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sheila Davies
11 years ago

thinking of you today Livvy and your mum,dad and brothers and sisters they miss u so much xxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

hello Livvy so sorry its been some time since i visited you here but lots been happening will tell you anouther time, just wanted to say what a lovely baby brother you have and please watch over him for mummy and daddy, i hope you and mark are enjoying this lovely weather we are having going now sweet heart but will visit soon love to you all up there and lots of love shining down on all your family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

I am very sorry, she was a happy, beautiful baby <3

16 years ago

What a darling little angel. I am so very sorry for your loss.

16 years ago

I understand how you feel as my nephew was a victim of S.I.D.S. Olivia was a beautiful little girl with a big smile and bright eyes. Rest in peace little angel.

16 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss and understand how devastating cot death is as it took my precious grand-daughter when she was 8 weeks old.I send you my love and thoughts.XXXX Love from Nana of Angel Alisha Marie Grebby

Joy Kortbeek
16 years ago

Just had to visit to say Hi & to let you know Im thinking of you,as always baby girl! Shine forever beautiful Olivia,stay near your lovely Mummy & Daddy,they miss you so much Sweetheart. God Bless you always Olivia.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lots a love to all your family too.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Angie marie
16 years ago

Just popped by to say Happy Birthday to Olivia a sweet little Angel lots of love and Kisses sent your way Angie XXXXXXX

Angie marie
16 years ago

Just popped by to say Happy Birthday to Olivia a sweet little Angel lots of love and Kisses sent your way Angie XXXXXXX

Angie marie
16 years ago

Just popped by to say Happy Birthday to Olivia a sweet little Angel lots of love and Kisses sent your way Angie XXXXXXX

Angie marie
16 years ago

Just popped by to say Happy Birthday to Olivia a sweet little Angel lots of love and Kisses sent your way Angie XXXXXXX

Angie marie
16 years ago

Just popped by to say Happy Birthday to Olivia a sweet little Angel lots of love and Kisses sent your way Angie XXXXXXX

16 years ago


sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy its been a while since iv'e been here to visit you but i still light your candles every day on G.T.S my naughty computer went and crashed and took everything with it so iv'e been busy getting it all sorted out but now its done i will visit more oftern i hope your mummy and daddy are well and that there family problems are now sorted out i must get in touch as im not sure if they have moved yet send them lots of heavenly hugs from me as they are lovely people and they deserve to have all the love in the world at there feet after the things they have gone through, xxxxx well i hope you and Mark are having a fun time in the sunshine and not getting under his daddys feet i will visit again very soon love always sheila xxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

She is a very beautiful little girl. I am so sorry for yyour loss. My heart breaks for you.

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Little Angel, i just want to tell you that i love you more everyday you mean everything to me. It was supposed to get easier but it hasn't. you are all that crosses my mind everyday, how could it be any different. i will not tell Mummy because she has enough to deal with right now. I just wanted to say how much i love you and miss you and nan and grandad..........xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Angel sorry i havent been on for a while but i am still suffering with this summer cold it keeps coming back. Also your big brother Ryan is being very naughty and we cant cope with him right now some of our policeman freinds are now worried for his safety thats all we need right but they are trying to help him too they are our freinds not just police officers so our hearts go out to them, well i hope you are having lots of fun with Baby Mark and all your other Angel freinds i always think of you, you know that and i love you so much please watch over Ryan for me i dont want to lose another child he is breaking my heart. Well i am sending you all the love i have i love you Livvy....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

I just wanted to say hi Olivia to you and your mummy and daddy. I hope you having so much fun and I wonder if you've met my Jacob. I wanted to leave a poem for you and your mummy and daddy Tiny Angels rest your wings sit with me for awhile. How I long to hold your hand, And see your tender smile. Tiny Angel, look at me, I want this image clear.... That I will forget your precious face Is my biggest fear. Tiny Angel can you tell me, Why you have gone away? You weren't here for very long.... Why is it, you couldn't stay? Tiny Angel shook his head, "These things I do not know.... But I do know that you love me, And that I love you so"

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well i am sorry that i have not been to visit here for a few days but iv'e not been to good, never forget you though im sending you lots of hugs ((((((hugs)))) and sending some to mummy and daddy (((hugs))))) hope they are ok and all is fine at home hope you and mark are watchin out for them and for baby Oliver.xxxx well i must go now but love you loads sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

sorry not been to visit u here for few days not been well. have lit candles give mark big hugs and send love to your mummy and daddy family and oliver love sheila.xxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning Little Angel, well we are still having problems with ryan he is really hell bent on destroying himself i think anyway i want to send you loads of love and kisses i am full of cold right now and i feel absolutely terrible i cant breath and i am sweating buckets it just wont go away. I hope you are having loads of fun with Baby Mark i need to send Mark loads of love too well i must go get a hot lemon i love you Livvy with all my heart..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

i am sending this candle for you and also for mummy and daddy they are in my and i hope that Ryan is home again ((((((hugs))))) well i know that you and Mark will be watching over them and helping them at this hard time, i hope mummy is doing well with bump, xx have fun today and i will visit soon love sheila xxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

i hope you and Mark are having a good time and playing in all those puddles(with wellies on) iv'e not got much time this morning but you know your always in my heart and thoughts sending love to mummy and daddy xxx love to you Livvy and Mark love sheila xx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy i hope you are watching over mummy and daddy today as i feel they are a little sad, ((((((hugs))))) i hope you and Mark have a fun day today and i will be back tomorrow as i am going out today for a meal with my brother and his wife as its my birthday monday and i feel a little lonley ((hug))((hug)) i give these to you and Mark xxx love to your mummy and daddy who i see as my good friends i hope to meet them one day soon then i can really be happy . love always sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Little Angel, I am sending you all my love and kisses my darling and also some for Baby Mark and his Daddy oh and Sheila too things a changing fast here i guess maybe too quickly for my liking but they are not going away just being protected from the elements and we will always keep the things Livvy. Everything about your existence means so much to me and its those things that i need to reflect on to know you are still here i know you are but i need that little bit extra. Well the news last night was a little 50-50 to me i am not sure there has been a break through in the reasoning for cot death or there would be some finding of a bacterial nature in the post mortem if that was the case i am sure, but that professor or anyone else didnt seem to give enough evidence to concrete it maybe the bacteria dies also who knows watch this space i guessanyway lets not speculate i love you unconditionally is not speculation ....Daddy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy its a quick goodnight tonight as i am really tired just like your daddy it must be atching, hope you and mark have had a good day sleep now little one and i will speak to you tomorrow xlove forever to your mummy and daddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sheila x

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Hello My Little Angel, another busy day hey all this junk its surprising where it all comes from anyway i am really bushed tonight but i need to give you all my love hugs and kisses because you are my special and one and only little Girl and i love you like mad give my love to Nan and Grandad too ok i miss them like mad too love always ..Daddy..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Hi My Little Angel, sorry about this weather but you know Daddy loves it the colder the better i must be mental i guess but i love the cold im afraid Sheila is not too happy with me but i think she will forgive me because she is too lovely to a grudge and its not really my fault hey. Well your Anutie Rang from Canada today and she has raised £150 doing her walk in your memory bless her. that has bumped the total up nicely i think well that reminds me i must go email her with some addresses so i will go do it right now while i think of it coz you know i'll forget so here is all my love for you all wrapped up in a fluffy warm cloud to keep warm in love you baby...Daddy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy whats your dad gone and done to the weather its raining cats and dogs here so make sure you and Mark wear your wellie bobs when you are splashing in all them puddles, sending all my love to you and your mummy and daddy, be good speak to you later love, love sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well i think your daddy got his wish its raining here tell him to have the rain we want the sunshine, i hope you and Mark are set to have a fun filled day,i will call in to see you later i am doing a lot of house re-arranging today as got no room so have a good day and sending love to mummy and daddy, xxxxxxxxx love sheila x

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Little Angel,well we are out for the day today i know you will be with us at least we will be under shelter all day so it will be dry. we like the rain anyway the cooler the better for us you can keep that horrible sun. just had a coughing fit my insides are so sore from all the sneezing 2 days ago its horrible being allergic to dust. anyway i want to send you all my love and kisses because i miss you so much all my love to you darling and give my love to Mark too ...Daddy...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy i hope you and My Mark have had a lovely time this weekend in gods garden, am sorry i have not stopped by but as i told you i have been away, i had a nice time but missed you ,Mark and his daddy, i am very tired so just you both keep watch over your family for me and send them lots of ((((((hugs))))) sleep well now and i will visit you tomorrow love always sheila, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Angel, i hope you are Mark are playing nicely in your wonderful place. Mummy and i are cleaning so i guess that is confusing hey and we are packing those Boxes so we can all move to a bigger house. and you will be coming with us Angel coz we love you so much and will never leave you behind. All my love to you My angel Daddy..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

rose mcguane
16 years ago

just stopping by your page have fun with the angels this holiday x x x

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy whats your daddy like hope they are all better now, xxx hope you and Mark have enjoyed your week and are ready for the holiday weekend i am going away so wont be visiting you till wednesday so be good and send your family all my love hope they have good weekend will speak to you in the week love always sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Angel i am so sorry for neglecting you and Mark but i have been very busy and thats no excuse i know you always come first you know that and what i have been doing was for you anyway i still love you more than anything in the world and miss you more than i could ever miss anyone. i have also had a lot of problems with Abbie and Ryan teenage years what. anyway i am sending extra love and kisses for you and Mark i love you Darling ...Daddy....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy i hope you didn't think that i was leaving you but my computer had majer problems this week god i hope it never breaks down for good don't know how i would cope, hope you and Mark have had a good week and that you watching over mummy send mummy daddy and the family all my love thinking of them love to you speak again soon love sheoila xxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

hello little one i have sent you a cake so you Mark and the other angels can celebrate mummy's birthday also, i think she would like to know that you are all having a good time today mummy and daddy and your brother ans sisters miss you badly, send them all your love and mine also sleep now speak to you tomorrow dont eat to much of that cake now you hear me, love always sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well i hope you are all tucked up in bed now and you have all enjoyed Marks party sorry i could not be there but i will be one day and then we can all have a big party, i send all my birthday wishes to your mummy and i know you will be sending her lots of hugs and kisses tomorrow so give her some from me also love you sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Stopped by to say goodnight darling daddy's eyes are playing up so not going on the computer at the moment so he want's me to let you know he loves and misses you so much but you already know that anyway don't you baby, Give baby mark and tommy all our love to oh and not forgetting your new angel friend Maria all our love now and forever mummy & daddy.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy you will be having two partys this week first Marks on thursday then mummy's SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH on friday i hope you and Mark are not running rings round Maria and are being good little angels for her and Marks dady, xx sending lots of love and kisses to your mummy and daddy also Ryan,Abbie,Sophie and Ellie and last but not least Little Oliver xxxxxxx love sheila xx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning Little Angel, im sorry i didnt write yesterday i thought i did infact i was convinced i did anyway i am sending you loads more hugs and kisses today ok and i really do love you. well dont you forget mummy's birthday on friday will you yes she still has them after all these years bless her anyway she'll kill me now. well darling you are always in my thoughts and my heart I LOVE YOU LIVVY..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well Livvy i hope you and Mark are being really good little angels today as my friend has now come to live with you in heaven, sending you, your mummy,daddy and little Oliver all my love and plenty of huggy hugs love sheila and my angels xxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

just a quick goodnight as its very late will speak tomorrow, love to you and mummy and daddy xxxxxxxxxxxx

Joy Kortbeek
16 years ago

Just passing by & stopped to say hello to a beautiful Angel,a special treasure. You are missed so much Poppet,stay close to Mummy,Daddy & your brothers & sisters. You will never be forgotten Olivia. God Bless Darling.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Good Morning My Little Angel, i hope you have a wonderful day in God's Garden playing with Mark and Tommy you know i took Ryan, Abbie, and Sophie flying yesterday well it was a good day we met some interesting people and the aircraft museum was wicked too. well its another busy day today its good weather so why not anyway im sending all my love to you Angel and i love and miss you so much all my love little one .... Daddy ...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

becci whiting
16 years ago

goodnight darling angel sending our love to mummy daddy and ur special brother and sisters ur always in our thoughts u look after them all they miss u so much night night sleep well xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

well youv'e done it again you've sent the sun shining down (thank you) x i hope you and Mark are having a splashing time and not getting into to much trouble with his daddy, i hope you like your new picture Livvy i think it says it all dont you, sending you and \Mark all my love and will try to visit later give Marks daddy big hugs and sending some to your mummy and daddy as it sounds like they could do with some hug hug hug, love you from sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sheila Davies
16 years ago

Glen Perkins
16 years ago

Hello Angel, sorry i havent been by for a while but we have had a bombardment from the media after the inquest we seem to have made top story in shropshire for some reason. but you are worth all the fuss since you are so very special it just destroys you when they publisice things that are not true. like what does it matter where you were sleeping it was the cause of death anyway i am just sending all the love i have i hope you are going to share it with Mark and his Daddy and i am also sending some to Sheila too for being a special friend all my love to you Livvy .. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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