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Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Glenelg foreshore . Glenelg Adelaide SA Australia . 28 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Glenelg foreshore . Glenelg Adelaide SA Australia . 28 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Glenelg foreshore . Glenelg Adelaide SA Australia . 28 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Adelaide SA Australia . 29 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Southbank Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . University High School . Parkville Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . University High School . Parkville Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson . University High School . Parkville Melbourne Victoria Australia . 22 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson with Baby . Croydon Melbourne Victoria Australia . 25 November 2004 .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson with Olivia Newton-John .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Dearest Tanya Simone how I would love to say A very Happy Birthday to you on this day I will say it anyway in the hope that you can hear Whilst I have a piece of birthday cake and shed a little tear

Slava Yachnin
11 years ago

Four years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
11 years ago

Slava Yachnin
11 years ago

Happy 43rd Birthday Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
12 years ago

Three years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
12 years ago

Happy 42nd Birthday Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
13 years ago

Two sad years without Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
13 years ago

Happy 41st Birthday Tanya Simone . I miss you :-( No cake or candles here today Or presents for you to open Just love from friends who want to say Happy Birthday , and that we are hoping Somehow you can see and know That we have not forgotten you That we still remember , even though You've departed from our view And if you see us here below And wonder why we care It's just because we want to show That a part of you is still here You live within each memory's heart And so you remain , though we're apart On Your Birthday - Kevin M Sorbello

Slava Yachnin
14 years ago

Slava Yachnin
14 years ago

Tanya Simone Shilson

Slava Yachnin
14 years ago

Dear Tanya Simone ! It's been a year since you left us . I miss you :-(

14 years ago

All Is Well (Death Is Nothing At All) - Henry Scott-Holland poem was read at Tanya's funeral :-( Death is nothing at all . I have only slipped away into the next room . I am I , and you are you . Whatever we were to each other , that we are still . Call me by my old familiar name , Speak to me in the easy way which you always used . Put no difference in your tone , Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow . Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together . Play , smile , think of me , pray for me , Let my name be ever the household word that it always was , Let it be spoken without effect , Without the ghost of a shadow on it . Life means all that it ever meant . It is the same as it ever was ; There is absolutely unbroken continuty . What is death but a negligible accident ? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight ? I am waiting for you , For the interval , Somewhere very near , Just around the corner , All is well .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (July 31, 2010).

14 years ago

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep - Mary Elizabeth Frye poem was read at Tanya's funeral http://youtube.com/watch?v=jynpGNaSAMA :-( An early version : Do not stand at my grave and weep ; I am not there . I do not sleep . I am a thousand winds that blow . I am a diamond glints on snow . I am the sunlight on ripened grain . I am the gentle autumn rain . When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight . I am the soft stars that shine at night . Do not stand at my grave and cry ; I am not there . I did not die . A later version : Do not stand at my grave and weep , I am not there , I do not sleep I am in a thousand winds that blow , I am the softly falling snow . I am the gentle showers of rain , I am the fields of ripening grain . I am in the morning hush , I am in the graceful rush Of beautiful birds in circling flight , I am the starshine of the night . I am the flowers that bloom , I am in a quiet room . I am in the birds that sing , I am in each lovely thing . Do not stand at my grave and cry , I am not there - I do not die .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (July 30, 2010).

14 years ago

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AscPOozwYA8

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (July 29, 2010).

14 years ago

Elton John - Candle In The Wind song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvux60fqNU8

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (July 29, 2010).

14 years ago

Art Garfunkel - Bright Eyes song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a502RejLz8s

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (July 29, 2010) .

14 years ago

Dear Tanya Simone ! It should have been your 40th birthday today . I miss you :-(

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (June 7, 2010).

15 years ago

Always a pity when a young person is taken Lesna da ti e zemjata Tanja (rest in peace)

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Zlatko (February 23, 2010).

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Slava Yachnin (February 23, 2010) : R.I.P. Tanya Simone :-(

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Julie Gibbon (March 11, 2010) : A lovely site Slava and great testimony's to your friendship with Tanya . May she R.I.P.

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Slava Yachnin (March 11, 2010) : I wish I didn't need to create this website :-(

15 years ago

I arrived in Melbourne in September 2009 , although I didn't plan to arrived Melbourne in 2009 at all . My visit was a last minute decision to come down to Melbourne . I arrived Tanya's house in Camberwell before midnight and we were very happy to meet in person after 5 long years of internet and phone contact . My plan was to stay in Melbourne not more than a week and I indeed left Melbourne after 9 days . When I left we were sad to say goodbye , but I came back to Tanya's house after one day only , although it wasn't my plan . I believe that the destiny "kicked" me to Melbourne twice , because it wanted me to spend time with Tanya Simone before she dies . I didn't know then that my 2009 Melbourne visit was my last chance to spend time with my dear friend Tanya Simone . 2009 Melbourne visit was different then my 2004 Australia visit . Tanya Simone was sad almost all the time . There was strange feeling at the house . Then I couldn't understand why . Still , we enjoyed our time together . We talked a lot , watched t.v , dvd's , enjoyed Tanya's lovely cd's , played with Baby the cat . Tanya Simone tried to sell her Camberwell house . Many people came to see the house all along my visit . We went to see houses and once we found ourselves in a house auction . Tanya Simone was surprised to see her friend Peter there as well . A day after I came back to Melbourne Tanya Simone took me in her car to see the new Minogue family house in Camberwell . I took a picture of it . We had a wet funny incident at Tanya's house . Tanya Simone had a leak at her toilet . She tried to close one of the screws , but instead of closing it she opened it completely and the water began to flow very rapidly . Tanya Simone called me , gave me a pot and asked me to catch the water with it and to put it into the toilet . I fought against the rapidly flowing water for 30 minutes until a plumber arrived and explained Tanya Simone that she opened one of the screws completely instead of closing it . He fixed the leak very easily , but took big money for his easy work ... I thought that it can be nice for me to meet Jewish people from Melbourne and Tanya Simone agreed . We searched for Jewish people online who want to meet other Jewish people and found Jerry , a Jewish man who agreed to meet us . Tanya Simone was worried that he might talk about Jewish religion without her being able to say anything about the subject , because she didn't know much about Judaism . I told her that it is not likely that a secular Jewish man would talk about religion , but Tanya Simone didn't want to take any chances and ask me to teach her everything I can about Jewish holidays . I have no perfect knowledge about Jewish holidays myself and I had to use wikipedia for this important mission . I wrote Tanya Simone details about every Jewish holiday on notes . She read my notes well and asked me to make her a test . She passed my test very well , but mixed between the holidays sometimes , what made us both laugh . We enjoyed the test a lot :-) We met Jerry at Camberwell restaurant and enjoyed the meeting . We talked about life in Australia , life in Israel , AFL matches . Jerry didn't talk about religion , just asked Tanya Simone if she knows something about Jewish holidays . She said :"yes , especially about Yom Kippur" (the most important date in the Jewish religion) . Tanya Simone and Jerry stayed in a short email contact after our meeting . Jerry was very sad when I informed him about Tanya's death . One day Tanya Simone showed me a picture album of photos from her childhood to the present day . In the album there were photos of her with her sister in her childhood , photos of Tanya Simone in U.S.A. in the early 1990's , photos of her with her past boyfriends . I was glad to see many photos of her which I took in our 2004 Australia trip . Now I know that it was a goodbye look on Tanya's life . After the 2009 AFL Grand Final we went to a birthday party at a pub in St. Kilda with our friends Theresa , Jason and Daniel . Tanya Simone enjoyed the evening very much . She took a picture of me with a happy Geelong Cats fan Troy . Before we left Tanya Simone asked me to take photos of her with each one of her friends . We didn't know then that those pictures were her goodbye pictures . In the next day Yom Kippur started . Tanya Simone had thoughts about joining me and staying without eating and drinking for 25 hours . Before Yom Kipppur started I asked Tanya Simone to put my clothes in the washing machine . After she did that I was shocked to notice that I left my Aussie cell phone in one of the pockets . Tanya Simone tried to stop the washing machine but it was too late . The cell phone died and I had to go to Camberwell city centre to find a new cell phone and to buy food for my pre Yom Kippur meal . I arrived home and finished my pre Yom Kippur meal in time , but Tanya Simone went out and didn't come back in time . She decided not to join me in my Yom Kippur effort ... During Yom Kippur we watched t.v. at her room and in 14.30 o'clock she forgot that it was Yom Kippur and asked why I'm not going to buy lunch ... I wanted to go out to buy lunch just for her , but we had enough food at the house . Tanya Simone ate very well in Yom Kippur :-) Melbourne Storm won the 2009 NRL Grand Final and made big celebrations at the Federation Square . I was there and one day after saw myself on one of the Herald Sun pages , standing in the crowd among many happy Melbourne Storm fans . I showed the newspaper photo to Tanya Simone . She found me after 30 seconds , laughed and said :"here you are!" . I came back to Israel after 7 weeks with Tanya Simone , because I had no money to stay longer . In our last day together Tanya Simone took a picture of me standing at her back yard with a huge Australian Flag . It was very sad for us to say goodbye , but Tanya Simone told me that I can come and stay with her every time I arrive Melbourne . 2 weeks before her death Tanya Simone wrote me that she wished I was still in Melbourne . I promised her to visit her again in the future . Sadly , all what I have to visit now is her grave site . R.I.P. Tanya Simone :-( We will meet again one day .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (January 18, 2010) . "Melbourne 2009 visit".

15 years ago

Tanya Simone and me traveled Melbourne in my first week in Australia . She even took me to Olivia Newton-John high school in Parkville ! :-) After spending a week in Melbourne I decided to visit other Aussie cities and asked Tanya Simone to join me . She refused , but after two days changed her mind . She arrived Adelaide a day after me , because she wanted to stay home and watch a t.v. special about Olivia Newton-John . She also sold the special on ebay.com of course :-) Adelaide was very hot during our days there . The motel gave us a very hot room first . Our first night in the hot room was hell . When we woke up in the morning i saw red color on Tanya's pillow . It was her hair color . It had no choise but to melt !... When we traveled in the city Tanya Simone started to complain about the heat very loudly . She repeatedly said :"Slava , Slava , it is too hot here ! Slava !" . I told Tanya Simone ;"what do you want from me ? I can't control the weather"... Then Tanya Simone started to make funny poses , because of the heat . I took a very funny picture of her making a funny crazy pose in Adelaide , on the river bank . After two days the motel agreed to give us a cooler room . The hot room was given to a family . Tanya said :"tomorrow morning we will watch news on t.v. about a family who died from the heat in Adelaide motel"... In one of the evenings we went to a night club and enjoyed it very much . We had great time on Glenelg beach . I took many cute photos of Tanya Simone there , including a photo of her standing between 2 camels ! When we arrived Hobart the weather was totally different , very cold , windy and rainy . Tanya Simone didn't bring any long sleeve shirts at all to the trip !... She also didn't bring any closed shooes . Her feet were frozen in our 4 days in Hobart ... I gave Tanya Simone my coat , but after one day i couldn't stand the cold weather without my coat and I had to ask her to buy a coat . She bought a jacket . I took many photos of her with my coat and with her new jacket . Before our flight to Sydney we talked about planes security after September 11 , 2001 events . During our talk I told her :"don't play games with planes!!" . It made her laugh so much :-) "Don't play games with planes" became our joke for the next 5 years . When we made our security checks for the flight to Sydney Tanya Simone had a problem to pass it . She put small scissors in her hand bag ! After that i told her :"you see , I told you , don't play games with planes!"... In Sydney we had a motel room with great view to the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge . The hotel was near Kings Cross street . When we walked on the street pimps stood near their whore houses and told me things like :"get in mate"... Tanya Simone said that that's how it is in Kings Cross .... When we ate at a burger shop I saw young guys taking two tables from the shop and walk away . One of them saw me watching them and made me a sign with his fingers on his lips not to say a word . I made him o.k. sign with my head . Tanya Simone couldn't see it , because she was with her back to the young guys . I told her about what i saw and she said :"I told you , that's how it is in Sydney" . When we were not far from the Harbour Bridge a stranger asked to take a photo of us togther . I gave him my camera and this photo became our only photo together . Tanya Simone wasn't gay , but she loved gay people and had many gay friends . She wanted us to go to a gay pub in Sydney . In the pub she bought a glass of beer . She asked me to buy a glass of beer to myself as well , but i didn't do that , because i'm not crazy about alcohol . So she told me that I'm a wimp... Tanya Simone started to dance like crazy with some stranger and it was very funny to see her like that :-) The pub played Kylie Minogue tracks non-stop and Tanya Simone told me that they do that , because Kylie is very popular within the gay community in Australia . We left Sydney after 3 days and not after 7 days , because Tanya Simone missed her cat Baby and wanted to come back to Melbourne . I never got my refund for the remained 4 days from the motel ... In our last night in Sydney I went alone to the Opera House , to say goodbye to my favourite place on earth . Tanya Simone stayed awake until I came back , because she was worried that something may happen to me . After we returned to Melbourne I still had 5 days in Australia , but i didn't go anywhere . I just stayed with Tanya Simone and her cat Baby , because I wanted to spend every remained minute in Australia with her . She gave me great company . I think that I gave her good company as well . I will always miss Tanya's company :-(

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (January 13, 2010) . "My memory from my 2004 Australia trip".

15 years ago

I first "met" Tanya Simone on ebay.com in 2002 . She sold me a VHS of old Olivia Newton-John video clips . Almost two years after our ebay.com meeting her ebay.com account was disabled and I gave Tanya Simone the password to my ebay.com account and allowed her to use it until she opened a new ebay.com account . We had a long internet contact until we met in Melbourne in 2004 . We made a great Australia trip together in Adealaide , Hobart and Sydney . After I came back to Israel we kept our internet and phone contact . In 2007 I sent her money by paypal.com to buy a computer and she could stop visit a library for using the internet . The computer stayed with her until she passed away . In september 2009 I arrived Mebourne again and stayed with Tanya Simone for 7 weeks . Tanya Simone passed away 2 months after I came back to Israel and my 2009 Melbourne visit turned into a goodbye visit :-( Tanya Simone was my best friend ever . My life will never be the same again . I will always love and miss Tanya Simone . R.I.P. dear Tanya Simone :-( We will meet again one day .

Slava Yachnin
10 years ago

Memory created by Slava Yachnin (January 12, 2010) . "My memory".

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