Just found out about Michelle’s passing earlier today while looking through the Oberlin Alumni Association web site. Michelle and I attended Oberlin Conservatory about the same time. She was Class of 1980, while I was Class of 1982. At one point, we waited tables together at Oberlin’s Asia House dining hall. Although I didn’t know her very well, I did know she was a really good cellist. She was so good, she won the Conservatory’s concerto competition (Strings Dept) her senior year and performed Elgar’s Cello Concerto with the Oberlin Orchestra Dec 14th 1979. I kept my program from that concert and am uploading the scan to share with you. Andrew Seid Oberlin Conservatory Class of 1982

Michelle is my sister and i am her youngest brother. she went to oberline college and played cello in the nashville symphoney. she had suffered from mental illness for many years and we have missed her since she has been gone. her ashes are burried in a cemetary in jefferson oregon next too her dad. she has a niece with her first name for a middle name. thank you to whoever created this site. Sean Mcteague.