Volg tribute en ontvang updates
12 years ago

Hello Dear, My name is victory. I got your contact and i become interested to knowing you and be your friend please i will like you to contact me back through my email(victoryogwo@yaho.com) so that we can know each other better i will also tell you more about my self in my mail box i hope to hear from you victory.

Wendy Perez-Reyes
12 years ago

There are many things that can be said about a wise man of God, that sometimes words aren't enough. Pastor Manny was the best pastor ever, and till this day I still close my eyes and see him praising the Lord. An incomparable pastor, awesome advisor, and a great example to all of us who had the chance to get to know him. Pastor Manny, you will always be my Pastor! See you soon, very soon!

Wendy Perez-Reyes
12 years ago

There are many things that can be said about a wise man of God, that sometimes words aren't enough. Pastor Manny was the best pastor ever, and till this day I still close my eyes and see him praising the Lord. An incomparable pastor, awesome advisor, and a great example to all of us who had the chance to get to know him. Pastor Manny, you will always be my Pastor! See you soon, very soon!

Wendy Perez-Reyes
12 years ago

There are many things that can be said about a wise man of God, that sometimes words aren't enough. Pastor Manny was the best pastor ever, and till this day I still close my eyes and see him praising the Lord. An incomparable pastor, awesome advisor, and a great example to all of us who had the chance to get to know him. Pastor Manny, you will always be my Pastor! See you soon, very soon!

Wendy Perez-Reyes
12 years ago

There are many things that can be said about a wise man of God, that sometimes words aren't enough. Pastor Manny was the best pastor ever, and till this day I still close my eyes and see him praising the Lord. An incomparable pastor, awesome advisor, and a great example to all of us who had the chance to get to know him. Pastor Manny, you will always be my Pastor! See you soon, very soon!

johnny gaviria
14 years ago

i remember when i would ask him for advice about a decision .. and till this day i use his method .. he would always tell me "bro lets put in prayer " even when he would verbally discipline me he would do it with love . soft spoken words . i thank God for my pastor manny and for the alicea family. pastor manny i love u .. and miss u .. thank u for being a great example Johnny Gaviria

Maria Valentin
14 years ago

I have always remembered the Alicea family as God's gift to me and my family. I met Pastor Manny when I was seven years old. He was the kindest gentleman I have ever met. He was so understanding and possesed the ability to make you feel the presence of God. My strongest memory of him is, how he made my dad feel comfortable enough to visit the Bronx church. My dad was very stubborn and used to drink alot. Brother Manny embraced him as if he always knew him. When I saw the smile on my Dad's face while they spoke, I thanked the Lord for having there paths cross. Not to mention the friendship sister Alma offered my mother. Thirty something years later, I am grateful beyond words. May we all be as lucky again. God Bless You.

14 years ago

A real man of God. I'm still remember his laughter, patience and love for others. He will always be in our hearts forever. One day we'll meet in heaven and celebrate Jesus together! Love always, The Perez Family. New Rochelle

David V.
14 years ago

If you knew Brother Manny, then you knew what loyalty might look like if it were human. From the NY Yankees to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Brother Manny, as I knew and called him, was simply loyal. I have many memories with him and will always cherish his reason and purpose in my life. On a different note, I'll never forget his easy method of the tie-knot. Back in 1992 when I was just starting out in drum playing at church he found me by the men's room mirror struggling to make a tie know work. He asks, " Hey Dave, want me to show you the quick way" and he patiently showed me how to make a knot. I still use his tie knot method to this day. See you on the other side Brother Manny, Dave.

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

14 years ago

Thank you for being a provider and responsible father. Thank you for always having enough time for us. Thank you for your generosity and unconditional love. Thank you for going the extra mile, always. Thank you for not just telling me how to live but being a godly example of a real man and father. Thank you for being a gift. Thank you for your friendship, compassion and patience. Thank you for sharing Jesus Christ with me and others. The debt is too great. See you soon enough.

15 years ago

Today your wife is reminiscing on the past birthdays I was able to share with you. Starting in 1963 when you turned 18 through your 60th birthday in 2005. We thank the Lord for all the years we were able to have you with us. Thank you Lord for letting us share his life with us. Your wife, children and (8) grandchildren

Marcela Bocel
15 years ago

Bendito sea mi salvador Jesucristo por darme un pastor como lo fuistes tu,es increible las marca que has dejado en cada uno de nosotros fuistes tan especial,tu sabiduria,paciencia el amor que tenias a los hermanos a las almas pero sobre todo amor al caido nos diste tanto y nos dejaste tanto tambien quisiera volver el tiempo y poder demostrarte el agradecimiento que hay en mi corazon,Mientras te tuvimos con nosotros pensamos que te tendriamos siempre pero el tiempo paso y no nos alcanzo para demostrarte y hacerte sentir lo que realmente eres para nosotros te merecias mucho mas pero mucho mucho mas de lo que hicimos nos haces falta pastor pero como dice la cancion"un dia te vere ...te reconocere ,te abrazare y al lado de tu cuello se que llorare"y esta vez de alegria , si yase que voy a tener que hacer linea porque seguro habra muchos esperando por abrazarte otra vez ,y antes de ver a nuestro salvador seguro nos vas a estar esperando contento y nos vas a estar mostrando las cosas hermosas que hay alla.y lo feliz que sos ahi Tequiero mucho Gracias a la familia Alicea por prestarnos por tantos años un gran heroe de la fe como lo es Manuel Alicea y agradezco especialmente a vos hermano Daniel por seguir compartiendo a tu papa con nosotros con fotos videos y tantas cosas que nos hacen estar cerquita de el .gracias porque todabia lo necesitamos. Y gracias a vos pastor por todo lo que hiciste y deseaste para nosotros mientras todos hagamos nuestra parte en la carrera que comenzaste la vision y tu memoria nunca moriran.

Marcela Bocel
15 years ago

Marcela Bocel
15 years ago

Marcela Bocel
15 years ago

Claudia Santana
15 years ago

Que linda pagina dedicada a nuestro hermano Manelun gran siervo del Dios Altisimo.El hermano Alicea fue parte importante de nuestras vidas,no podemos olvidar nunca que entrego todo por la obra del Señor y quien mejor que sus hijos saben eso.Quiero dar gracias primeramente al Señor Jesucristo por haberme permitido conocer al hermano Manuel y haber estado bajo su ministerio,en segundo lugar agradecer a el mismo por haber sido nuestro pastor y por haberse preocupado por todos nosotros y en tercer lugar a sus hijos porque el hermano Alicea hizo muchas veces de papa de todos aconsejadonos y orando por todos nosotros. Pero mas que todo quiero que todos nunca olviden que hay veces que uno trabaja duro sacando las piedras del camino y sufre el cambio del clima ,pasa los frios ,los calores,la soledad del otoño ,sufre la gota gorda del verano,pero aun sigue trabajando duro aunque nadie lo reconosca el sigue enfrentando tempestades hasta poder preparar la tierra y dejarla lista para la siembra y al llegar la cosecha esta tan cansado que no puede seguir y delega a otra persona para recibir los frutos,pero en medio de la fiesta de la cosecha nos olvidamos que que el que trabajo duro ya no esta y felicitamos al que esta por tremenda cosecha.No quiero quitar meritos al actual obrero pero no olvidemos que esta parado sobre los hombros de Manuel Alicea. Hermano Alicea se que se cumplio tu sueño y escuchaste al Señor cantar alla en el cielo ,espero que cuando yo llegue tambien pueda tener ese pribilejio Nos vemos en el cielo. Claudia santana

Dilem Valenzuela
15 years ago

Bro Manny was not just a pastor he was my hero. It hurts to know that you are not around now but i am comfortated by the fact that you are in a better place. You taught me so much that i don't know were to start. I miss you..your dancing and praising God. You were and continue to be an insiperation to me. Thank you for being an amazing man of God..!! GBY, Dilem Valenzuela

Gloria Reyes
15 years ago

Fue mi primer, pastor un hombre lleno de fe,paciencia y amor que no solo inspiro mi vida para buscar el rostro de Jesus sino que hasta hoy sus concejos y su fidelidad a Dios me han dejado saber que si se puede servir a Dios en todo momento y en todo tiempo no importa las circustancias ya que el fue un hombre integro hasta su muerte. nos veremos en el cielo hermano querido y alli estaremos con Jesus eternamente siempre te recordare. Gloria Reyes.

sulma Gonzalez
15 years ago

Brother Manny I remember so many things I cant really write them all but it still hurts knowing you're not here, but to know you're in a better place I guess makes it ok!! I remember smiling every time I saw you "dansando" it was so inspiring seing our pastor praising God, I loved hearing you preach even if it meant for me to listen :o, I can also say I loved knowing you and spending the time I did with your family was something I will always have me. You were a wise men someone who was quite but knew so much, listening to you was never hard, I miss that!I miss the my pastor the great man I met at the age on 9 and who baptized me at the age of 11 :..( We miss you and Tabernaculo de Jesuscristo, I know also misses you. we love you and I pray one day to see you again!!! miss your preachings. Asta Pronto Hermano Many y Gracias por todo Sulma

15 years ago


15 years ago

I will always rememeber the kind, caring and compassionate nature Bro. Manuel had. He was a great man, wonderful teacher, and nothing short of amazing to his family and anyone who had the blessing of having him touch their life. I will never forget him.

Jorge Carpio
15 years ago

Por muchas cosas que me ensenaste gracias muchas gracias y unque nunca te dije lo mucho que te queria, siempre estaras en mi mente y en mi corazon. Te recordare por siempre, yo se que ud. nos mira de alguna manera (lo estranamos muchisimo y solo nos queda esforzarnos para algun dia poder estar a su lado. GRACIAS HRN. Y PASTOR MANUEL ALICEA Amte: Joge Carpio

Fmlia. Alvarracin
15 years ago

Verdaderamente fue en gran varon de Dios. Lleno de mucho amor y paciensia para su congregacion.Un hombre que vivia enamorado del Senor Jesus. Grasias por sus consejos,y que Dios sigua bendiciendo ala familia Alicea.

Luis R. Rodriguez
15 years ago

Quiero Saludar desde aqui, a esta hermosa familia que Dios me ha consedido conocer. Pr. Alicea fue para mi un gran ejemplo de hombre de Dios fiel y dedicado. Agradesco a Dios por haberme crusado en mi camino a este hombre Desde Uruguay, Pr. Luis R. Rodriguez y Familia

Dino Alicea
15 years ago

Someone once said that time heals all wounds. I guess they never lost someone as dear as my pops. Its been three years, and still my heart bleeds with sorrow. I don't ever believe, until the day we meet again, the scars will vanish. Miss ya POPS! It would take hours, and still have plenty to say to describe how great my Dad really was. Allow me to share a few, He had a heart of gold, He loved God, his family and his church. He possessed great values that is shared by all his gentle life touched. His smile lit up a room, and the list goes on. Thanks Pops for sharing of yourself. You will never be forgotten, and will live thru us all. Love ya man, and we all miss ya! We will meet again!

15 years ago

No se donde comenzar tanto; cosas que decir tanto mi familia y yo hemos sido impactados, la familia Navarrete soms muy agradecidos todo por nuestro pastor Alicea nos enseno Fue un varon de Dios que siempre ayudo al necescitado, Su ejemplo hablo mas a nuestras vidas su caminar con Dios. Recuerdo lasTantas veces que me dejo a mi(Alex) en casa.. Hombre que todo era de oracion. Su passion por las almas su passion asi los Jovenes,, siempre animando.Todas sus ensenanzas todas sus oraciones es porque mi familia hoy y yo siguimos adalente y nos enseno algo muy precioso El Lugar secreto..la intimidad con Dios mas que esto no hay..Su caminar SU LEGADO nos a dejado, De El Unico y Verdadero Dios y Salvador Nuestro Senor Jesuscristo...

15 years ago

A la familia Alicea, mi mas grande gratitud y afecto. Quiero compartir con ustedes, talvez, nunca lo dije. Y hoy en cortas palabras pero profundas mi amor y respeto primeramente a nuestro Senor Jesucristo por darme el conocimiento de la verdad y luego a conocer un gran pastor varon de Dios como lo fue el Hrn. Mani. Lleno de paciencia y sabiduria. Ese carisma y sus chistes me recordaba siempre a mi papa y siempre yo le decia a el " usted es como si fuera mi papa" y el se sonreia. Me supo ensenar, aconsejar y me dio la oportunidad de trabajar en la iglesia como maestra de la escuela dominical y apoyandome siempre a seguir adelante. y sus palabras de despedida quedaron grabadas en mi corazon "con Jesus me voy y con el les dejo"

15 years ago

Querido Pastor Manuel Alicea, quiero decir que ud. fue un gran pastor en mi vida y en la vida de mi familia. Siempre nos enseno buenos consegos y nunca a mira atras sino a seguir adelante. Le doy grasias a Dios por dejarme compartir 17 anos con ud. y recuerdo cuando ud me decia " you did good, pero hay que seguir adelante" nos ensenaba siempre a dar lo mejor a Dios. Su amor, su carino, su pasiencia, su humor, sus consejos y sus ensenansas siempre permaneceran en nosotros. Tambien quiero decir que era un gran heroe que Dios puso en la iglesia. I miss you so much...y como dice la cansion " ALGUN DIA TE VERE" y a Dios tambien. Love you and your family.

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

Diane M Bonilla
15 years ago

WOW, So It's been 3 yrs to the day & it doesnt seem to get any easier, Wish I could go back in time & stay there..wish this was easy but it just sems to get harder & thats just reality which I have to accept...As my spiritual father you raised me as your very own, you loved me, spoke to me and if you ever reprimanded me, you did it with so much love, so much heart that it hurt me because I felt like I had hurt you and let you down. You taught me to always make wise decisions, to think with my head and when I would make a chose to give it my all. You taught me the uttermost patience’s, meekness, unselfish (to give & not to expected) to have a sense of humor, to enjoy what I had while I had it and to be thankful for it instead of complaining about what I thought I needed and didn’t have, to always wait on God ( God time is always the rite time), to have faith, to be loyal, to love Music, to love to praise & worship the Lord & to Love God unconditionally just like he loves us. There is so much to be said about the way you taught us the word of God and guided us in the his path, on the was you treated us and loved us (like the Lord did) . Your always thought about & in my heart..I Will 4 Eva Miss You...My Pastor, My Hero, My Friend...you will always live in my heart & thru my life...there is no doubt about that....Love you Diane.

Marisol Castano
15 years ago

I have been contemplating what words I could possibly use to accurately convey how Bro. Manny impacted my life. He was kind, soo patient, compassionate, loving and a devoted family man. I did not know that men like him existed until God brought me to TDJ. That in and of itself was life changing. However, what truly touched me was the wisdom that he had in dealing with the young people. He was able to inspire us through his example and show what a true connection and walk with God could be. Bro.Manny believed in us and always had our best interests at heart. When many would be quick to reprimand us. He would rise in our defense and say they need to be nurtured and encouraged not cut down. I know that I am still standing because of his prayers and the teachings he instilled in us. He allowed us to believe that not only were we the future, but we were more than capable of answering God's call. I could never express my gratitude to him enough or to his family. Thank you all for sharing him with the rest of us.

Hno William Cajas
15 years ago

Hno William Cajas
15 years ago

Hno William Cajas
15 years ago

Familia Vera
15 years ago

Gracias, Muchas Gracias por el legado que dejo en nuestra familia. Cuando yo hablaba con ud yo podia ver a Jesus en su rostro. Su tranquilidad y humildad eran admirables. Hno. Alicea ud nos enseno a ser verdaderos adoradores los que Jesus esta buscando en espiritu y en verdad. Yo siempre me voy a recordar la frase que dijo ud "Que tomemos un minuto para oler el perfume de una rosa" La vida pasa tan rapido y nos olvidadamos de los pequenos detalles. Son las pequenas cosas que enriquecen nuestras vidas. Gracias por sus sabios consejos!!!

Yesid Gonzalez
15 years ago

Brother Manny..... You played an important role in my first baby steps with the Lord. I thank God for your faithfulness and consistency in serving the King of Kings. A lit burning torch that never seemed to go off, encouraged me to keep walking in my tough moments. Yes pastor, I have learned to dance in my happy and not so happy times. I know now that deep behind your dance there was pain, but without a doubt “you always danced for JESUS with all your might”. Cathy Gonzalez

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