Ruben, I can't believe it's already been a year since you've been gone and I just discovered this page when I was looking for your rememberance on the Home News website yesterday...It's still so vivid in my mind da words u said 2 me on dat cold snowy wintery day when u helped carry mi abuela's casket...u came 2 afterwards, hugged me, & told me u loved me...Even though we weren't dat close...I did feel ur love and I'll never 4 get it! Remember New Year's Eve 12-31-07 @ Tono's, u were makin me laugh cuz of ur jokes about Maritza giving her daughter the sweet sixteen she never had...U were sooo funny & everytime i visit mi abuela i also visit u...I love you and I miss you...Your Cousin, Grisel
Your were my third. Someone told me that death happens in three's I didn't want to believe it. First was Mike my brother in law, month later abuela Isolina and five months after you my cousin. All three of you have a great sense of humor it was guarantee laughter. I have your pictures hanging so you can watch over one another. LOVE YOU & MISS U Diana
Damn I can't believe it's a been a year. Ruben your were my third tragedy that happened to me. People say bad things happen in three's and I didn't want to believe it until now. First my brother in law Mike past away only at 32 years old in October. Then my abuela Isolina (second mom) exactly a month later in November and then you my cousin who was only a year younger than me departs five month after. Death has no age limit and life is short! I have all three of your pictures next to eachother hanging so you guys can look after one another. All three of you had the best sense of humors and when we chilled all three of you made me laugh and thats what I will always remember. I knew that whenever I was with any three of you it was guarantee laughter! Miss you like crazy! Love you! Diana
Memories of some of the great moments we shared.
My memory of Mr. Ruben Resto ... him sneaking me into Internationals, because I was too young to get in, and dancing the night away. Drinking and laughing ... talking and lauging... he always had a joke, and could always bring a smile to my face, and reminded me not to take life too seriously. Our catching up conversations over the past 9 years, that made it seem like no time had passed since we last saw each other. Our last conversation, and his words of wisdom that will stay with me forever .. but his friendship is the best memory of all and the one I will miss more then anything. Love you Ru ..
Ruben and I went to High School together. He was always such a cool guy. After high school I had not seen him years...... The last time I saw Ruben was at Mike's funeral, this past November. He was with Carlos but I did not recognize him at first sight. OMG how he has changed and matured. I remeber what I said to him that day, "Wow Ruben it's been so's so sad that we had to meet again under these circumstances..." That is my last memory of Ruben. Good bless his soul he was such a great guy.
Blessing every pool and hot tub when we went on any vacation.....trying to make an evening romantic and having the sprinklers turn on on us-LOL (PR)....Ruben shaving his head because of his impatience (PR), that had me on the floor for a wetsuit tan in palm tree tan in PR....Ruben not being able to scooba dive with me in Jamaica after going through all of the training, he ended up getting to anxious and couldn't do it, he never lived that trying to keep him from going back to our room in Jamaica because I had a surprise waiting for him....the strip club in Miami (you know what I'm talking about babe)....the incredible week we had at Disney...his fear of rollercoasters, The Mummy will go down in history. Above all, the smile he brought to my soul every time he did something romantic, funny, stupid.....he could always make me laugh no matter what. I LOVE YOU RUBEN RESTO.
Memories....There is only one person in this world that gave me the nickname of "Ma Gregory" and Karla will probably call me that forever. Memories....coming back to NB after a big Thirsty Thursday, Karla going to bed, and staying up proceeding to "drink, etc" into oblivion with Resto. Memories...Ruben always made fun of me for trying to hit on all of his friends and getting nowhere. Memories...BBQs, Dinners, Catch Phrase (and him blaming Karla for cheating : ) Memories...He would purchase a full blown meal at the movie theater. Not like popcorn and soda, he would get, chicken fingers, fries (if available), soda, snack etc. All he needed was his pillow. LOL Lots and lots of memories of Mr. Resto man
There are just so the time Ruben and I drank a liter of Bacardi Limon on my mother's front porch for no reason at all...we were tanked!!! Why we did that is all a blur, but damn I wish we could do it again.... or... How bout the many times we sat on the roof off of the talmadge st bedroom and watched the sun come up as the bats flew by... or... cutting holes out of 30 gallon garbage bags, putting them over our heads, climbing trees and thinking we were Rambo...i guess you had to be of the best times ever.
Memories of Ruben? lets see.... He would always come over for Dinner when Mychael was Making Beef was his favorite dish that mike makes....I dont know if he had radar or what but as soon as Mike would start cooking would here him coming down the driveway ready to
I have so many memories, good and bad, happy and sad and I would not change any of them for anything in this world. We would joke that we should just go to the New Brunswick court house and get married and then we'd laugh and comment on how Moni would disown us if we ever did that to her, that she deserved the big white wedding.
This Photo was taken at mine and Mychaels Committment ceremony. He had so much fun that day and was so happy for us. We miss you Rube!!!!!
15 years agoCousins Rock!
15 years agoThis foto was actually taken in the summer of 2001. From L-R (Top) Grisel, Carlos, Maritza, Alex (Bottom) Ruben and Diana