Missed every day.

Darling Mac,
Another year...how time does go. Michelle is married and is having a baby girl in January. .. your granddaughter! She is very happy. I am doing okay...keeping very busy with the girls and Liam. time does soften the hard edges. I know you were there on July 22nd with me...a butterfly stayed with me for a time while Liam and I watched. I love you still.
Love, Sue

Two years today...Time does pass...I still miss you everyday. The hole in my heart doesn't go away. I do get stronger, but things are not better, just different. I still love you the same. I keep busy with the girls and Liam and of course, work. I do know that you are watching out for me. You are with me always. I love you, Mac.
Your wife,

Your one and only daughter just got engaged! It is such a happy time for me but I can't help but still cry because you are not here to help me celebrate, to meet the one I am to marry, give me away, be a part of our lives. I miss you so much. I know that you would just adore Sean! The two of you are alike in so many ways. Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers. I know you are still with me, watching over me.
Love Always, Your Daughter Michelle

My darling Mac,
A year has passed... it has had its ups and downs. Mel had a beautiful baby boy on July 16th..Liam Christopher. You would love him. He has made 2010 worthwhile and added some happiness to the void in my life. I still miss you every day, but I am living and I know that that is what you would want me to do. I know that you watch over me and all your family. I love you. I love you.

I happened to be thinking of Mac today and was reviewing our tribute page to him at the TecAccess website. http://www.tecaccess.net/content/pressroom/pressreleases/2010/mac.shtml. Now I hadn't looked at that page since we first put it up.
Oddly, the phone rang and it was Debra who -out of the blue- said in a sad voice "I am really missing Mac today". I had to smile and told her the very web page I had been looking at when she called, we both were thinking Mac had somehow connected the cosmic dots.

At TecAccess, January was a month filled with hard reminders of the loss of our friend and colleague Mac. We miss him every day and know this is just a small slice of the grief the family must bear. Every new, interesting and complex project I encounter I realize again how Mac loved those puzzles. I smile as I write.
At TecAccess, we have a monthly employee recognition award. It is given to the employee that thinks outside the box, goes 'above and beyond', is most creative or most effective. The award is just a small token, a statue and a $100. But one of our employees came up with the idea to rename that award to "The Mac Award" since he so beautifully embodied those attributes we're trying to encourage and reward. I wish I had thought of that, it is absolutely perfect for our award. So this month, all employees are vying for their very own MAC. I know that the $100 will go fast but that tiny cheesy statue will be a real prize knowing who it stands for. As we bring on new employees that never had the chance to know Mac, I think they will get a sense as they see the award and the pride we all have in it.
All the best to Sue and the family.
Your friend in Jacksonville Florida - Bob English

Mac was definitely a player! Many of the group were Veterans, with shared experiences, which made playing even more fun!
Once, Mac played a cleric. He was, in fact, playing a Lawful Evil cleric, an alighment NONE of the other players knew - for had they known, they would NOT have been as happy to have him in their group. The mission? To rescue a stolen HOLY artifact which had been defending a kingdom from an ancient (and evil) enemy. The artifact had to be recovered by a good person... so it was natural to pick a LAWFUL cleric, right? If touched by anone except a GOOD person, the player would receive so much damage they would immediately be STRUCK DEAD.
Mac played the role to the hilt. He always used the approrpriate "lawful" cleric moves, always concealed the EVIL part of his alignment... until the very last episode. After undergoing many dungeon difficulties, the adventuring band finally slay an evil dragon guarding the artifact, and in their moment of triumph, urge Mac's cleric to pick up the Holy artifact so they could "scram". Ceremoniously, Mac's cleric pulls out a very, very thick set of gloves (gauntlets) before carefully picking up the artifact. At this point, several players make their "Wisdeom" rolls and begin to wonder, Why are you putting on those gloves???
A "player" to the end, Mac begins to spin the kinds of fast-talk excuses that would be the envy of any career sergeant! But to no avail! There were OTHER career sergeants in the player group. Placed under arrest by a Lawful Good Paladin, the group chose the Paladin to pick up the artifact for their return journey home...
Mac and I played in many an adventure... not just limited to D&D but other gaming systems as well. And always, he was an imaginative and lively player. He was always enjoyable company, cooked up a great barbecue, and played skillfully. Mac, your D&D friends will miss you!

As I sit and reflect on my memory of Mac, it amazes me that I never had the chance to physically shake his hand. All of the times we comunicated were through teleconferences or IMs. But I still benifited from our brief relationship. His positive attitude was contagious. While I worked with him in the DVETs program and after, I had much respect for him and valued his advice.
The lesson I take away from this is to cherish those who have had a positive impact in your life and never take anyone for granted. His "recommendations" will ever ring in my mind.
I pray that God's consuming love cover the family and his friends.
As long as we continue to allow his wisdom to effect our lives, he will live on.
Even though we didn't know each other that long, he will be missed!
Jonathan Ballard

Thank you Jonathan. My father was an amazing man and I am sorry that you did not have a chance to meet him in person. His laugh was contagious, his attitude towards life was imeasurabley positive and he loved what he did and the people he knew and helped. Thank you for your kind words. Michelle McCuller

Definition: Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.
I preface this with a definition, because it is such a clear case, and I believe typical of something Mac would do.
A while back, just before Mac left us, I got an iPhone and in my last phone conversation with him we discussed the features that we liked and Mac even asked that I email him a list of the accessories I had gotten. During that time I had been transferring the names from my Sanyo Sprint Phone to my new iphone. Overcome by the pressing duties of being retired, I stopped transferring the names and left it for a "better time". After I received the call from Sue on the 2nd of Jan, I immediately converted Mac's name to Susan, changed the phone number and added the new email address. Tonight when I figured I would continue transferring names from my old phone, I went to the list and There he was on the top of the list, Mac McCuller, next name to be transferred. I am a great believer in synchronicity and I think it points to a universe that we can't explain. For example: Many times I will wake up in the middle of the night and look at the clock, and it will be 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 12:34, some pattern of numbers that tells me there is more to the universe than meets the eye.
There are many stories of loved ones reaching from the beyond to let the one's left behind know that they are OK. I sat in for Mac in our prayer circle this morning and received the "laying on of hands" for his spirit. I take the appearance of his name this evening as a "Thank you" and firm acknowledgement that "All is well with Mac"

I was scared to tell Sara about Mac because she adored him...of course - who didn't. I finally told her yesterday. We sat down by the wonderful picture of Sara and Mac and talked about our wonderful Mac. His smile, his laugh, his kindness and the pure joy that came from knowing our Mac. Every time he called – Sara would jump on the line and they would hoot and holler for a few minutes. Sara loved Mac. I told her that Mac had done to the light and reminded her of one of her favorite movies – Ghost. The scene where Patrick Swavey is telling Demi Moore that you take the LOVE with you. Then he tells her how beautiful it is and how much love he feels. I wanted to tell Sara in a way she could understand. She knows Mac is laughing with God and cracking up the angels. She was touched by our wonderful Mac just like the rest of us. We are all better people because of Mac. What a legacy to leave - we can all learn so much from Mac. I picked a dolphin to represent this post because Sara loves dolphins. Last night she prayed for Mac, Sue and the rest of his family. She reminded me how beautiful Sue looked at their wedding and how happy Mac was that day. She also reminded me of how much she enjoyed meeting Mac and Sue's daughters - what a blessed day. Sara and Debra Ruh

I was Mac's NCO in Charge in both Rothwesten and Augsburg, Germany in the early 70s. He was one of the bewst intelligence analyst I worked with in my 39 year career. My favorite memory of Mac is his Analyst Pack-Rat trait. When we were preparing material to take to Augsburg in 1972, I found in Mac's files an intelligence message I had frafted and released as a young analyst in 1959. Mac kept everything. We had a good laugh, but, Mac kept the message in his files.
I lost touch with Mac after Augsburg and only reconnected within the past year. I will miss his humor, ability and friendship.
Larry Wilburn

Larry, My father loved his time in the military. His best stories often took place when he was in the military in Germany. You would be pleased to know that he never lost his "Pack-Rat" trait :) His laugh and his humor will live on in the hearts and memories of many. Michelle McCuller

Mac served with me in Germany in the 70's as an analyst. He was one of the best Signals Intelligence Analysts I ever worked with. I urged him to apply for Warrant Officer, which he did, and I sat on his board as Technical Evaluator. Even though he was rated fully qualified, he was not selected because at the time he did not have the required time in the Army. People always liked to be around Mac. When Mac's Army time ended, he was immediately recruited by one of the companies that contracted with the US Army to develop new intelligence systems. This was another job he excelled at. After 30 years of no contact I received a call from Mac, he in Mass and I in Virginia, and we talked on the phone and swapped memories of our times in Germany. I did get to see Mac after that on three occasions. Once at his lovely wedding, once at a Field Station Augsburg Reunion, where we had a great day at the "Spy Museum" in D.C., and the last time when my son flew over from Germany and we met with Mac and Sue over dinner. We had plans to go deepsea fishing but our time ran out. The thing I remember most about Mac is that he was so darned interesting to talk to. He was a wealth of information on many interesting subjects, and he knew how to tell a good story. He was an ace at helping others including wounded soldiers and the handicapped through his work. He was loved by many and is in my thoughts often. I salute him in my thoughts.
Glen Caldwell

As many of you know, I met Mac at E Harmony.com. His first communication with me made me laugh right out loud. I thought... this is someone I could be interested in! I still see him as we met the first time...bright white shirt, a huge bouquet of flowers in one hand and a plate of tea sandwiches in the other! He was larger than life, and miracle of miracles...he loved me! He sent me to the car for his crazy salt and called my father to ask my father if he could marry me. It was so sweet and thoughtful. We vowed to never to stop the honeymoon. Our kids liked each other and got along famously. He adored my parents. We joined our families together, cats and all!
My life took a turn for the better. He filled up every nook and cranny of my existence as well as my quiet house. He was my life. He got sick about 6 months ago, but he wouldn't tell anyone. He didn't want sympathy. He wanted to work and give of himself. The last two months had been rough. He was on oxygen and couldn't do the things that he had done in the past. I had taken over doing the cooking and driving him places. Someone said to me that he was a burden, but when you love someone, there is no burden. And I loved him with my whole being. He was looking forward to spoiling a new grandchild in July.
Our time was short here on earth, but he is with me forever. I love you, Mac. I love you.

M y son was looking at some geocaching sites on his computer (if you don't know about this hobby, check it out) and grabbed our copy of "The Complete Idiots Guide to Geocaching" from the bookshelf.
Mac and I discussed this hobby about a year ago, I had just heard of it and happened to mention it. Of course Mac was way ahead of me, knew all about it and thought it was an absolute hoot (that is probably his exact phrase). He advised me to look into it and that my 6 & 10 yr old sons would love it.
A few days later, UPS delivered the book with a note from Mac.
Thanks Mac.

I have tried for days to put into words what Mac means to me but words seem to fail me.
Mac took me under his wing at the beginning of my time at TecAccess and he kept me there. He was my mentor, my friend and my protector. Most importantly, Mac helped me feel confident and good about myself. He just knew I could do anything and everything and he made me believe too. What a gift that has been to me. Mac had that talent of making you feel so very very special. I cannot imagine not being able to hear that voice again.. or that laugh of his! What a loss for us all.
To Mac's Susan and family.. thank you for sharing this amazing man with the rest of us. We will always remember and be grateful.
Godspeed Mac and safe journey. All my love, Elizabeth

I will miss hearing Mac's voice on the phone as we worked on many projects together. His laugh and sense of humor were special.
A special person in our lives. A loss for all of us.
My thoughts are with Sue and his family.
Jon Brundage

I met Mac about a year and a half ago. During our first real conversation, I was absolutely blown away by his depth of knowledge and insight regarding accessibility and his unique ability to cleverly and simply convey complex concepts. It was during that conversation that he officially became my personal guru.
In May of 2009, I had the opportunity to spend time with Mac face-to-face. It was during this time that I really had the opportunity to witness his warmth and compassion. I also experienced his sometimes twisted sense of humor. It was a magnificent thing to behold. It was during that time that I officially realized that that he was my friend for life.
The world is a brighter, smarter place because of my guru, my friend Mac McCuller .
I miss you & I love you,

There are no words that could possibly do justice to tell how much Mac will be missed. He is loved by so many and he touched our lives in so many ways. Mac was bigger than life, to say the least.
If only I had one more chance, I would surely let him know how valuable he was to me and so many others, especially at TecAccess. He certainly left a legacy of professionalism, honor, creativity and laughter.
To say we will miss him seems to be an understatement.
We all love you Mac and cherish the time we had with you.
Yes, farewell...we will not forget you, my friend.
Cathy McKean

I read this two years ago and loved it, around the same time I met Mac. Coincidence?
"keep doing the things on earth you are already famous for in heaven"
I believe Mac was quite famous and there was a great party when he arrived. We all know he was famous for his large and small acts of kindnesses, his deep care for others, his love for family and his passion for doing the right thing (not just doing things right).

I want to thank all of you, on behalf of myself, my mother and the entire family, for your kind words and wishes . It is comforting to know that we are not alone in this sad and difficult time.
Many of you have known Mac for much longer than I have and have forged many more memories with him. For me, Mac filled a hole in my family that had existed for 14 years. He also doubled the size of my immediate family, bringing with him his own wonderful family - Michelle, Patrick, Maggie, Maxine. Mom fell in love with them instantly, as if they were her own.
Mac forever changed Mom's house - normally empty and quiet, it was quickly brimming with life, laughter and happiness. Everything seems so different, knowing he is no longer with us. Everywhere I look, there are reminders of things I know he would like to see or do.
At this point, I'm not sure what life will look like a year from now. But I do know this - we are all better for having known and loved Mac.
Mac: Thank you for giving my mother 5 wonderful, happy years. You mean the world to her. We all enjoyed your stories, your good humor, your kindness, your almost-obsession with anything technological. I never worried about mom when she was with you. I feel blessed to have spent the last years with you. I only wish we had more. Thank you for all you did and for all you were. We'll miss you always.

I remember very well my first conversation with Mac. He listened carefully to my thoughts about working to improve the lives of veterans and by the end of our call had sorted out a way that I could contribute to the TecAccess team. He made you feel a meaningful part of things from the get-go. As others have remarked, I too enjoyed his quick wit and fair-mindedness. He was a good soul who will be missed. Chip

I will miss my father with my whole being. What he was to friends, he was a hundred times to family. He would have a joke for this moment, and it would make me laugh and stop crying for a time. Even without the joke, that is comforting.
Dad shared jokes and personal stories at the drop of a hat - leaving me and many others with thousands of precious moments that will not be lost.
Dad: I told you I loved you at least two thousand times. It was not nearly enough. You were a wonderful father, in ways I could never understand or appreciate. You taught me love and inner strength. I am grateful. I miss you.

I feel privileged to have been able to work with Mac on a few projects. He was sharp and full of knowledge. Always willing to lend a hand and go beyond the call of duty.
I still remember how at the end off November 2009, as I was getting ready to drive up to Nashua, NH, I made a comment to Mac of how I would very much like to meet him in person. Unfortunately, it never happened.
You will always live in our hearts Mac. You will certainly be missed, my friend.
My sincere condolences to his family.

I was truly shocked when I first got the call letting me know of Mac's passing. I still have goose bumps. Mac could always ligthen the mood and make you feel better. He was so talented and will be so missed by so many. He truly was an amazing man that touched so many people. He worked so hard, loved so much harder and was truly a blessing in disguise. Always a kind word for me and my family and could make the best out of the worst situation and I will definatly miss that about him. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this time of their lives right now. I have been and will continue to keep you in my thoughts.

I met Mac in 2001 and he was recovering from a major heart attac, a divorce and the loss of his business. Those three things would have crippled many people but not Mac. He had a come on - let's change the world and cheerful attitude. Mac was one of my best friends and he really inspired me. Any time that I was down all I had to do was call Mac. He talked me "off the ledge" many times. Did Mac wear Rose Colored Glasses? Yes and since I also wear a pair we were a great team. I am sad for our loss and really sad for Sue her daughters, his daughter and son. I also feel sorry for anyone that didn't know Mac. His wedding to Sue was one of the highlights of the season - what a party and I have never seen a man more proud of his lovely bride. Everything Mac did - he did with flare...even passing away on Jan 1, 2010. Yep that is our Mac - he would head to his next adventure with a flare. I will miss my friend....I will miss him sorely. I love Mac McCuller and I am a better person because he was part of my life for almost 10 years. Mostly, I will miss his laugh - NO ONE had a laugh like Mac. Here is a toast to my dear friend - Mac McCuller - may we all raise our glasses to his amazing life. Debra

I don't think I have the words to adequately express my feelings and deep loss I feel at this time, so I will probably ramble...
Mac and I worked side by side on so many projects at work that because of this we became fast friends. Mac was my yin to his yang and we could always make each other laugh when work got frustrating and we were both so stressed out. He was so loyal to TecAccess even though he went through alot of tough times with the company, but he hung in there non of the less when other people would just throw up there arms and throw in the towel...
I remember how excited he was when he was planning his proposal to Sue and how priviledged I felt to know "this secret" and he asking for my advice on how to make it a perfect moment for Sue. He always spoke so proudly and love for his whole family.
I remember us working very intensely on a project that looked like we would be working up to Christmas one year and I was of course panicking about all the things we had to do as well as my personal stuff and for some reason we started talking about menus and baking and I joked with him that I would cook everything for him if he baked everything for me. Well, a couple of days later I received a package in the mail that was a cd that was the Master Chef.
Although we only talked every couple of months, we could just step right back into a comfortable conversation and that is what true friends do and I am proud to have call Mac my friend.
Sue and family...my love and prayers are with you.
Rest in peace, my friend.

What a kind man you were, Mac. I was shocked to hear the news and I'm still in shock as I write this. Thank you for being such a wonderful co-worker. You will be missed!
Rest in peace,

I still can hear Mac's voice full of humor and wisdom. We worked together on TecAccess Disabled Veterans Program (DVETS). He went out of his way to help those DVETS trainees, going way past regular business hours to set up trainees with MSN or writing training documents.
Mac always used to support me, telling me what a great job I was doing. He also used to call me "Lady" like royality, and he made me feel like it.
I'm crying as I type this. When DVETS was finished, we didn't talk as much as we used to. How I regret this.
RIP Mac the Knight

Mac was an incredible person who touched so many peoples' lives. It was always a pleasure chatting with Mac. He had such a wonderful way about him and making everyone feel at ease and comfortable. He was such a gifted professional and had a silver tounge whereas he could make anything sounds spectacular. I remember the many times he had me laughing in stiches during our conversations. He will be missed my thousands of people whose lives he touched.
Dana Marlowe
14 years agoWow. That is so cool. I can't tell you how proud my dad would feel about this and how cool he would think it so. That is such a sweet thing and I wanted to say thank you for finding a way to keep his memory going. My dad had a great impact on countless people, that was just the way he was. Thank you Bob.