Marine Promotie film voor Nieuw Guinea
66 jaar geleden
Shine a light on me
NIM 2024
Kerstyavond 2024 NIM
Bezoek aan Vasco da Gama, St. Andrew's Church ter gelegenheid van de 60 herdenking. Een prachtige reportage werd ongevraagd hiervan gemaakt voor een Indiase Internet Zender met 200.000 volgers: "My Goem"
Een lied dat op mijn lijf is geschreven. (Inzending Eurovisie Song Festival van Duitsland door Michael Schulte). De tekst beschrijft precies hoe ik het al de jaren ervaren heb.
Reportage bezoek 2019 aan Vasco da Gama, St. Andrew's Church en Begraafplaats. 60 jarige herdenking Mormugao
Het hernieuwde Monument St Andrew's Cemetery Vasco da Gama, Goa.
Op 12 April zal het langverwachte boek van Kees Leebeek gepresenteerd worden. Vanaf die datum is het boek in de reguliere boekhandel te koop. Dit boek geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving aan de hand van de beschikbare officiële documentatie van de toedracht van de Martin Mariner ongevallen. De Mariner heeft in korte tijd een twijfelachtige reputatie opgebouwd bij de MLD en krijgt de bijnaam "crew killer". 6 van de 17 toestellen verongelukken in een tijdsbestek van 2 jaar, waarbij in totaal 31 marinemensen om het leven komen: Een jaar voor de crash met de P-303 is de P-312 verongelukt in Merauke, Indië, waarbij 8 crewleden om het leven kwamen. Op 10 juni 1959 crasht de P-306 op de terugvlucht naar Nederland bij de tussenlanding op het eiland Goa doordat de rechtermotor uitvalt. 5 Crewleden en 3 passagiers kwamen om. Op 15 december 1959 slaat de de P-302 in de Papiti Baai over de kop en zinkt, met 5 doden tot gevolg. Het animo om op de Mariner te vliegen neemt snel af. Het ongeluk op 15 december 1959 is voor de marineleiding aanleiding om de PBM-5A uit dienst te nemen. Commandant A. J. de Bruin schrijft op 18 december 1959 aan de Marine leiding in Den Haag: “A. De ongevallen met de PBM-5A vliegtuigen geven mij de overtuiging dat de MLD niet in staat is onder de huidige omstandigheden met voldoende veiligheid met deze vliegtuigen te vliegen. B. De waarde van deze vliegtuigen voor de verdediging van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea acht ik zo gering, dat het brengen van meer offers niet gerechtvaardig is. C. Moge adviseren het vliegen met deze vliegtuigen definitief te stoppen. D. In afwachting uitslag onderzoek laatste ongeval heb ik het vliegen met deze vliegtuigen opgeschort.” Op 3 maart 1960 worden de Martin Mariners definitief buiten dienst gesteld.
Dit boek wat medio April verkrijgbaar zal zijn bij uitgeverij Geromy Bv, onder ISBN 97890818993657. (Zie ook gaat over de 4 Martin Mariner vliegrampen. Dit boek van oud-marinevlieger en historicus Kees Leebeek is geschreven op basis van authentieke bronnen en interviews met nog in leven zijnde bemanningsleden die dienden in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea in de periode van 1950-1960. De primitieve omstandigheden ter plekke vormden het levensechte decor waarin het loyale en plichtsgetrouwe marinepersoneel onder vaak moeilijke omstandigheden en ver verwijderd van huis en haard met deze grote amfibische vliegboten haar bijdrage leverde aan de verdediging van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Aan de hand van een aantal ernstige ongevallen - waarbij helaas tweeëndertig slachtoffers vielen en acht Mariners verloren gingen - vertelt dit boek niet alleen het e c h t e verhaal over deze rampen maar geeft het ook een unieke en onthullende blik achter de schermen bij de Koninklijke Marine Schrijver De Commandeur b.d. drs. Kees Leebeek (1944) heeft na de middelbare school enige jaren gevaren als koopvaardijofficier en werd in 1967 als dienstplichtig officier ingelijfd bij de Koninklijke Marine. Daar koos hij voor een functie als vlieger/waarnemer bij de marineluchtvaartdienst. Na vele operationele vliegende plaatsingen ondermeer op de Grumman S2F-Tracker, de Breguet Atlantic en de P3C Orion ging hij - na het volgen van de Hogere en Krijgskundige vorming - het bestuurlijke circuit in. Hij was commandant van de vliegtuigsquadrons 2 en 320 en later commandant van de groep maritieme patrouillevliegtuigen te Valkenburg. Zijn marineloopbaan werd in mei 2000 afgesloten in de functie van vlagofficier marineluchtvaartdienst, tevens souschef operatieën van de Koninklijke Marine. Na zijn leeftijdsontslag studeerde hij geschiedenis aan de universiteit van Leiden. Hij is getrouwd en heeft twee dochters en een zoon en zes kleinkinderen.
Dit langverwachte boek van Kees Leebeek over de Martin Mariner ongevallen zal medio April verkrijgbaar zijn bij o.a. de uitgeverij Geromy, zie (Prijs c.a. 42,95) Dit boek van oud-marinevlieger en historicus Kees Leebeek is geschreven op basis van authentieke bronnen en interviews met nog in leven zijnde bemanningsleden die dienden in Nederlands Nieuw Guinea in de periode van 1950-1960. De primitieve omstandigheden ter plekke vormden het levensechte decor waarin het loyale en plichtsgetrouwe marinepersoneel onder vaak moeilijke omstandigheden en ver verwijderd van huis en haard met deze grote amfibische vliegboten haar bijdrage leverde aan de verdediging van Nederlands Nieuw Guinea. Aan de hand van een aantal ernstige ongevallen - waarbij helaas tweeëndertig slachtoffers vielen en acht Mariners verloren gingen - vertelt dit boek niet alleen het e c h t e verhaal over deze rampen maar geeft het ook een unieke en onthullende blik achter de schermen bij de Koninklijke Marine Schrijver De Commandeur b.d. drs. Kees Leebeek (1944) heeft na de middelbare school enige jaren gevaren als koopvaardijofficier en werd in 1967 als dienstplichtig officier ingelijfd bij de Koninklijke Marine. Daar koos hij voor een functie als vlieger/waarnemer bij de marineluchtvaartdienst. Na vele operationele vliegende plaatsingen ondermeer op de Grumman S2F-Tracker, de Breguet Atlantic en de P3C Orion ging hij - na het volgen van de Hogere en Krijgskundige vorming - het bestuurlijke circuit in. Hij was commandant van de vliegtuigsquadrons 2 en 320 en later commandant van de groep maritieme patrouillevliegtuigen te Valkenburg. Zijn marineloopbaan werd in mei 2000 afgesloten in de functie van vlagofficier marineluchtvaartdienst, tevens souschef operatieën van de Koninklijke Marine. Na zijn leeftijdsontslag studeerde hij geschiedenis aan de universiteit van Leiden. Hij is getrouwd en heeft twee dochters en een zoon en zes kleinkinderen.
10.000 Miles Fare thee well My own true love Farewell for a while Im going away But Ill be back Though I go 10,000 miles 10,000 miles My own true love 10,000 miles or more The rocks may melt And the seas may burn If I should not return Oh dont you see That lonesome dove Sitting on an ivy tree Shes weeping for Her own true love As I shall weep for mine Oh come ye back My own true love And stay a while with me If I had a friend All on this earth Youve been a friend to me.
Tonight the moon came up, it was nearly full Way down here on earth, I could feel its pull The weight of gravity, or just the lure of light Made me want to leave my only home tonight Now I'm just wondering how we know where we belong Is it in a photograph or a dashboard poet's song? Will I have missed my chance to right some ancient wrong? Should I find myself between here and gone ... Now I could grab my keys and peel out in my truck With every saint on board bringing me their luck I could drive too fast
Kieran Goss is joined on the stage of The Grand Opera House, Belfast, by the wonderful Beth Nielsen Chapman for a performance of her torch song 'Sand and Water'. Taken from the DVD 'Kieran Goss - Live at Belfast Opera House'. Available now from (also see
This singer lost her husband, suffered breast cancer and after this had a brain tumor. Now fully recovered found her life again.
All alone I didn't like the feeling All alone I sat and cried All alone I had to find some meaning In the center of the pain I felt inside All alone I came into this world All alone I will someday die Solid stone is just sand and water, baby Sand and water, and a million years gone by I will see you in the light of a thousand suns I will hear you in the sound of the waves I will know you when I come, as we all will come Through the doors beyond the grave All alone I heal this heart of sorrow All alone I raise this child Flesh and bone, he's just Bursting towards tomorrow And his laughter fills my world and wears your smile I will see you in the light of a thousand suns I will hear you in the sound of the waves I will know you when I come, as we all will come Through the doors beyond the grave All alone I came into this world All alone I will someday die Solid stone is just sand and water, baby Sand and water and a million years gone by
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don't bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while Even though going on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok But that's not what gets me What hurts the most Was being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not seeing that loving you Is what I was tryin' to do It's hard to de
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don't bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while Even though going on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok But that's not what gets me What hurts the most Was being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not seeing that loving you Is what I was tryin' to do It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go But I'm doin' It It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone Still Harder Getting up, getting dressed, livin' with this regret But I know if I could do it over I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart That I left unspoken What hurts the most Is being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not seeing that loving you Is what I was trying to do What hurts the most Is being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not seeing that loving you Is what I was trying to do Not seeing that loving you That's what I was trying to do Ooohhh...
Saudade Is a word for a feeling of nostalgic longing for something or Someone that one was fond of and which is lost. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge That the object of longing may never return. Saudade differs from nostalgia in that whereas nostalgia Involves a mixed happy and sad feeling for the lost Memories, saudade, involves the hope that what is being Longed for might return. Saudade has been described as a " vague and constant Desire for something that does not and probably cannot Exist... a turning towards the past or towards the future. A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people And things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a Lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing. Saudade was once described as " the love that remains " Or " the love that stays " after someone is gone. Saudade is the recollection of feelings, experiences, Places or events that once brought excitment, pleasure, Well - being, which now triggers the senses and makes One live again.
Sarah McLachlan: I will remember you.
Sarah McLachlan: I Will Remember You I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories Remember the good times that we had? I let them slip away from us when things got bad How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories I'm so tired but I can't sleep Standin' on the edge of something much too deep It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard But I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light And I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories And I will remember you Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by Weep not for the memories Weep not for the memories
Ilse De Lange - I Still Cry
Ilse de Lange : I Still Cry I`m making flowers out of paper While darkness takes the afternoon I know that they won`t last forever But real ones fade away to soon Chorus: I still cry sometimes when I remember you I still cry someitmes when I hear your name I said goodbye and I know you`re alright now But when the leaves start falling down I still cry It`s just that I recall September It`s just that I still hear your song It`s just I can`t seem to remember Forever more those days are gone Chorus: I still cry sometimes when I remember you I still cry sometimes when I hear your name I said goodbye and I know you`re alright now But when the leaves start falling down I still cry I still cry sometimes when I rememeber you I still cry sometimes when I hear your name I said goodbye and I know you`re alright now But when the leaves start falling down I still cry But when the leaves start falling down I still cry
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own any audio or images in this video. All third party content belongs to their rightful owners. This video is made for entertainment purposes only. Rate, Comment :)
Danny Gokey : Tiny Life Looking down out of this little round window On silver wings, at 20,000 feet At lakes and streams and fields of green I tend to think the most peculiar things Ribbons of highways, side roads and byways People going all ways, always in a hurry Gotta get there but just where from up here I'm not sure where it's all going And what it all means But sometimes I think it's such a simple thing I close my eyes and I realize All I really need is the love I have And the love I have to give Anything else there is, is insignificant In this tiny life Wheels hit the runways, Mondays run into Mondays Some days are better than some days Can't see the sky, skyscraper's too high Thirty-second daydream at another red light I'm back in my hometown, on roads that we rode down Those sights and sounds are just yesterdays now There's deadlines, stress lines, too much on my mind I'm getting it all but what's it all for? Sometimes I think it's such a simple thing I close my eyes and I realize All I really need is the love I have And the love I have to give Anything else there is, is insignificant In this tiny life It's the love we make, it's the dreams we share The friends we find in our short time here It's knowing God's grace, the touch of a hand Holding a baby, calling mom and dad It's making the most of the moments we have And getting to live long enough to look back On the years, the sweet tears of joy and laughter That's all that really matters In this tiny life, such a tiny life Sometimes I think it's such a simple thing I close my eyes and I realize All I really need is the love I have And the love I have to give Anything else there is, is insignificant It doesn't matter in this tiny life
I do not own anything.
Danny Gokey : I Will Not Say Goodbye. Sometimes the road just ends It changes everything you've been And all that's left to be Is empty, broken, lonely, hopin' I'm supposed to be strong I'm supposed to find a way to carry on I don't wanna feel better I don't wanna not remember I will always see your face In the shadows of this haunted place I will laugh I will cry Shake my fist at the sky But I will not say goodbye They keep saying time will heal But the pain just gets more real The sun comes up each day Finds me waiting, fading, hating, praying If I can keep on holding on Maybe I can keep my heart from knowing that you're gone I don't wanna feel better I don't wanna not remember I will always see your face In the shadows of this haunted place I will laugh I will cry Shake my fist at the sky But I will not say goodbye I will curse I will pray I'll relive everyday I will shoulder the blame I'll shout out your name I will laugh I will cry Shake my fist at the sky But I will not say Will not say goodbye Will not say goodbye Will not say ooooohhhhh ot Say Good Bye
Gedenkteken Luchtvarenden De wijze waarop de Nederlandse samenleving concreet invulling geeft aan herdenkingen heeft de laatste decennia andere accenten gekregen. Zo ontstond de wens om slachtoffers, bijvoorbeeld van vredesoperaties, te eren door oprichting van afzonderlijke gedenktekens waarop de namen van de gevallenen staan vermeld. Bezoekregeling De Koninklijke Luchtmacht heeft, in samenwerking met het Bestuur Contactgroep Postactieven Luchtmacht van de regio Soesterberg, een bezoekersregeling getroffen voor de monumenten op de voormalige Vliegbasis Soesterberg. De bezoekdata worden elk jaar in januari bekend gemaakt. In 2012 zijn de monumenten te bezoeken op: woensdag 9 mei maandag 18 juni dinsdag 21 augustus woensdag 19 september donderdag 18 oktober dinsdag 13 november vrijdag 14 december Indien u het monument wilt bezoeken, kunt u dit uiterlijk 2 weken voor uw bezoek telefonisch, per post of e-mail kenbaar maken bij het evenementenbureau van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht. Bezoekers moeten zich om 10.30 uur melden in Evenementencentrum Casino Soesterberg, gelegen aan Kampweg 1 in Soesterberg. Het fotograferen van het monument is toegestaan. CLSK-Hoofdkwartier Evenementenbureau Koninklijke Luchtmacht Postbus 8762 4820 BB Breda Luchtmachtplein 1 4822 ZB Breda telefoon: +31 76 544 77 16
Another example of flying in the B-25 without the use of music on every scene!
Ry Cuming performs "Always Remember Me" for Project Rhythm Seed backstage at Michele Clark's Sunset Sessions. Produced by Myles Crawley. Edited by Ryan Parker.
Two by two lovers stand on the beach in Santa Monica Pretty eyes, long hair, smells so sweet like summer in the air watch me as i fall to the water calling watch me as i sink to the sea and always remember me Come back, back to me, back to where the mountains meet the sea we'll build a house of driftwood and keep it simple 'cause simple is good watch me as i fall to the water calling watch me as i sink to the sea and always remember me watch me as i fall to the water calling watch me as i sink to the sea and always remember me
This song reminds me of a lot of things from the past.
Spend all your time waiting For that second chance, For a break that would make it okay. There's always some reason To feel not good enough, And it's hard, at the end of the day. I need some distraction, Oh, beautiful release. Memories seep from my veins. Let me be empty, Oh, and weightless, And maybe I'll find some peace tonight. [Chorus] In the arms of the angel,
Spend all your time waiting For that second chance, For a break that would make it okay. There's always some reason To feel not good enough, And it's hard, at the end of the day. I need some distraction, Oh, beautiful release. Memories seep from my veins. Let me be empty, Oh, and weightless, And maybe I'll find some peace tonight. [Chorus] In the arms of the angel, Fly away from here, From this dark, cold hotel room, And the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage, Of your silent reverie. You're in the arms of the angel, May you find some comfort here. So tired of the straight line, And everywhere you turn, There's vultures and thieves at your back. The storm keeps on twisting. Keep on building the lies That you make up for all that you lack. It don't make no difference, Escape one last time. It's easier to believe in this sweet madness, Oh, this glorious sadness, That brings me to my knees. [Chorus] You're in the arms of the angel, May you find some comfort here.
Tijdens de herdenking van 10 juni 2012 droeg Irene koster het volgende gedicht voor: Licht onder de horizon De zon ging in een zee van goud en roze onder en’k dacht verdrietig nu is ’t allemaal gedaan het duurt nog uren, voordat ze weer op zal gaan en toen opeens, zag ik het lichte kleurenwonder ! Al was de zon gedaald onder de horizon, de wolken kregen onbeschrijflijk mooie kleuren: oranje-rood en geel en paars. Ik zag ‘t gebeuren dat iedere minuut aan schoonheid won. Zo zag ik in mijn leven de zon verdwijnen en ik was bang, dat nu de zwarte nacht begon; maar uit een bron van licht onder de horizon, zag ik de kleuren van de regenboog verschijnen. Nel Benschop Roermond, 10 juni 2012
Zie deze link:
Op Zondag 10 Juni komen wij weer bijeen voor de jaarlijkse herdenking. Ontvangst v.a. 12.00 uur, herdenking 13.00 uur. Graag even een mailtje of U hier naar toe komt.
SHeDaisy : Still Holding Out For You. Never thought I'd be in this place It's someone else's life I'm living Wish I were living a lie The hardest part is when the bough breaks Falling down and then forgiving You didn't kiss me goodbye I'm choking on the words I didn't get to say And pray I get the chance one day I still run I still swing open the door I still think you'll be there like before Doesn't anybody out there know to never come around Some things a heart won't listen to I'm still holding out for you I can hear ya smile in the dark I can even feel you breathing When the daylight chases the ghost I see your coat and I fall apart To those hints of you I'm clinging Now's when I need them most I should get up, dry my eyes and move ahead At least that's what he would have said I still run I still swing open the door I still think you'll be there like before Doesn't anybody out there know to never come around Some things a heart won't listen to I'm still holding out for you Faithfully, I trace your name while you sleep It's the only true comfort I feel I still run I still swing open the door I still think you'll be there like before I still run I still swing open the door I still think you'll be there like before Doesn't everybody out there know to never come around Some things a heart won't listen to I'm still holding out for you Holding out for you
Jessica Andrews - you will never be forgotten
Jessica Andrews : You Will Never Be Forgotten I’ll always see your face The corner of your smile And all the little things that no one will ever know Like it was yesterday, won’t ever fade away Goodbye is just a word that I will never say You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh I still feel you here with me You’re more than a memory Oh you will never be forgotten I can‘t hold your hand Or look into your eyes And when I talk to you It just echoes in my mind But If hearts are made of dust And if we fell from the stars I look up tonight and know just where you are You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh I still feel you here with me You’re more than a memory Oh you will never be forgotten And the world just keeps on going It has no way of knowing That you’re gone You will never be forgotten A million days could pass us by But what is time but just a dream Oh I still feel you here with me You’re more than a memory Oh you will never be forgotten
12 years agoTonight the moon came up, it was nearly full Way down here on Earth, I could feel it's pull The weight of gravity, or just the lure of light Made me want to leave my only home tonight I'm just wondering how we know where we belong Is it in a photograph, or a dasboard's poet's song Will I have missed my chance to right some ancient wrong Should I find myself between here and gone Now I could grab my keys, peel out my truck With every cent on board bringing me their luck I could drive too fast like a midnight sleeve As if there was a way to outrun the grief I'm just wondering how we know where we belong In a song that's left behind, in a dream I couldn't wake from Could I have felt the brush of a sould that's passing on Somewhere in between here and gone Up above me Wayward angels A blur of wings and grace One for courage One for safety One for 'just in case' I thought a light went out, but now a candle shines I thought my tears wouldn't stop, then I dried my eyes And after all of this, the truth that holds me here Is that this emptyness is something not to fear Yeah, I keep wondering how we know where we belong After all the journeys made and the journeys yet to come When I feel like giving up instead of going on Somewhere in between... Yeah, I'm just wondering how we know where we belong Is it in the arc of the moon leaving shadows on the lawn In the path of fireflies and a single bird at dawn Singing in between here and gone