From all the member of South Strathfield Probus Club, our memories of our past President are of a job very well done and his always pleasant personality.
Our codolence to Henny and familly in their greif, he will be sadly missed at the club, but his name will live forever on our Past president sheild.
Peter Field

I have known Paul Matthysen since the late 70's when I was transferred to
AMP Strathfield. Always on the move, Paul was involved in the scouts at Burwood, the Liberal party, the Rotary, Meals on wheels, JP, etc etc. I will
remember his exhortations as late as last December of " Do something
positive!" For his community service work he was selected to be a Sydney Olympic torch bearer.
After his retirement from the AMP we kept in touch usually meeting at Burwood . Always well dressed, he was always punctual at all his meetings. be it the Rotary or the AMP Agents Association.
Over the years I have known Paul to be immensely proud of his children and
their achievements, telling others the number of grandchildren he had. His personal life story would be one of a simple Dutch immigrant made good in a new country. He said to at our last meeting he was "useless" and tired and his
wish was simply to" pass away" quietly.
Surrounded by your family members when you pass away I believe you got your wish. I bid you farewell . May you rest in peace. Paul Ng

I have known Paul Matthysen since the late 70's when I was transferred to AMP Strathfield. Always on the move, Paul was involved in the scouts at Burwood, the Liberal party, the Rotary, Meals on wheels, JP, etc etc. I will remember his exhortations as late as last December of " Do something positive!" For his community service work he was selected to be a Sydney Olympic torch bearer. After his retirement from the AMP we kept in touch usually meeting at Burwood . Always well dressed, he was always punctual at all his meetings. be it the Rotary or the AMP Agents Association. Over the years I have known Paul to be immensely proud of his children and their achievements, telling others the number of grandchildren he had. His personal life story would be one of a simple Dutch immigrant made good in a new country. He said to at our last meeting he was "useless" and tired and his wish was simply to" pass away" quietly. Surrounded by your family members when you pass away I believe you got your wish. I bid you farewell . May you rest in peace. Paul Ng