Rest in peace, your name will never be forgotten, Heathy!


i am so sad you are gone. i loved your role as the joker, you were the whole movie.
i am really glad that you won the oscar. rest in peace. you will be truly missed.

Although I will always remember exactly where I was the morning I heard Heath had been found dead, I was only shocked as much as you can be to hear someone you knew of but had never met, had been found dead. It wasn't until I saw the Dark Knight a year later I truly realised what we had lost, and the type of man he was - especially the amazing father he was to his beloved Mathilda. It was then the tears came and the personal feeling of loss. I could not be more proud of him to have won all the Awards he has - no one can ever replace him as the Joker, a performance of pure genuis and unforgettable.-certainly there should be no more Batman Movies. Rest in Peace Heath my love.

I LOVE JOKER & HEATH LEDGER DARK NIGHT ROCKS 2!!!! i am just ever so sad that he ath pasted away but he is in a better place looking down at us. i bet heath would of loved the oscar he would of won but i just wish he was there 2 accept it hisselF

beti macedonia

As a fan of Heaths work I choose to believe that his overdose was accidental. I think that he visited the medicine chest much as people visit the refrigerator while under the influence of Ambien. If he had survived the night he would have had no memory of ever going to the medicine cabinet. Without the weight gain experienced by those who hit the frige, how would he know he have known.

macedonia beti

im really happy that heath won his oscar he totally deserverd it!!!when i think about him i do cry cause he was amazing and i wish he was still alive to do what he did best!!!he was such a kindhearted man and i love him!!!i miss him sooo much!!!ithink about him all the time!!the dark knight is one of my favorite movies and he was the best thing in that movie!!without him in it it probly woulndnt have been that great!i wonder if hes looking down at us watching how we live and if he is i know he sees how much we miss and love him!!!-rip heath ledger-

It was so apparent to me what a deeply sensitive person you were. Your family won't ever completely recover from their loss of such a dear, sweet person. But they were blest to have had you for the time that they did, as I'm sure they realize. You were a precious gift to them, and to us. May God bless and keep you and your family in His loving care forever, Heath.

Dear, sweet Heath: I'm so happy that he won his Oscar. I was sure he would win; he was the only one that truly deserved it as far as I'm concerned. I'm just so sorry that he couldn't be there to enjoy it. I think it was wonderful that his parents and sister were there to accept it for him. It must have been so glorious and painful at the same time for them. I was surprised that none of his co-stars from the Dark Knight was there to cheer Heath on and watch him win, although they did show a glimpse of Christopher Nolan in the audience. I was brought to tears when his sister thanked everyone on behalf of his beautiful Matilda--and she is a very beautiful little girl. I'm so grateful that Heath made as many movies as he did, because at least we can see his handsome face and hear his voice any time we want to. He was such a great actor and amazed me every time he was on the screen. The Joker was such a great role for any actor, but the fact that Heath got to play him and did such a brilliant job at it made it the movie that much more spectacular.I absolutely loved every minute of it. It still doesn't seem real to me that he is really gone and he will never make another movie; its so very sad to think of all the wonderful parts he could have played in the future. Heath, you will be missed so much by Hollywood and by all your fans, I just hope he knew how much he was loved. Rest in Peace with the Angels sweet prince!!!!


Dear Mr Ledger,
No one believes me when i say this, but honestly, no lie, you were what inspired me to want to act. I was about 9 and watched A Knight's Tale on repeat, not your best bit of work i'll admit but i loved it, it was brilliant, you were brilliant. What i really loved about you was you weren't afraid to do what you wanted to do, you were never typecast and that's amazing to me. You weren't afraid and that was truly awesome. When i think of you, I think of this poor guy who was just doing what he loved, idolised by millions and i don't think you ever really understood why, and as much as no one knows what happens when you die, i hope your oscar proves, to you, just how amazing you are. To be honest, in my opinion, you deserved it for Brokeback that film was so beautiful and so amazingly done, but for the Joker you deserved a second that was The Best characterisation and performance i've seen in my few years.
Rendered as another James Dean, maybe you will go down in history, but i do know those who respected you, those who loved you, for whatever reason, will never forget you. You really did impact millions of lives and those lives can't change. Mr Ledger it does tug on my ol' heartstrings to think i'll never see you in a film again but i guess your time is your time and for those of us who witnessed a tiny part of your life, i hope we can learn from it what you'd want us to.
Deepest respects

I'm from PORTUGAL, and I'm so sad... omg... I don't belive yet he ....
Viverás para sempre <3

you were my fave... actor. my fave movie was 10 things i hate about u. the joker was awsome too. congrats on the oscar wish u were there to receive it. u will truely be missed.

You were so awesome in The Dark Knight..
The first time I watched it, I could tell that you must have been very dedicated to playing the role as the joker. Bravo! on winning the oscar. You would have wanted to be there.
I know you are in heaven now.
I miss you!
Love, a fan

a true star that will be missed we all will reamber you in your movies and every kind thing youhave done god bless you and your family your truely where a shootin star

Heath Ledger was my favorite actor of all times.Three cheers to you and your Oscar nobody deserved it more than you.


Rose that was awsome and what makes it even better your son was born on his birthday. Heath I think of you everyday, I can't help it. The more I hear how incrediable you were the more I cry. It's seems so unfair but then who am I to know what 's fair or not in life and death? I cry alot for Matilda. I know she will be fine because Michelle was the perfect choice to be the mother of your child. I hope your okay where ever you are. I love you and won't ever forget you. I will only try to be as humble, honest and greatful for what I have in life as you were. Thank You for your life and death for both have touched me on so many levels and taught me so much. Forever missed and loved, Rest In Peace my Friend.

From the moment that I first saw you in "Roar", I knew you were someone special. I have watched all your movies over and over again..never once getting bored with any of them.
You will be forever missed and very much still loved. Your work will go down in history, Heath.
Americans love your work and we are so happy that you came here to live and have a wonderful career.
Love you, Heath, and you'll forever be remembered! Love, Nancy

Heath, the Oscar was yours the moment you stepped on the screen. To watch your family collect it on your behalf was what I have been waiting to see. Of course, we all wish you had been there to collect it but we can smile at the knowledge that your amazing portrayal of the Joker was recognised the world over for the genius that it was.
You are missed every day and your memory will live on in your family, your daughter and the millions of fans you have gained.


Rose, Thank you for sharing your story of meeting Heath in Toronto, it made me cry and
showed what a sensitive soul Heath had and was and also what a complex character he was which like so many geniuses are.
I'm sorry you lost your baby girl but I'm glad you're happy now. I remember how I felt the
day I read on the net that Heath had died...I felt so sad, so shocked...I actually got
goosebumbs, and sod and horribly filled with guilt. I fear this will not endear you to me
for I, in the past had on many occasions tried to take my own life (although I don't believe Heath tried to take his own) with the same sleeping pills Heath had in his system. And not once did I succeed. Now why was that? A beautiful, talented young man was taken from us in his prime and I who had wanted to die, was still here. Where was the sense in that? I took an hour off work and walked for quite a while to contemplate life and the sense of it all.
They say all things happen for a reason and that's all I have to live with. It was Heath's
time to go even if he was only 28 and it's not mine yet. They always say the good go young. I've long since stopped wanting to die (long before Heath died even). He's right "things will get better". I wish I knew what kind of pain he had been in to have taken the amount of pills that he did to cause an accidental overdose. You always think "one more can't hurt" and then it just happens to be that "one more". If I think back, I was so so lucky. I wish I could pass some of that luck onto Heath. He made the most magical films and I was spellbound in each and everyone, even the ones that weren't "my taste" like "The Patriot". He was so brave to take on a role that tackled on homosexuality as brutally as it did in "Brokeback Mountain". I can name a 100 Hollywood actors who would have turned that one down.
Both him and Jake Gyllenhall were brave and brilliant. But it's "The Joker" character
everyone is talking about right now...well if he gets the Oscar I hope it isn't given to him
just because he is no longer with him, I hope it is given to him with respect and the
brilliant acting he did on the job. He never copied any past Joker's, particularly Jack
Nicholson, he made the role totally his own and he actually owned it. He was superb. I
salute you Mr Ledger, the fact that you'll never make a movie again is a tragedy, the fact
that you'll never be seen again is a tragedy, the fact that your family and daughter lost
you is worse than any words can ever say. May You Dear Soul Rest In Peace...Gone Too Soon.

he was a wonderful young actor who had his whole life ahead of him unfortunatley that ended very soon but he will be remembered for his fantastic acting in films espically in batman he was the best joker ever he will be known all round the world and will stay special in our hearts r.i.p xxxxxxxx

Im not a typical movie fan but to see Heath Ledger perform and become something outside of himself was amazing. Secrectly, he exspressed the side of myself that ican not act out in reality but with my thoughts he'll always be in my memory.

You have made your mark on the world. You will live on in your daughter matilda, she is a very lucky girl. God will watch over her. I would have like to have been there, when you passed away, just to tell you everything is okay. I would have liked to understand why or what really happened. Sometimes words it all it takes
You will never be forgotten. You will always be remembered,forever. Love to and prayer to your family and matilda. Betty S. Petty Sullivan If your family reads this please write to me po box 948 Fairview tn, 37062 I would like to have something personal of his . I have all of his movie since he started. thanks

I was just a gal having a really crappy, well life. A week before my baby girl had died before she was to be born. I was walking aimlesly through the mall in Toronto, just trying to feel normal, when I noticed this guy. I stared at him, and I was trying to figure out why I noticed him and then he saw me staring and gave me that huge smile and I felt ill, it was Heath Ledger! I did not know what to say or do,I felt very embarrased for some reason. He seemed to sense this and said hello, and I said hello and we made small talk,I muttered something dumb about it being nice to meet him and enjoy his movies a lot.I asked if he was filming a movie in Toronto,but he said he was going to a festival of sorts.I asked why he said hello to me,of all the people and he said "why not you?" and added besides you looked sad. To my horror my eyes welled up! I wanted to die! Bless this man,he gave me a hug, a big tight long hug! and told me whatever was wrong would get better.This whole thing lasted only 10 min maybe?, but he made me feel like I was the most important person in the world to talk to right then. He smelled of coffee,and he was so beautiful inside and out. He walked away with a wink and said"remember, it will get better" Its been a few years now, and things did eventually get better. I gave birth to a little boy on April 4th 2007. I named him Heath. I believe we do live again and one day I hope to meet you again Heath Ledger, rest for now,you needed it,I only wish I could have helped you somehow. Whenever times are tough I hear his voice saying "things will get better" Thankyou Heath, and I miss you so very much. Just a gal.

i miss you heath i l;oved all your movies although brokeback mountain was alittle to much for me but your so hot

Heath didnt no me as i am only a fan. But i really admired all his work. He was such a talented man he could play any role he was given successfully, he was such an amazing talented gorgeous young man. An i am really going to miss seeing him on the big screen. Heath what a legend. Love you x x x x

what an amazing actor, he played so many great roles he was so varied in his roles, he cud do anything. heath didnt no me as i am just a fan, but i admired his work. Im really going to miss seeing him on the big screen. Love you Heath LEGEND x x x

what an amazing actor, he played so many great roles he was so varied in his roles, he cud do anything. heath didnt no me as i am just a fan, but i admired his work. Im really going to miss seeing him on the big screen. Love you Heath LEGEND x x x


I remember the first movie I saw him in Roar, he was great in that. I miss him so much. I fell in love with him. you are in my memories. I pray for him every night. My whole family misses you so. Now that he is gone I feel horable in every way. I feel bad for his wife. No one knows how much pain she has gone through. I pray for her too. Wright now he is in paradise. His baby girl would be so proud of him.

my memory of Heath Ledger is whaen i saw the nights tale. He was the most famouse actor. [ In my world ]. while hes living in the sky one day we will join.

I saw him in "Knight's Tale" movie.....
I always cry when I'm watching his movies.....
He always will be remembered....
He will always be in my heart.....

i rember the fist time i liked him it was in 10 things i hate about you he was so hot i feel in love with him there and then i miss he so much

Happy Valentines, love & miss you so much

I remember the first movie I saw him in, 10 Things I Hate About You. The part where he sings in the stands accompanied by the school marching band is one of my all time favorite movie scenes.

You were a great actor and i will mis you very much!

O my Heath i miss you Heath.......R.I.P award.....You are HERO.......

O my Heath i miss you Heath ....... R.I.P are HERO

1 year ... He will always be remembered. And always miss him. A hug for all his family! And prayers.

I am not a friend or family member but I am a fan of Heath Ledger's work. He was an amazing actor; his talent was remarkable. My heart goes out to his daughter and his family. May God bless Heath and his loved ones.

i just like to tell you,how much i miss you now and will always miss.i will never forget you.i see pictures of your face,you laugh and hope always i´ll see you in a last time.i wish there is a way to get you back. i miss you so ´s hard to believe you left too soon.i hope you´re on a good please. but theres one last thing i want to say you : i´ll never forget! i love and miss u and will always!

Dear Heath,
not a day goes by i cant think about you, im confussed on why you had to leave so soon,
your time was short but you touched us all. When ever i watch you in a movie in brings a smile to my face even though i have been crying knowing that you did watch you loved the most, I really miss you, in my dreams im happy because you are there but it hurts knowing your not in everyday life. I can feel you near me but i cant see you and i wish i could. If i had a wish it would be to bring you back for your daughter and family. If i could see you i would give you a hug and a kiss just to say goodbye, even though it hurts i have to say goodbye.. your gone but devenitly NOT forgotten, your my hero and i love you sooo much!
love always, Jaye-xx

I feel it completely alike. I wouldn´t say it better. .We miss you H.

Dear Heath Ledger,
I would just like to tell you how much much i miss you and am confussed on why you have left us. I know that i never met you but it would of been a dream come true! You were an amazing person and truley a FANTASTIC actor! you have touched me and SO many other people with your acting and it has partly inspired me to become an actor :) I especally liked you in the dark knight, The way you played the joker could not of been ANY better and i bet Jack Nichelson was jelous :) I would like to congradulate you on your wins for the role as the Joker you truley deserve it no matter what anyone says!
i just wished that the award hadnt of come late like it did. depeast sympathies go out to your family, friends and especally Machelle and Matilda may your spirit look over her and protect her
15 years agowhos this supposed to be?