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16 years ago

i wish i had met you, im sure i would have, mabey in another life time. im sorry for all the circumstances of your pacing, your poor mother has tryed so hard and done so well at sorting things out as much as they can be. I hope your having fun up there!! good luck to your family im sure your watching over them. xxxxxxxxx sleep tight p.s please someone remove the innapropriate comments its not needed x

16 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next RIP SCARLETT

16 years ago

I am thinking of you from one mother to another. Love Helen x

16 years ago

A ruthless end to such a lovely and bubbly looking girl.. May the real criminals get the punishment they deserve and may Scarletts soul rest in peace...

16 years ago

I didn't know you Scarlett, but I am distraught by your death. How could anyone do this? This world is full of wicked evil people. Why on earth didn't the British witness intervene? If he had done you'd still be here. I cannot forgive him for that. I hope that you are in a better place, they say all the good people go first. R.I.P Scarlett

16 years ago

Scarlett, it is not your fault, that there are those that prey on the innocent,or the young,you are safe, justice will be done and god will send you back when the time is right

16 years ago

for Fiona and kids, you are an incredible beautiful Mom, please dont listen to those who love to judge others. I am forever in awe of your resillience and strength, much love Deb and family

16 years ago

Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there.I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there,I did not die.

16 years ago

Don't go gentle into that good sea Inside the chapel A shark awaits baptism sea No oceans in transoxiana but your eyes tell me what tides have ebbed sunset and sunrise asleep, like lovers in a grain of sand ©Umar Trivandrum http://pappyrus.blogspot.com

16 years ago

i know your with jesus scarlett i feel really upset inside when i think what they took away from you a life hardly lived & a smile that was as radiant as the sun sweet child r.i.p

16 years ago

RIP Scarlett

sandra seagraves
16 years ago

God knows what happened to her and they will one day be brought to justice. Im sorry for your loss.

16 years ago

Im still in shock babe,i dont wana believe it! I am proud that you were my cousen and i will never forget you baby girl you will always be in my heart* Keep the sun shining down on us huni,they wanted a beautiful angel up there and they got one. With all my heart baby, love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

Dear scarlett my god bless you with his beautiful hand and keep happy dont forget us

16 years ago

May your soul rest in peace,scarlett. Your beautiful smile wille always light up your sisters' lives

16 years ago

so sorry you had to leave this way at the hands of such irresponsible carers, i can only hope that you are in a place of peace and tranquility as Goa so proved not to be. No-one will never know how close I came to being one who lost so much at such hands may this teach a lesson to so many. xxxx

16 years ago

To Scarlett, may your beautiful spirit and soul now rest in peace.

16 years ago

dear scarlett, i, as im sure you feel that parents like mine and yours gave us the best life possible, full of love, fun and the excitment of life, although i did not know you im sure that our paths must of crossed at festivals/ partys etc, your such a beautiful young woman, the thing that most people/ press dont understand is that ours lives dont revolve around school etc and that we grow in a very different way from average children, that our upbringing and the we live is unconceivable to many, but our parents love us unconditionally and you cant ask for more than that, i also was home educated, lived on busses and in caravans etc and im so proud of where i come from and the morals and ideals/ideas on life that my parents and others like them gave me as im sure you were, your mother reminds me of mine and strikes me as a very strong, loving, neutering woman that dedicated her life to parenting, im sure that our upbringing has set a majority of us in good stead for our adult lives but im just so sad that you will not have the chance to grow and acheive alot as im sure you would have, i also stay in goa for many months at a time nearlly every year and can see how your mum felt ok to leave you, although against her first judgment. me and my mum support your family fully and know that the media are a bunch of hungry dogs waiting to pounce on the unforunate to sell their silly papers! its just very upsetting to me and that they choose to focus their attention on our lifestyles, what we live in and how we are brought up, they love to pick on minoritys! much love, god bless, its obvious that you were a very cool, liked, outgoing, pretty young lady who's mother and family loved her very much, im crying in my soul for you and your family, this is all very close to home xxxxx

16 years ago

All our support, our compassion and good wishes are with Fionna and the other children. As former expats who lived and worked in India we were well aware of the growing amount of violence, corruption and abuse but the handling of this case by the authorities is so utterly shocking. Fionna, we feel so sorry about the blame being directed at you - instead of the real issues being adressed. To us you appear to be a wonderful mother who has shown exeptional courage under a lot of stress and trauma. Your beautiful daughter will not be forgotten.

16 years ago

Being an Indian, I feel ashamed and shocked. I don't know how to console her bereft family. May they have the strength to fight for justice.

16 years ago

may all gods light be shining upon You Sweet Scarlett.May the power of he's Angels.. Micheal,Uriel,Raphael & Gabriel protect your muma Fiona Your brothers & sisters & wrap them in Love & Kindness......& may all the wicked fall to hell on judgement day

16 years ago

Not the Age to leave... Somebody mistakes.... Changed someones fate... May her soul rest in peace.....

16 years ago

cant belive it babe u are gone i am ganna miss ya we should have got to known each other betta when we had the chance sorry i couldnt but hopefully one day i can. u were so young hunni hope ur havin a good time up der u were a good laugh and every 1 is so proud to have nown u and be ur friend u were a raver stoner and drunk but over all a brillant mate to every one im missin ya so much we woud give anything for 1 day wiv u but i guess we never will. we will never see u smile or hear u laugh again that what im ganna miss luv ya so much babe R.I.P scarlett keeling missed 4eva gone but neva forgotten in are hearts 4eva more we will look after ur family babe dnt u wory luvyaz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

Cant beleave your gone hunni... love you so much and i defo wont eva 4get you!!!!! i wos thinking about our younger years there wos only you and me. and even now nuffin can take you away from me.... love youuu. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16 years ago

deeply saddend to hear the circumstances of Scarlett's death. i hope she was not afraid.

16 years ago

This tragic story has moved me so much. Although I never knew you, I am certain that your time on this earth has touched so many people and your sudden departure will leave a terrible void in the lives of those who truly loved you...I feel so sorry for your mother and your brothers and sisters, and I hope they find solice in the wonderful memories you must surely leave behind. May you rest in peace Scarlett.

16 years ago

i may not know u but knowing how ur mother actually feels inside breaks my heart to it is very sad that u r gone now but by looking at ur face shows how fun u could hang around with R.I.P

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

16 years ago

they ganna miss u so much i promis we will look after them 4 ya babe miss ya R.I.P scarlett gone 4eva but always in our hearts xxxxxx

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

17 years ago

Why were you out with strangers all night? What was your mother doing then? Is this way of life choosen by you? While I feel very sorry and sad for what happened to you and would expect the police to upperhand the culprits and punish them under the law, I honestly would like to have your irresponsible mother prosecuted to the fullest possible depth under the Indian law. I really do....May God Bless your soul.

16 years ago

oii how can u say that her mother brang scarlett up the best she could she u dnt even no her so dont judge please thankyou she is so stunning but to be taken at an early age like this miss ya babe xxx

16 years ago

hey hun R.I.P we use to have such a laugh in primary school gunna miss you xxxx

16 years ago

Hey Scaz, You look as though you are enjoying yourself in this photo. I know you will enjoy yourself in heaven where you are a beautiful angel. I love you Scaz so much

16 years ago

Absoulut Stunner!!

17 years ago

Iv'e lived many years in Anjuna in the eighties, there where lots of kids like you having fun enjoying life, i am appaled at what happened, you looked so sweet, what a waste... The man who did this to you was just a baby when i was there... How things can go wrong, how life can be sad. To your parents to your brothers and sisters i send my eternal sympathy and wishes for healing ... Your smile will remain in my memory To your courageous mother i say: You did well to put pressure on the Goa police, justice will be done.

Renee Byrne
17 years ago

this is unbelievable - to think that the police would cover this up makes me sick to my stomach - this brings a shame to this country that will spread around the world - its incomprehendable the kind of beasts who could do this to anyone - i hope that scarlet and her family get some sort of justice from this - rest in peace scarlett you beautiful soul - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17 years ago

scaz we was best friends from 9 yrs old man... u made me who i am 2day we have so many memories it hurts 2 think of them coz now we cnt tlk bout them 2gether n just laugh bout them the times in hartland 2 the times of spendin are whole summer holidays 2gether to the drunken nites and the stonner days remember when we went on holiday lol remember we were tlkin 2 those guys n i tried 2 coverin sumthing up n made it worse i paniced man lol b4 u went 2 india in ur caravan? CHERRY PIE! lol remember the songs we used 2 make up 2 pass the time?when we sent emails 2 each other while u were india i didnt tel u sumthing so i culd suprise u ... i gt my lip done like i always sed i wanted thought i wuld add it I will always remember scaz everything i cnt beleive this has happened now wat am i gona do... wit out u man im missin u soo much i cnt even think straight most the time love you 4eva lol o n bff ill neva find anyone else like u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx she didnt even wana go 2 india!!!!!!

17 years ago

To the family and friends of this precious girl, My name is Colin Harvey. Brother to Michael who also died in Goa 7 eternally long days ago.My families thoughts are with Scarlet's,such sad sad news.She is with the Angels now.Her family like ours are in such pain.Your in our prayers. Colin.x

17 years ago

what a tragic story... such a lovely girl.. may she rest in peace. my thoughts and prayers are with her mother and family. may justice be done.

17 years ago

scarlet it is accident or arrogant you only know it..... but with your brothers and sisters i pray for you.......

17 years ago

Always had a smile on your face, I know your spirit is gonna live on forever!! xx

17 years ago

i can remember how yuu always laughed and how firey yuu were an although i only knew yuu for about a year it seems so much longer an how when yuu found the old play stuff at skool yuu wore a fairy tootoo i cant beleve the newspapers r liein R.I.P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17 years ago

Even if i only knew u for 2 month. I miss you and u will always have a place in my heart. R.I.P.

17 years ago

well neva 4get such a brill person lyk u so sad not 2 c u again r.i.p

17 years ago

you never think it would happen to someone as happy and cheerful as scarlet! Rest In Peace! you will be missed dearly best wishes to the family xx

17 years ago

so sorry!! wont forget you R.I.P!!


May her soul rest in peace.

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

Scarlett, you friendship was a blessing to me. I am shocked that you had to leave us this way. I just pray to God that you are in a better place. I love you. R.I.P. Scarlett.

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

This is such a saddening news. May Scarlett rest in peace. I really pray to God that she is in a better place away from the cruelty this world has to offer. May justice prevail and the wrong be punished. RIP Scarlett.

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

17 years ago

So young. May you rest in peace. And may your family not dwell in sorrow for too long.

17 years ago

May your soul rest in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you!!!

17 years ago

Very sad. Deepest condolences for the family.

16 years ago

look at her she is a stunner gone but neva 4gotten and always in our minds nd hearts just 1 more day thats all i want misss you so much ur stunnin beautiful gawjus sexy all those as well as a bff to every 1 u brang joy to everyone and every where u went may u rest in peace and ur family i wish grate condolences neva ganna get 2 see that smile again R.I.P scarlett keeling miss ya babe xxxxxxxx

16 years ago

Scarlett, I beg pardon from your soul, as I belong to a such society which could not ensure your safety.

16 years ago

A tragic waste of a young life. You are so beautiful Scarlett and I love you so much. A new angel in heaven.

16 years ago

Miss You Soooo Much When People Was With You, You Light Up Their Day Well You Did Mine Any Way Just 1 More Day We'd Give Any Thing Hun I Love You And Miss You Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

17 years ago

am a goan who has become a british citizen.there is a nexus between powerful politicians,police and the judiciary in goa if i had been murdered ,there would be no justice

17 years ago

I am a physician who has read about this disturbing case and send sincere condolences to the family of this young girl. It is baffling how the local police could act so callously and irresponsibly in the manner of the investigation and should be dealt with severely. Where is there sympathy toward the poor victim who must have suffered terribly and to the family that must now contend with their tragic loss for a lifetime? Everyday I wonder whether we are losing more of our humanity and dignity as we witness more violence and disregard for life in a world which seems to be moving along without real purpose or wisdom.

16 years ago

she was 15 almost 16 nd taken from us she was so beautiful every one is ganna miss ya hunni we all wish we could have just 1 more day wiv u if they dnt i do xxxxx R.I.P xxx

16 years ago

Truely For Ever In My Heart Ganna Miss Talking To You I Now Your Still In My Heart FOREVER !! Love You Xxxxxxxxxx

15 years ago

oh my God...my heart is gonna jump out of my chest...poor girl...how could they do it?...i would like to torture those evils to death...oh god...i fell soooo bad...but i know u r in the best place in heaven scarlett....yea u r in HEAVEN girl...

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

16 years ago

absoultly stunning ganna miss that smile and ur laugh 4 eva babe R.I.P xxxx bffl xxx

16 years ago

A really beautiful girl, all my love and thoughts for her friends and family xxxxxxxx

16 years ago

Ganna Miss You Hunnie All Our Good Times Your Smile Your Laugh Love You Xxxxxxxxx

Clement Adlam
17 years ago

17 years ago

dear mom(scarlet's) please fight with all abd bring the killer to justice ..we are all with you ....the best way to bring attention is to do a fasting protest ..this will maje sure that higher authorities will follow the matter

16 years ago

yh i agree who ever did this deserves to be hung she was an awsom friend and im ganna miss er so much xxxxxxx R.I.P scarlett

Kenneth Silveira
16 years ago

Very bad thing that happened. Pray that her soul rests in peace. <a href="http://www.hotelsingoa.net">Hotels in Goa</a>

16 years ago

I Miss You Sooooo Much Its Unreal Love You Xxxxxxxxxx

14 years ago

I really feel very very sad for this.Hope I can shoot her killer

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