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Erika Murray
12 years ago

I am thinking of you always my most precious little girl...

Rhiannon Meredith
12 years ago

I am so upset to hear about the loss of your beautiful angel Sabine. She is truly the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. I know that you will never stop aching for your little girl but I hope that time is helping you find peace. I know that nothing will ever take away the love you have for your baby. Erika, I also think that Sabine is the most beautiful name. I will always remember your little girl and think of her often. My deepest condolences to you and Art and your family. Love Rhiannon xxoo

Erika Murray
12 years ago

Thank you for reaching out Rhiannon. Yes, it has been a very hard year and life will always feel incomplete without Sabine in our arms. We have however learnt to cherish Sabine's existence and the huge impact she has had on our lives. As you say, we will always love and remember her. We think it is a beautiful name too. When we first saw her we just knew she was 'Sabine'. Thank you for your thoughts. Much Love Erika xx


Sabine you and your mother made a guest appearance in a dream I had the other month. I was visiting Sydney and it was some historical village about the early settlers. When I was walking around looking at things and their was your mother Erika her back facing me. I called out "Hi" she turned around and she had you in her arms, I said "oh you have Sabine with you" and she replied "She is always with me" then she turned around and walked away. It was such a powerful vivid dream, and I woke up straight away after that. I woke Eric and we discussed it for awhile. But i think the message was so clear to me. Erika carries you in her arms always.... xx

Erika Murray
12 years ago

What a beautiful and special thing to share Angeline. Thank you. I often dream of Sabine too - we are at home, loving one another and sharing beautiful mother-daughter time together. These dreams comfort me and make me feel close to Sabine. Much love xx

Erika Murray
12 years ago

Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high, There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far Behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?

Erika Murray
12 years ago

Sweet Sabine You are my light and my dark You are near but you are far You are my joy and my sorrow You are my constant and my wavering You are my daughter and my lost baby In light and dark I will always love and cherish you xxoo

12 years ago

I imagine you would have been such a big girl by now! I know you would have been so special, smart and sweet. I think of you often and miss you though I never knew you. Love Nina

Erika Murray
12 years ago

You should see your flowers blooming my dear girl! Pinks, purples and whites, with petals unfurling to sing for you! But, maybe you can see. Or maybe you are your singing flowers... xx

Erika Murray
12 years ago

You may have been such a big girl today, having grown so much in 5 months. I feel your 'big-ness' in my heart and soul and continue to feel the enormity of your existence in all that I do. I will carry you with me always my sweet daughter.

13 years ago

Sinu nimi Anna Haava Ei sinu nime iial Ma teistel' nimeta: Liig armas, kaunis, kallis On selleks mulle ta. Su nimi tasakesi Mu huultel liikumas, Kui üksi igatsedes Mul silmad pisaras. Su nime ilmsiks palmin Ma õitsvaist lilledest Ja särama ta säädan Öö hiilgavaist tähtedest: Sest kõik, mis armas, kaunis, Sull' nimeks panen ma- Ei eluöö, ei surmgi Või seda keelata. Kanname Sind igavesti kaasas enda mälestuses ja südames. Armastusega.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Some rose buds bloomed today And a fluffy bellied baby bird played in the hibiscus outside your bedroom window. Mumma blue tongue came out to sun herself And the strawberries in your garden looked redder and sweeter than ever. We hung some photos of you And I laid a buttercup yellow blanket in your cot. I imagine how you would be today Alert, smiling, dimples, gurgling, chubby legs and a grip so strong. Four months have passed. Although we miss you immensely sweet girl, we cannot ignore the beauty in life… the beauty you brought to us.

13 years ago

Some rose buds bloomed today And a fluffly tummied baby bird played in the hibiscus outside your bedroom window. Mumma blue tongue came out to sun herself And the strawberries growing in your garden looked redder and sweeter than ever. We hung some photos of you And I laid a buttercup yellow blanket inside your cot. I imagined how you would be today Alert, smiling, dimples, bouncy, gurgling, chubby legs and a grip so strong. Four months have passed. Although we miss you immensly sweet girl, we cannot ignore the beauty in life... the beauty you gave to us.

13 years ago

May my soul’s love strive to you May my love’s meaning stream to you. May they bear you May they hold you In the heights of hope, In the spheres of love. Rudolf Steiner

Erika Murray
13 years ago

I had thought that your death was a waste and a destruction, a pain of grief hardly to be endured. I am only beginning to learn that your life was a gift and a growing and a loving left with me. That desperation of death destroyed the existence of love, but the fact of death cannot destroy what has been given. I am learning to look at your life again instead of your death and your departing.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Look for me when the tide is high And the gulls are wheeling overhead When the autumn wind sweeps the cloudy sky And one by one the leaves are shed Look for me when the trees are bare And the stars are bright in the frosty sky When the morning mist hangs on the air And shorter darker days pass by I am there, where the river flows And the salmon leap in the silver Lune Where the insects hum and the tall grass grows And the sunlight warms the afternoon I am there in the busy street I take your hand in the city square In the market place where the people meet In your quiet room - I am there. I am the love you cannot see And all I ask is - look for me.

13 years ago

Erika, What to say? I am sure it has all been said to you and Art, buy I felt compelled to write to you and let you know how sorry I am to hear of the loss of your beautiful daughter Sabine. I have looked at your photos - what a beautiful baby girl, just like her beautiful courageous Mum. I cannot begin to know what you are going through and so have no words. I just wanted you to know that you Art are in my thoughts and I am sending you all my strength. You and Art take care of yourselves and each other. Much love Sheridan

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Thank you so much Sheridan. I know it's been hard for people to know what to say after the death of Sabine but your words mean a lot and your thoughts alone are comforting. We are just so happy and proud to share Sabine with others and really appreciate you reaching out. Although this is something we will never get over, we are trying to work through our sadness and we are learning to be grateful for the short time we had with Sabine and for her choosing us to be her mummy and daddy. Love Erika

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal... love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

You came into this world so precious and beautiful, just perfect. I was in awe and at this moment I knew I could never love anything more than I could ever love you. My love was achingly strong and I wept knowing my love would be eternal and would shine brighter than rays of sunshine. I know, that if you could have seen us you would have also looked with love, seeking protection that we would have fiercely provided. I am so grateful for every moment I was able to gaze, through tearful eyes, at your innocent, beautiful little face and to be able to hold your precious little hands and feed in the palm of my hand. I will never forget your heart shaped face, tear drop chin, rose bud lips, dark, sort and full head of hair and your fragile, creamy and velvety skin. I will also never forget the pain of not being able to bring you into this world with the breathe of life. I will forever keep you in my memory with longing and love and please know, wherever you are, that mummy and daddy love you very, very much.

Eileen MacManus
13 years ago

Dear Erika Words can't really communicate the deep compassion I feel for your loss. I am in awe of your strength and the love for precious Sabine that you are able to share with us. Thank you. love Eileen

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Thank you Eileen. We are so very proud that sweetheart Sabine is our daughter and this makes sharing her with others very easy. We will miss her greatly but we are so grateful that Sabine came into our lives and gave us the precious gift of love and parenthood. Love Erika

13 years ago

Dear Erika, You and Artur are often in my thoughts. I am filled with admiration for the strength you show in sharing your tragedy with the world. I hope that knowing that others grieve for you and with you eases a tiny bit of your burden, I sincerely wish you both all you hope for in the future. Barbara

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Thank you for your continued thoughts Barbara. We know that by sharing Sabine's story with others we will keep her precious spirit alive. We miss Sabine and long for her intensely but find strength in the love we have for her and we try to see light in the thought that if she had not blessed us with her being we would not know this love. Thank you so much for your thoughts and well wishes - it really does mean a lot. Erika

Paula Licuria
13 years ago

Dear Erika, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My sister lost her baby earlier this year. Love to you and Artur. Paula.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Dear P Thank you so much for reaching out - it means a lot. I'm so sorry to hear that your sister lost her baby. Is there a tribute here for her bub? It's such a devastating thing to go through and something that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives. Please pass on my thoughts to your sister. Love E

Erika Murray
13 years ago

You will always be my precious baby girl. Although my arms are empty my heart will always be full of love for you. Mummy loves you baby girl.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Do you hear me calling you, The voice of a mother And a father and a child. Would you recognise the truth, Do you feel the love that´s falling From my eyes ? Take just a minute, Come and rest you by my side. Let me tell you your own story, Let me walk you through your life. Only a second, It's all it takes to realise, There's a hundred thousand angels by your side There's a hundred thousand angels by your side.

Stephanie Deck
13 years ago

I was looking for another tribute on this site and saw your beautiful photo. I gave birth to stillborn twin baby daughters on the 16th June 2002, these were my first children. My heart really goes out to you and your family as I know exactly how devastating it is to lose a baby and what you are going through. Take care of yourselves. Stephanie.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

I'm so sad and sorry to hear your story Stephanie - thank you for sharing it with me. It certainly is a devastating and heart-breaking thing to experience. Although the agonising intensity of losing your precious babies may have subsided, I am sure you still feel the pain. I can't imagine there not being a day for the rest of my life, when I don't miss my baby incredibly and wish that she was with me. And, like it is for you, I am sure 16 June each year will be a very hard and sad day. Erika

Stephanie Deck
13 years ago

Dear Erika, The 16th of June is a day that is still painful. It took me many many months to come to terms with our loss, it's something that unless you've lost a baby you can't understand just how devastating it is. I really feel for you. After my twins died I became quite involved with pregnancy loss support groups, which I still keep in contact with to this day. If you would like to email me privately or need some information on how to get in touch with some great Mums who have all suffered the loss of a baby, please do so: stephanie.deck@sky.com. Stephanie

Melissa Nicholas
13 years ago

Erika, you and especially your beautiful Sabine will be in my thoughts for a long time to come. Just know that someone, somewhere is thinking of you and cares. I said I wouldn't post again and really, I won't. There's no need to reply. Take care of you. melissa

Erika Murray
13 years ago

The world may never notice If a rose bud doesn't bloom Or even pause to wonder If the petals fall too soon But every life that ever forms, Or ever comes to be Touches the world in some small way For all eternity The little one we longed for Was swiftly here and gone But the love that was then planted Is the light that still shines on And though our arms are empty Our hearts know what to do Every beating of my heart says 'I Remember You'

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

13 years ago

I don't want to intrude and I won't post anymore but I just want you to know that you have been at the forefront of my thoughts all afternoon. It is beautiful that you have brought your baby out to introduce her to strangers. She was born a beautiful angel and thats exactly what she is. I am 35, at home with two and I only wish I could hug you both and take some of the pain away. Take care Erika. melissa

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words Melissa. Although our arms are empty it is very important for us to have Sabine acknowledged and remembered. This is a very painful and lonely time and I am so grateful that we can also be in the thoughts of a stranger. Sabine is an absolute angel and will always be so very precious to us. It is hard to understand why little Sabine could not be with us but, nonetheless, we are very proud parents of such a beautiful baby.

13 years ago

I was looking on this page for a friend of mine and saw the beautiful picture. My heart absolutely goes out to you. Your beautiful little girl will always be with you. You will think of her every June. The tears I am sobbing for you now are only a fraction of what you've cried. You look like a lovely person and I hope you are trying to look after yourself at this time. melissa

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Once there was a way to get back homeward Once there was a way to get back home Sleep pretty darling do not cry And I will sing a lullabye. Golden slumbers fill your eyes Smiles awake you when you rise Sleep pretty darling do not cry And I will sing a lullabye.

13 years ago

I came accross this page by chance and wept for you and the life you will never know.. I hope your parents may find some comfort in the love and support of family and friends - and strangers

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Thank you Barbara. Sabine has touched the lives of all that knew her and it is comforting to know she has also touched the life of a stranger.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

You came to be in spring and we were thrilled that you chose us. Our lives changed from this day and little else mattered except precious you. We saw the summer roll in, we smelt the frangapanis, dipped our toes into cool ocean water and lovingly watched you grow. We found a space just right for you and began to create your perfect little home. Sun filled the house and with every heart beat we knew we were closer to meeting wonderful you. Then, leaves turned yellow and red and fell to crunch beneath our feet. Still you grew and amazed we were to feel your first reassuring tickles and turns. Knitting needles clicked to grow your protective veil of warmth, we sang lullabies to you and played guitar and every night you would dance for us and make us laugh. Then, when you came, even though you drew no breath of life, you looked so peaceful, so beautiful, so perfect. Our hearts filled with love for you - a love we had not known before, a love that could be felt for no one but you. We will never hear your tiny voice, feel your little hand grasp ours, be able to tenderly feed you or gently comfort you into a restful sleep. We will never be able to be your protectors, your guides, your comfort. But, consoling is the thought that the life you knew inside the womb was the life you will remember. Hopefully you heard us sing, felt the warm sun shine down on you and knew that you were, and will always be, loved, cherished and adored. You will always be our precious baby Sabine. You will always be remembered. You will always be loved.

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

Erika Murray
13 years ago

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