Still listen to your music every day

Every day is cold, but in my heart, you are still here with me and always. You were my role model, inspiration for writing music, an angel from Heaven, an expert in dancing, and of course, THE BEST POP SINGERS. You Are Not Alone. We're with you forever and always, Michael Joseph Jackson. R.I.P. 1958-2009 May our tears be faded away and broken from our sorrow of your passing, but always remains in our hearts and blood. FOREVER!!!! crying happy tears.

I am 15 years old, so didnt know MJ back in his 'prime' but i've known his music as far back as i can remember. No one could or can and never will sing, dance or generally entertain as well as Michael Jackson! He was and is a legend, the king of not just pop, but all music and dance EVER!
He will never be forgotten, i certainly wont ever forget him.
You will always be in our hearts, forever and ever!
RIP MJ miss you

Sleep on beloved ,sleep and take thy rest
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's Breast
We love thee well, but Jesus loves you best
Good-night, Good-night Good-night.
Calm is thy slumber as an infant's sleep
But thou shall wake no more to toil and weep
Thine is a perfect rest secure and deep
Good-night Good-night Good-night
Only Goodnight beloved- not fare well
A little while and all his saints shall dwell
In hallowed union indivisible
Good-night, Good-night, Goodnight.
Until we meet again before His throne
Clothed in the spotless robe He gives His own
Until we know even as we are known
Good-night, Good-night, Good-night.

Micheal, I am so hurt that your gone. I cant stop thinking why it had to happen this way and too soon. I will never forget you, you will always be in my heart. Please watch over your children and family. You are a legend to the world and you will always be blessed and remembered tht way.

There is no one else that could sing and dance the way Michael did he was a real blessing with his music. He will be truley missed and for his family and children our prays are with you i can simpacize with you i lost my son in 2005 . You know god must have needed more angles. I hope that people will trurly let him rest in peace now after all he has been threw enough threw his life. And for his children I hope that the judge lets the Jackson family and the children make the decission on if they want to stay with the only family they have known. God be you and you kids keep your heads up . Your Daddy Loved you very much Michael we love and will miss you but want ever forget you

i love u mj u will forever be with us, ill never forget u ill never let u out of my heart.

i love u mj u will forever be with us, ill never forget u ill never let u out of my heart.

You were such an inspiration to everyone. You made such beautiful music that meant something. I will always remember the first time I ever heard your beautiful voice singing. My heart goes out to your family, close friends & most important your children. I know that they will be the ones to miss you the most. But they will see you again one day when they are reunited with you in Heaven. You no longer have to go thru the pain & suffering that you endured on this Earth. You are in God's arms now & may you forever Rest in Peace....thank you for your beautiful music.

I remember after school running home to listen to the Jackson's on record player. Before my sister's got home. We would pretend that we were a girls group of the Jackson's. Your going to be truly missed. I can not say that I agreeded with a lot of things that happen in your life. But one thing I do now is that I am not here to judge. I have always thought you had a lot of love inside, and you just needed to express that also. Only you and God trully knows that happens. And people should keep in mind that God judges the heart of person. And Micheal your heart was one of those really really big ones. Your a peace and I thank my lord and savior for that. Now I am just wondering, how is everyone is going to handle it . No one can ever replace what you brought to this world. And the many lifes that you have touched. You have your wings now fly high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much gaiety, popularity, so loved, so much fame
How many have said they would give anything to fill your shoes?
But those outside of the box, did not know you were playing a most dangerous game
To what was really going on, the disguise you wore, to the truth very few had a clue.
Everyone always thought you and others had everything that anyone would ever want
But you and others, well you hid your true feelings and emotions so very well
But you just like the others, by demons, you and the others,by those demons, they would forever haunt
You and others just wanted those demons to go away and forever burn in hell.
I, just don't know how many want to be in the shoes of you and the others
But to have so much, you and the others, I don't think you were ever really happy
When I could look into your eyes, the windows to the soul, for you and the others
I saw sadness, loneliness, and desperation, most people with everything you had would just question why.
Seems all of those of legend and lore and the greats had that one thing in common
The depression, the longing, the anxiety, regardless of what you had or possessed
Each of you, in their on way for their fans always wore that disguise, making us think you were happy and having fun
But to your demons and the depression to this you would never confess.
So Michael, I think now we understand, as we regretfully stand aside, as you take your rightful place among the others of legend and lore
James Brown, Anna Nicole Smith, Freddie Mercury, Jimi Hendix, Janice Joplan and all the rest
With open arms they will welcome you to their walk down the walk of fame in their world
You will solely be missed, forever loved, and may in peace you forever rest.


You were such a big part of my childhood. I loved to watch you dance and sing along with you. Now you're gone, it feels like you've taken the last of my childhood with you. I hope now you can be happy. I will always love and remember you.
Hayley, UK.

i grew up with your music it was a big part of my life there hasnt been a day this sad since princess diana passed away thankyou for the music you brought us all goodnight and god bless x

We Still Can't Believe U Gone Me And My Family And Friends WIll Miss U Very Much Rest In Peace To Our King Of Pop Michael Jackson
15 years agoMichael Jackson was truly an icon, a friend, a son, a brother,an uncle, cousin and father. He cared for the world more than anyone could ever imagine. He gave above the call of duty to charities. He was an amazing entertainer, an awesome, kind hearted individual who gave more of himself.. Michael Jackson was not given the proper respect he deserves. For him being an entertainer, star, rich and famous he never forgot about the people especially the children. No one better understood the loneliness that children feel, the abuse children endure and the reprucussions of that abuse Michael was an extrodinary man. That he never gave up to end world hunger, to have peace in this world and to have no child ever have to suffer. Michael Jackson was my favorite artist since I was two years old. My mother would put me to bed at night listening to the Jackson 5. I would collect anything and everything of Michael Jackson not because I was just a fan but because I strongly believed in the stand this man took in life. No one may agree with some of the decisions and choices that he had made in his life, or the way he chose seclusion from the world but when its all said and done. Michael Jackson is and always be the King Of Pop, The Prince To The Poor, and an Icon who will forever live in our hearts. carmen-latinay2k1225@aolcom