Actually Tye came in to the library to see me about a month before the shootings . Tye was always cool, I never had a problem and that's how I leave. True enough Tye did the unthinkable, something I would NEVER do in my darkest days, but none of you people are GOD. He is the ultiimate judge. Shame on you for loving him at one point and forgetting about him the next. It is true I pray for his soul each time it cross my mind, but that is what we should all be doing, instead of judging
Tye was a psycho kid growing up. He was even more of a degenerate as a teenager. He killed his parents because he was a sick f*@k. Screw all of you who think he was a good kid... Shame on you.... F^#k you Tye. Rot in Hell
This tribute should be for the parents he murdered, not Tye. His family, including his wonderful grandparents, have been devastated over the sadness this has caused their family. Shame on you for bringing so much heartache to everyone that loved your Mom and Dad so much. They are in a better place now, and knowing them, have forgiven you, but can you forgive yourself? They were wonderful parents, and did all they could for you and your sister. May they rest in peace.
No one wants to remember this murderer.
I agree, this IS weird. Tye's in jail, he's not dead. I think the only thing everyone wants at this point are some answers. Why did he do it? How's is Jennifer going to make it through Christmas without breaking somebody's face? Only God knows at this point, and I guess Tye.....
when ever i needed help tye would help me this is so sad . when i heard bout this i was shocked. culd not believe it till i saw the news. what happened? always so polite just seemed like a good kid. well i dont hate you tye just want to understand . guess we never will. thanks for being my friend at walmart friend he was. sorry for his sister.
Tye was a weird dude... He was weird as a Teenager and even worse as an "adult".. Why pay tribute to someone who killed his poor parents..... Bye Bye Tye...
He's not dead. This is stupid.
I don't know you, but I'm sending you peace and hugs, Tye.
Tye and I grew up together. I knew him, he was like a brother to me. My mother and his parents have been best friends for the past 16-17 years, so we were always together. Me being a little girl, I did what "normal" girls did.... I got dirty, we played Batman, Power Rangers, TMNT, etc! We had great times. All the pictures, memories, and love that I hold for you ,Tye, will never go away. I can't wait to see you again, and for you to meet your new nephew or niece......... Linzy (your brown friend)
Tye we love you and have you in our prayers.... May God draw close to you in every way and show you grace and comfort through this time.