Diane was my only sister. We were five years apart in age so we weren't on the same page growing up. She and I shared a room together for many years. At night we would tickle each others back. We would write thing with our finger on each others back and guess what it was. I would pretend I didn;t know what she was writing because it allowed me a longer back rub.... My sister was handed alot of stuff in her life and she always took it with a great attitude. She had a way of letting things just roll off her back. I envied this. She wa strong. She faced adversity with "Oh well". She was strong and brave and never complained about her lot. Even when she was dying she was able to see the good side of things. I loved her, I will love her forever. I will miss her always. Cheryl

I wish I would of know about her being ill...very sad about this