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Susan Hoyle Bailey
13 years ago

I used to attend the youth meetings for High School at Park Street church in the mid 70s. That group gave me such a feeling of belonging and some lifelong friends. Wayne's teaching is what I always will remember - I hung on every word. Those retreats were so much fun, especially the week long college retreat at Gordon-Comwell, just before entering college. I found my singing voice on that retreat! I lost my speaking voice while playing sports but I could still sing to the Lord! The music was so much fun and it really developed my voice such that I have used it since then to serve the Lord. I have fond memories of those days and Wayne was a big part of them.

Susan Hoyle Bailey
13 years ago

I used to attend the youth meetings for High School at Park Street church in the mid 70s. That group gave me such a feeling of belonging and some lifelong friends. Wayne's teaching is what I always will remember - I hung on every word. Those retreats were so much fun, especially the week long college retreat at Gordon-Comwell, just before entering college. I found my singing voice on that retreat! I lost my speaking voice while playing sports but I could still sing to the Lord! The music was so much fun and it really developed my voice such that I have used it since then to serve the Lord. I have fond memories of those days and Wayne was a big part of them.

Brandon Martin
14 years ago

Wayne's message of Grace has been a life change for me and for all of us. I hope to continue his message throughout the rest of my life.

Edmund Maksvytis
15 years ago

He always meant so much to me and he has always remained in my thoughts ever since I met him at Ruggles in 1968. He was the youth leader at time and I have never forgotten the influence he has had on me. He will remain forever in my heart.

Rose Ann Rueter
16 years ago

Wayne became the interim pastor of my church, Voyagers Bible Church, after the dismissal of a previous pastor in 1993. Wayne's presence brought healing to the congregation and specifically to me since I had just come to VBC that year after my father's death on Easter Sunday, and after a rather messy "church split" which was filled with dissension at our former church. I have been privileged to serve as Wayne’s liaison with our missions team since 1998 after returning from my first short term trip to India and Nepal. Wayne was my number one encourager in that decision. Wayne was truly a "Gift from God" to our Voyagers family. I remember his recurring theme, God's abundant grace! He never tired of preaching and teaching God's Word, particularly as it related to the Grace of God which not only saves us, but sustains us. His words still echo in my ears: "Just as I am saved by grace, so I live by grace, serve by grace, and lead by grace." It's still hard to believe that he is no longer physically with us. It's been three weeks now since his death; and as I walk into church, I still find myself glancing over to where he usually sat, expecting to see him there, and knowing that, after the service, I would receive one of his big hugs. Although I am comforted to know that he is in the loving arms of Jesus, the Savior about whom he joyously professed, I will miss Wayne dearly.

Normand J. Leclair
16 years ago

My memory of Wayne was always the beach. I enjoyed his friendship and loyalty. I am in shock of his passing and will miss his friendly and caring way. Normand J. Leclair Rhode Island

Dotti G.
16 years ago

Dotti G.
16 years ago

Alan Fadling
16 years ago

This week, we have been able to edit and upload an audio recording (MP3) of the memorial service at Voyagers Bible Church for Wayne. We've also uploaded 67 photos taken by a professional photographer at the event. These are available at: http://www.tli.cc/anderson/ Just click on "California memorial service" to be taken to the right area of our website.


I first came to Park Street Church Seekers in Boston i nthe early 1970s. The 9:14 Old Testatment teaching time, the 5:31 New Testament teaching time, the team meetings after the Sunday evening service as well as the bonds of Christian friendship formed in Seekers. I see so many familiar names -- Chuck White, David Montzingo, Rogerlin Charbonneau from Seeker days. It was a blessing and continues to be a blessing all these years later.


I met Wayne at Christmastime in 1967. Shortly thereafter, i went through a time of testing of my faith. Ocasionaly I wouold go up to Boston to hear him preach at Ruggles Street. He would always ask how things were going and tell me God loved me no matter what! It was that extension of God's grace I credit with keeping my faith. When I began to come back on track, he invited me to Seekers at Parik Street and the years there under his leadership gave my faith roots in the Word and time alone with God that have grown deeper throughout the rest of my lifel I went to Westgate for several years before moving to California.. Wayne was a pastor you could sit under for years and continue to grow in your faith and love walk with God. He was also a good friend and gave advice and encouragement at crucial times of decisdion-making. He is not dead... he lives on in our hearts, lives, actions and ministries because of his discipling and example and love. He is rejoicing in heaven with the saints he loved that went on before him and we are grateful and blessed for having known him down here!

16 years ago

I count it as a high honor to have known Wayne and more than a few of the hundreds of people whose lives he touched. I was deeply moved reading and listening to the tributes to Wayne, some from people I've long admired, others from precious believers I've never met. Every one of God's creatures is unique and wonderful, but somehow Wayne stands out in a special way because of his heart for God. I look forward to joining Wayne and this great cloud of witnesses in that place where our communion with God will be perfected.

Darrin Jones
16 years ago

Wayne Anderson is dead. I think not...and no, this is not just blatant denial just because I am too far away to process my loss with others who loved Wayne. No, I felt it all. Shock. Pain. Loss. Grief. This is not the kind of message one should ever receive via email... But in a very real way I believe that Wayne is not dead and that he will continue to live on. I know he will live in me and here are some of the ways: He will live on each time I get the privilege of sharing with an individual or a group about my GraceQuest and how it was ignited by this man. He will live on in the little community I pastor in Aix-en-Provence, France as we attempt to live out our value of grace - trying to understand, experience and extend grace to each other, out community and our world. He will live on in the way I lead staff meetings. In my memories of sitting with BJ and Mike at Voyagers on our intimate times of discovering. In the way I choose books. In the way I sign my letters. In the way I disciple young rowdy rebel mavericks. In the way I interact with people who are in process and as I remember that I too am still in process... He will live on as I continue to live out my calling to be a pastor as it was Wayne who first told me that he believed that this was God's calling for the next step of my life. So, I can accept the fact that Wayne is gone from this world and that he is wrapped in an embrace that is saturating his soul on God's unadulterated grace. But I cannot accept the fact that he is dead. No. He will live on...as you and I continue our own GraceQuests and invite everyone we know to journey with us!

bil mooney-mccoy
16 years ago

My first encounter with Wayne wasn't pleasant. He let me, an insecure 10th grader, know that I would no longer be playing the piano for the high school group at Park Street Church for at least a year. I was mad, but it was a gift as I was forced to find my identity and self-esteem from sources beyond my musicianship. When I returned to music ministry under him, it was with a new humility and much less ego. I will never forget rides in Wayne's car with my classmates home from Lexington after CrossCurrents, the Phillips New Testament, things like Phases of Leadership and the 3 fold Commitment, and of course, Sir Cedric Whitney-Smith (a nemo character Wayne played in the only skit I ever saw him in). I am grateful for my life having intersected with his.


I was one of many who came to the Lord under Wayne's ministry in 1973. His teaching and leadership gave me a strong Biblical foundation that has had a strong impact in my life 35 years later. It was under his ministry that I grew in my faith and eventually (after he went to Westgate) that I sensed God's call into the pastoral ministry. I give thanks to the Lord for the solid foundation that Wayne laid in my service for Christ. Steve Reynolds: First Baptist Church of Waverly, NY

Chris Cleghorn
16 years ago

It has been 33 years since I left Boston, Gordon-Conwell and Park Street Church. Since virtually the start my faith journey was shaped under Wayne's ministry beginning in 1972. I've travelled many years and many miles and in large measure staying on the road was due to the early influence of Wayne and his partners in ministry at Park Street. I am very grateful for him and his life. I plan to be at Westgate November 9th.

Mitchell We
16 years ago

I have only known Wayne for just a few years but I felt like I have known him all my life. He was a man of God and he lived a life that God wanted him to live. I have learned so much from his preaching about grace, prayer and waiting for God. He was such a faithful servant to the Lord. He prayed for me when I was going through a tough family times and I will never forget that. I really miss him and his preaching. I love you and I wish I have gotten to know more but you are in a better place and I will see you in Heaven.

chuck white
16 years ago

chuck white
16 years ago

chuck white
16 years ago

chuck white
16 years ago

Alan Fadling
16 years ago

The group of ten is the nine PSC seminarians with Wayne in Jan 1972. There was an article on them in Under the Spire. At the top left are Ted Schuldt, Steve Hayner, and Paul Ulrickson. The second row is Chuck White, David Montzingo, and Tony Achison. The bottom row is Dennis Doerr, Bob French and Dick Manny. All of these men entered the pastorate under Wayne's influence.

chuck white
16 years ago

chuck white
16 years ago

Dr. Toms gets the credit for bringing Wayne to PSC and standing behind him when the whole Collegiate Club and most of the Grad Group rebelled against him. It would have been easy to say "This isn't working out" and let Wayne go, but Dr. Toms believed in Wayne and his ministry and the rest is history. Without Dr. Toms there would have been no Seekers, no involvement with Chuck Miller, no summer staff, and no Vision Conferences. And when God called Wayne to Westgate, without Dr. Toms Seekers at PSC would have ended. God did amazing things through Wayne, and Dr. Toms played a crucial role in Wayne's life. He believed in him, supported him, and gave him a wonderful platform at PSC.

Anne Oakley Harper
16 years ago

Chuck, Thanks for posting the pictures and giving Dr. Toms kudos.


Chuck, Though I did not come to Seekers until 1973, your pictures brought back memories. Thanks

Martha Wentworth Noble
16 years ago

Chuck, Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.

chuck white
16 years ago

One picture is Team Meeting from MIT during the fall of 1970 (I think). We had Team meeting on various campuses during Wayne's first year at PSC. The format was everyone studied the same biblical passage during the week (from the JB Phillips NT), and then at Team meeting we shared what we had learned. Team meeting was for those who made the three-fold commitment to Christ, to the Body of Christ, and to the work of Christ. We opened with singing, shared the Scripture in large or small groups, and then prayed for each other. This meeting continued until the end of Seekers in 1979. The one of Wayne alone was taken during the first summer staff in 1970. The group of ten is the nine PSC seminarians with Wayne in Jan 1972. There was an article on them in Under the Spire. At the top left are Ted Schuldt, Steve Hayner, and Paul Ulrickson. The second row is Chuck White, David Montzingo, and Tony Achison. The bottom row is Dennis Doerr, Bob French and Dick Manny. All of these men entered the pastorate under Wayne's influence. The seated small group is a meeting of the first summer staff from the summer of 1969. Rod Whitacre, Dennis Doerr, Jackie Moss, and the hair of Dave Montzingo are pictured. The meeting is happening literally Under the Spire at PSC.

Jann Cobb
16 years ago

I met wayne in the late 70's. He was my college pastor! Through the years I had the priveledge of learning from him and enjoying his friendship. Wayne always challenged me to go deeper. To not be satisfied with the status quo. He modeled through his own life what it meant to be in Love with Christ. I will miss our deep conversations and the discussions surrounding the scriptures. Thanks for being my brother in Christ!

Kathy Mueller
16 years ago

I have known Wayne for most of my life, and everytime I would see him we would be sure to give each other a hug. He was so encouraging and it always gave me a jolt of renewed energy. During the last 2 years, due to a busy Sunday morning schedule, We would say, "Hi" across the room and would miss the hug. Just 4 weeks ago, I made a point to walk over a give him a hug. I had been missing them. I am so thankful that I made a point to do that. I will miss him.

Ralph Merrifield
16 years ago

From 1986 to 1993, Rev. Wayne Anderson led a series of spiritual intimacy seminars at Crossroads in Framingham MA. Among the topics covered were "Abba Father", "Grace, Faith and Focus" and "Solitude, Silence and Prayer". Many new songs were inspired by those teachings, including a collection called "Closest Friends" http://newhopemusic.com/index.small/cf.htm During the last two decades, these songs traveled to many nations and were translated into at least ten languages: Finnish, Tamil, Português, the Nepalese language, Afrikaans, Armenian, Chinese, Spanish, Polish, Swahili Wayne directly touched many lives; now, through those who sat under his teaching, hundreds of thousands of others around the world are hearing his message. We will deeply miss Wayne, but know that the lessons he entrusted to us will, Lord willing, continue to bear much fruit for the Father's glory... Hallelujah !


My wife and I first met Wayne in 1970. He was serving at Park Street church leading the “Seekers” ministry. But it was after he founded Westgate Church that I began to know him at a deeper level. Five men in ministry began to meet monthly at Don Gill’s home, and these meetings continued for several years. Then, when Wayne became established in California, I spent ten wonderful days with him ... most of that time spent walking the beach at Laguna. Following that visit, we began our bi-weekly phone conversations which continued for more than two decades, the last one was on September 24th of this year. Wayne’s impact on our life and ministry cannot be measured in words. As powerful as his teaching ministry was ... it was his anointed life that the Lord used to transform the lives of so many of us. He usually stayed at our home when he came East, so we spent many hours with him. His love for Jesus Christ was contagious! Now he is truly alive and enjoying the reality of His Presence. Nancy and I will miss him sorely, but look forward to the day when we will see him again.

chuck white
16 years ago

Probably only Dave Montzingo owes more to Wayne than I do. My call to the pastorate, my friendship with Chuck Miller, my understanding of discipling ministry, and my ministry at Park Street all depended on Wayne. I will scan and upload some old time pictures soon and then say in more detail how God used Wayne in my life.

Michael Parise
16 years ago

As a Roman Catholic, and I believe the only one from PSC Seekers to become a priest, I was clearly unusual. Yet Wayne understood my desire to find God working in my life, and to learn and live Christs's evangelical vision for my church. He taught me practical ministerial theory that I've used for thirty years in parish ministry. I've been privileged to know Wanye and have enjoyed his humor, his careful listening, and empathic love. I was also impressed by Wayne's humility, his love for long beach strolls, and his deeply contemplative prayer life. I often felt he would have made a fine monk! I will miss him terribly.

Judy Plotner
16 years ago

My husband Steve and I met Wayne on the same retreat weekend we began dating, Oct.3-5, 1969. His messages from I John changed our lives and helped us decide that we did indeed want to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We have kept in contact with Wayne through all these years, went with him to Westgate, and have shared in Centering Ministries. Wayne supported us in the path that our journey took us, into the Episcopal church, he shared our joys and sorrows of family life, and he helped us to live confidently in the Grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My first thought on Friday, after learning of Wayne's death, was that he is now in the presence of the One he loved and in whom he delighted every day. And may the generations of all of us touched by Wayne's life and ministry and love continue. Thanks, thanks be to God! Judy and Steve Plotner

Anne Oakley Harper
16 years ago

I came to Park Street Church as a brand new Christian in 1969. A few months later Wayne arrived as Minister of Students. Through his life and ministry I learned how to know God, walk with Him, be transformed by Him and used by Him. Much of what he modeled and taught are part of the courses I teach in spiritual formation here in Croatia now and previously for 11 years in the Philippines. I remember sitting Wednesday nights in Youth Ministry meetings, Friday nights in Ministry Unit and Sunday evenings in Team meetings studying and sharing from God's word together; I remember him laughing and putting his hands on my shoulders and telling me with joy that a young man I had brought to him had just accepted Christ. I haven't spoken with him in over 30 years, but his life has had an impact on me and so many others. And that influence moves beyond us to those around the world with whom we work. I imagine he is hearing, "Well done, though good and faithful servant," for a life spent walking with and serving His Master.

Anne Oakley Harper
16 years ago

I came to Park Street Church in 1969 as a brand new Believer. Wayne arrived several months later. Through his life and ministry I learned how to walk with God, the blessings and responsibilities of being part of God's family, and God's call for me into the world to make disciples of all nations. Much of what he taught forms the basis for spiritual formation courses I teach here in Croatia as well as the teaching and discipling I did for 11 years in the Philippines. His legacy in the Lord is great and extends way beyond U.S. shores. I believe he has heard the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Scott Ahern
16 years ago

Scott Ahern
16 years ago

Scott Ahern
16 years ago

Scott Ahern
16 years ago

Jeannette Schilling
16 years ago

Thanks to an invitation from my brother in Christ and co-worker, Kris Jensen, I attended a teaching by Wayne in Jan. of 2007. That was my first connection to friends of Kris (future co-workers!), The Leadhership Institute, and to the friendship of Wayne. By July of that year, as Wayne entered into his year off with God, our fellowship moved primarily into Kris's home. Under the marvelous craftsmanship and leadership of Wayne, our gatherings became a sweet and discerning time of scripture contemplation, listening, sharing, healing and praying. Oh how these dry bones were craving just that! It has been rich beyond words and a healing balm to each of us present. Wayne's gracious smile and exhuberant greeting will be missed, along with his sincere and selfless guidance. I am humbled by God's gift of knowing him, even for such a short time. My most sincere thanks, Lord. Jeannette Schilling

16 years ago

Linda Watson Macari
16 years ago

I was part of the Park St. Church Seekers College Ministry back in the 1970's....Wayne was instrumental in developing my foundations for ministry. I have not seen or spoken to him in over thirty years, yet principles of study and prayer have impacted my growth as a Christian and the small church ministries I have shared with my husband Ken Macari. Wayne's life has been a Witness to the Resurrection which can be shared by all who name Jesus as Lord.

Mark Schweitzer
16 years ago

Grace...It came alive to me through the teachings of Wayne. Though his personal touch on my life only came through the Journey in limited amounts of time, his words were God's Words, and as such his touch was far more dramatic then the time we spent together. Now he rests eternally in the grace he modeled for many. What he knew from a relative distance, he now experiences in the fullness of knowledge. I know, even for Wayne, what he now knows is more than even his mind could fathom. Eternally grateful!

Jon Ciccarelli
16 years ago

What a loss. The Kingdom of God through Wayne was so tangible. God's grace through Wayne impacted my life forever. Wayne's messages on grace and intimacy with God have forever been imprinted on my being. Thank you God for your incredible gift of Wayne to me and so many others in this world. I praise God for Wayne and his faithfulness to live out fully the mission God had created and called him for! At His Feet, Jon Ciccarelli

David Webb
16 years ago

I did not know Wayne very well but I have known him for many years. I was introduced to him at Top Of The Park in San Diego. He has been going there every Friday night for longer than I have lived in San Diego. He was always friendly and very welcoming. He brought a smile to my face every time I saw him and always greeted me with a hug. He was genuinely one of the nicest and kindest people I have had the pleasure and honor of meeting. He was a very private man but he clearly made a positive difference in the lives of everyone he met. Although I did not know him well, when I heard of his passing my eyes filled with tears. I, like all the people who knew him, will sincerely miss him.

Alan Fadling
16 years ago

16 years ago


I will be eternally grateful for Wayne's impact on my life and ministry. It was from Wayne that I began to learn the depth of God's grace. I never tired of hearing his sermon on grace: "Just as we are saved by grace, so we live by grace, serve by grace and lead by grace." His encouragement to minister out of abiding, his warmth, his infectious smile and his heart for God and His people will ever grace my my life. He has been a mentor, teacher, friend and brother in Christ. I will miss him at The Journey, but I grieve, not as one without hope, but as one who believes that the One who arose from the grave will resurrect Wayne when Jesus comes again.

Bj Hickman
16 years ago

Bj Hickman
16 years ago

When my mother passed away in 1990, God set me on a journey to understand His true character. I had been raised in a very legalistic church, and upon becoming the matriarch of my family at much too young an age, I knew my mother's shoes were too big to fill and God knew I wasn't supposed to try. I needed to have my own shoes fitted. Enter Wayne Anderson. I had the privilege of spending two to three hours every Tuesday morning with Wayne, Darrin Jones, and Mike Sciarra...completely saturated in God's grace, His Word, and truly learning for the first time what "Abide in Me" meant. My life was radically changed, and I was blessed to have continued sharing life with Wayne. Oh, the conversations we have had! Most recently, just three weeks ago, discussing The Shack. Wayne challenged my faith, he challenged my thinking, but more than anything he celebrated me. He respected me as a woman of faith and reveled in my ideas and philosophies. We were such kindred spirits, and while he was nowhere near old enough to be my father, his wisdom was so great, I often thought of him that way. More than anything, I considered him my pastor for life. Thank you, Wayne, for your unspeakable gift to my heart. I will cherish you and all you've taught me for as long as I live.

Chris Hyde
16 years ago

I don't think I ever really understood grace until Wayne taught us in Generation 4. He opened my eyes to the depth and reality of the grace of God. And learning how that grace impacted my EPC's was invaluable. I will always have tremendous respect for Wayne. He will be missed.

16 years ago

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