Aunt Thee was a very special lady. She always had something to talk about and when I was young, she called my mother (Sherrilyn) every week starting the week after the family reunion to start reminding us to be there at next years family reunion! It was so funny. I'm glad she did though because after we moved to Modesto, it became more difficult for us to venture on out to the bay area. But, neddless to say, Aunt Thee's calls every week are what forced us to get out to the bay area for the famous family reunion. I can still hear my mother and grandmother (Virginia) saying, " If we don't go, Aunt Thee will be so upset, and then she definitely will be calling a lot more!" Thank you Aunt Thee for all the memories. You truly will be missed. Tell my Grandmother hello and I hoped she enjoys watching her great grandsons grow up! Love You. . .

Aunt Thee was ALL about LOVE! I was blessed to have been a part of her life all of my life - and received more from her than she got from me. She had some rough spots but like the "EverReady Bunny" she always popped back - always grateful and full of life.
She loved - in no particular order:
Her family - ALL of them. When you were with her she made you feel like you were her "favorite" - what a gift.
Family Reunions: We wouldn't have had them had she not enlisted (bugged) us, (as soon as one was over she'd call me to reserve the space for the next year).
Her husbands (she was widowed twice) and referred to both Art and George as "that rascal".
Her friends- particularly Mary Alameda Cavazza. Hope Eckl who helped care for her the past few months.
Men in "Uniform"
COFFEE, I considered having an IV to directly pump it into her.
Mt.Diablo Rehab Program: All of the staff and clients. She'd go even if she was sick - they'd call me to come get her.
Golf - Her "Hole in One" - so very proud! Camping at Clearlake, going to Santa Cruz with my family. Her cars (particularly the Pontiac).
I want to thank the family for including her in all of their events - not that she would have ever allowed anything else.
I thank my daughter Jennifer for being her loving caretaker for the past few years. I appreciate all the support I got from my daughter Melissa and my sisters (Sharon & Carol) when I decided to bring Aunt Thee home.

Our Great Aunt, the times I remember were working on her house with Kenny, Aunt Maude,and Uncle Keith.
Her dogs Pumpkin and Scooter those crazy Boston Terriers.
Her Love and kindness to all she met and to our family, we will truly miss her.
The phone calls and conversations we had often.
Her compassion about the Family Reunions every year and for those who were able to be there.was always fun and heart felt.
I will always think of her as i do my own grandmother every day, those sisters went through a long life and i will miss her very much.
So Aunt Thee, we will see you soon and we all Love You with all our hearts.
I hope God has a nice green course for you and Uncle George to play on.
We Love Our Aunt Thee.
Eric, Connie, Matt, Sarah, and Robert Summers.

I knew Aunt Thee through Melissa's many loving stories about her, and that made her a friend of mine as well. Anyone who can inspire that much love and care from her family had to be a very special person. Fly on, Aunt Thee.

Aunt Thee loved her family and she organized many family reunions over the years.
May she fly on butterfly wings to the sweet hereafter...
Liz Barrett
16 years agoBless her heart. Anyone who inspired that much love and care from her family will surely fly high among the good souls forever. I wish all of you peace and comfort in your loss.