Zasekogas vo moeto srce, zasekogas vo mojata dusa, zasekogas moj najmil TOSE! Mi nedostigas zasekogas.
vrati nam se andjele...............trebamo te....
Pocivaj u miru Bozijem andjele moj najljepsi..............volim te
My Best Friend Today I found a friend, Who knew everything I felt. She knew my every weakness, And the problems I've been dealt. She understood my wonders, And listened to my dreams. She listened to how I felt about life and love, And knew what it all means. Not once did she interrupt me, Or tell me I was wrong. She understood what I was going through, And promised she'd stay long I reached out to this friend To show her that i care To pull her close and let her know How much I need her there I went to hold her hand To pull her a bit nearer And realized that this perfect friend I found Was nothing but my mirror.
Uvjek, kad pogledam u nebo,ugledam TVOJU zvijezdu. Ona je najveća i najsjajnija i nikada neče da se ugasi. Pratit češ me do kraja mog života. A onda kad umrem bit čemo zajedno: TI moja zvijezda, a ja tvoja zvijezdica. Nedostaješ mi!
TOŠE VRATI SE NE MOGU VIŠE BEZ TEBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TANJA
In life we meet many people Some will become our friends, But you have touched my heart My problems you help me mend. You're always there to listen And help everyone that you can, With a friend like you on earth Life is much easier to understand. I just wanted to let you know To this world you mean so much, All the kindness and love you share Is always given with an angel's touch.
16 years agoU svemu je bio lep!