I adored her as a child and love her still as an adult, she is to France what Marilyn is to America, an unforgettable symbol of beauty, talent and grace. She bewitched me with Sissi and I have been fascinated by her ever since. She had a tragic life and died of a broken heart; whether she took her own life or not is irrelevant because she died when her beloved son was killed. There are blows in life that are simply lethal and this was the case with Romy, but she left a legacy of luminous performances and has gone to the pantheon of the immortals.

Always thought she´s french, throughout her family´s name sounds german.
Time ago i saw a movie (name ´s forgotten) in her mothers language - weird but fascinating! Dark pleasently voice.
She´s not best known in US, but rememberd as a european superstar!
And blessed with such a natural beauty in addition to be a master of her craft - acting!
She would turn to seventy this year, right?!
What did she look like now? What would she do today?

"Im Film kann ich alles, im Leben kann ich nichts."

"Manchmal muß man einfach nach seiner Nase gehen. Auch wenn man sie sich dabei mal einschlägt." 23. September 1971

"Ich ganz allein schien zu wissen: Ich war keine Sissi. Ich habe die Sissi gespielt, aber ich ähnelte dieser Traumfigur im Leben überhaupt nicht." Romy über Sissi

15 years agoI'm from Mongolia. Don't know about her more. I only saw her from the film ''Sisi''. Such a amazing film that I ever saw and still now. She is such a great and beautiful lady that I appreciate and respect every time i see her from the film. Great pleasure. Really regretful when i know how she was death. But I love you and Mongolian citizens are all love you and with good memories we remember. Miss you.