Your Daddy misses you so much...Trista, Stevie, Daddy and I "cooked" Saturday night and talked about all the "stupid" things that we have done....I know you were watching and listening, laughing at your dad and Trista..We miss you and love you more each day..

R.C. was such a great man. Everything from his smile to his hugs. Happy Birthday R.C. and I cant wait to see you in heaven. Thank you Carla and Roan for raising such nice kids. Anna Kelly Ivey

RC's birthday is TODAY SEPTEMBER 30
Love Aunt Paige

RC,man till this day i still miss you dearly,all the long days and nights on the Ranch that we shared through the years.You have always been a great friend and like a brother that i have never had.I'll never forget the time in the swamp chasing dogs on foot in deep water when all the sudden i holler look out for that hole and about that time i turn around,too late your chest deep in it,i laughed so hard because i was kidding when i said,"it's a gator hole",i have never seen somebody get out of the water so fast.
Look out for us down here and i can't wait to see your smiling face again,Love Ya Man,And Happy Early Birthday!! Blaine Matthews

Just heard the news today-and its as if I was kicked in the chest. RC was a man beyond his years. He brought my father and I together for a time- I can never thank him for. Thru it all a true -man-and one of the best sons- I have ever seen in my life.
Funny story- that I wil tell is one of a night we went out hunting way past midnight in June! It was about 130am- after a few card games- RC wanted to go chase rabbits!! LOL The adventure begins and we all jump on the buggie- L Skynard blazing on the radio-RC singing as loud as he can -once we leave the outskirts of the camp! HAHA hoping Bill does not find out- as we pick off some of those buck tooth rascals! Well all is going well- Spur is sitting shotgun on the buggie-then all of a sudden- the response was- "Heck where did this canal come from?"- Next thing we new- off flew the axle- and everyone in the buggie freaks out- its now almost 3am-LOL -RC -smooth as can be- tells everyone- no worries- and jumps off- picks up the axle- and next thing you know were all cruising back to camp without 4by4- LOL- Everyone was nervous as can be-but RC assured everyone- and we laughed all the way to the ranch! Next day-Bill found out- we all laughed- and its was a great night. Danny I hope I got to tell you that story!
RC- I miss you already- Watch over my family from above- and bless my sons- as you were. GOD SPEED-and see you son my friend. You are missed

In the short time I've known RC, I was very impressed with his politeness and sincerity. What a hard working young man. I don't know what it means, but I saw RC on the Saturday before he left us. I feel honored that God gave me the opportunity to say goodbye to him. What a handsome young man. I know his parents were very proud of him.
Mark Akin.....

I am truly belssed to have known such a wonderful person such as R.C. His big smile and bear hugs were his signature he always welcomed me with. I was 12 years old when I met R.C., we ran around the ranch like we owned it and drove the ranch hands crazy. He taught me so much and he had the warmest heart and soul. He will always hold a special place in my heart. I loved him so much and he will be truly be missed. Thank you R.C. for showing me warmth and kindness, and for being a true friend.

I am blessed to know someone as pure as R.C.
His big smile and warm words will be missed. He was a truley special person. Words can't describe how much I will miss him. Thank you RC for putting up with Taylor & I at the Ranch & making us laugh.

We loved RC so much! He was like family to us.
Carla, RC touched so many lives in a great way. He will always be in our hearts.
Charlotte and John Mock

Please accept my deepest sympathies.
I send my prayers to his family.

Last night was pure evidence on how many people RC touched in his short life. My children and I spent numerous weekends with RC, Newt and Trista at their dad's house. It was such a great exprencie that we will never forget. One of my favorite memories was working cows with the Mattson's and RC showing Mason (who was only 9) how to "cut" one. Not to mention the man hunts on four wheelers were just priceless. Breakfast was always something we looked forward to. RC's smile will never be forgotten and will be greatly missed. Thank you for being in our lives we are blessed because of you.
Tammie Dryden
16 years agoThis ariticle made me go back many years ago. I spent every weekend with Carla at the ranch and loved every minute of it, and loved this family. No matter what we would do Mr. Sherman or Delores always found out. Yet he was big and mighty, he was gentle. I think of this family everyday since their heart are saddend. This smile I see, these stories I read, the love in this young boys heart is indiscribable. He left behing many memories that will live on forever, and many hearts left touched by him. This smile I see, is what I saw in his mother growing up, always happy and smiling. I pray her smile will continue. Praying for you all, may God give you the strenghth you need in your daily walk with him. I bet R.C. is still laughing about somethings his grandfather didn't find out. He couldn't have picked a better hero than Bill Sherman. Tammie (Passwaters) Dryden