his struggle, and he will be vindicated. Godd bless Shawn.

Shawn was NOT affiliated with NAMBLA, That ' memory is a false one; an evil prank meant to tarnich Shawn's goodness and righteousness, done based upon Scientology's FAIR GAME practices of attacking it's enemies. The man is dead but they want the legacy dead, too. Shame on you, Church of Scientology!
You are no church. You are a one of a kind cult-mafia.
May the grace of God be with Shawn always.

Shawn was a good man who suffered much harassment by Scientology. I had many conversations with him in 2006 and while I knew he needed to take a break, I never expected him to never return. This is a loss for everyone.
I hope we find out someday what really happened. Farewell, Shawn ((HUGGS))
Thank you for setting up this page, Edward.
I have accurate birth information if you'd like to have it. I can be reached at
~ Mary cConnell

Shawn was a strong and determined person and strongly believed in his cause. He will never be forgotten. May he R.I.P.

kimberly Morris
17 years agowow, that was powerful, glad I am a christian!