Volg tribute en ontvang updates
17 years ago

thinking of you and your family... lynn b.. x

17 years ago

You were a beautiful, young lady! with great talent.. sadli missed! xx

17 years ago

katy i never new you in person but your death has really saddend me . i hope one day when it is my time i'll meet u lots of love

17 years ago

We were school friends - you were a special person and will be sadly missed. your beauty will live on forever - your memories will be cherished forever - your hear will never be forgotten. With all my love - and my respects to your amazing parents and sister - Lisa xx

17 years ago

Katy you were a high respected women.We were all so jealous of your good looks but you had such a great personality to go with them good looks katy. Sadly missed and always remembered Bre in Tipp xxx

17 years ago

i never knew u but i felt very sad when u died. R.I.P

17 years ago

A beautiful Woman has lost her life, Katy was and still is the inspiration for many young Irish, I never knew her but I know she was more than what she was made out to be in the news papers. She was obviously mis-lead but that didnt stop her from reaching her dream. I was shocked when I heard she was in hospital but I was taken back seriously when she passed away. It goes to show how fragile life really is. Katy knew she had a problem, admitted it. I just hope the cruel loss of life will show how dangerous drugs really are, I think her death has raised much needed awareness about cocaine and drug use in general. Ireland today is a haven for drugs, they are easily found. being a 17 year old, I can see Katys untimely death has really touched the hearts of many youths, her sucessful life has to be admired, she was a role model. Yes, she may have made mistakes, but everybody does. Lets just hope others will learn from the devastating mistake Katy made. Rest in Peace Katy, my thoughts are with you and your family whom it is clear loved you very very much. X God bless

17 years ago

I have to say....I m sad sad sad. you were and still one the most beautiful women on this planet.I was always looking at the daily papers to see you and read about you.Wonderful person and very sexy girl...what a shame.Life turns wrong sometimes and the wrong people go..I will miss you.Your admiror..Chiko

17 years ago

Katy, I never had the great privilage of ever meeting yoo or knowing yoo personally, but from the person I knew in the media, I learned a lot! Yoo had poise and grace and had such an amazing sense of humour. I haven't known about yoo very long. I first found out who yoo were, nearly 2 years ago, after yoor break-up from yoor ex-boyfriend. At that stage I only knew yoo as a brilliant model and then yoo appeared on 'Celebriaties Go Wild'. I thought it was brave of yoo to take on that challenge. I mean being out in the middle of no where with Daithi O' Se and Mickey Hearte has to be hard. I admired yoo for how yoo handeled the time yoo spent there, even though yoo were booted out early, ( I guess my vote didn't really do it, eh?) When I found out that yoo had taken ill I really hoped that yoo would pull through it. And when the bad news dawned on the nation of Ireland, I cryed. Even though I never knew yoo, I was over-whelmed with grief. Such a beautiful girl, like yoorself, should never be given 24 years and be told to call that her life! Yoo should have been given well over 75 years and should have been able to look back on that and say 'God, I did so much in 75 years and I'm delighted with myself' Katy, we will all miss yoo and yoor stunning beauty. Yoo will be my role-model, for many years to come. I hope all the angels in heaven are keeping yoo safe and I hope that yoo have the best party that yoo can have up in the sky! R.I.P Katy French; A True Stunning Star!

17 years ago


17 years ago

Didn't know Katy.Just admired her everytime I saw her.A true beauty.Such a loss.God bless her family.Ann

17 years ago

RiP Katy, Gone but neva forgotten, Alwayz in my <3 MaevexXx

17 years ago

Dear Katie, I never knew you on a personal level but have always been fascinated by your beauty and zest for life. You were inspirational and far more than a model, however your career helped you carry your good work to charity and help aid others with help. May god hold you in his arms and protect you always. You will never be forgotten XxxXxXXXxx

17 years ago

hi katie you might not remember me now ,but i will always remember you,iam now married with 3 beautifull kids,we had some good laughfs together when you were with ivan,and dont worry you will always be here and never forgotten

17 years ago

Tragic loss to Ireland. Katy u were a true star, Shine on in heaven like u did on Earth. rip

17 years ago

i never knew Katy but was so sad when the sad news of her death came! rest in peace Katy

17 years ago

i kave newer known Katy befor but i seen her pics she was so beautifull, so cheery there are no words to describe her, well i'm an Albanian but i knew here from the pics i loved her so mush and i wanted to become like her one day... she will be always on my mind ... sorry for here family for the loss, god bless them and bless u too rest in peace Katy....

17 years ago

I didnt know Katy, never followed the fashion industry, not a drug taker, like my few pints now and again, but somehow this tragic event has hit me really really hard (yes John, I read your heartless words too, it is a tragic event) I'm not going to minimilise the circumstance or cause of this lady's death, yes if it's true then it's serious, but t doesnt really matter to me, what matters to me is that a 24 year old beautifult lady, with the world at her feet has passed on so prematurely and tragically. I wish every day it hadnt happened, I still somethimes believe in my head that the news was wrong, she's still in a coma, and shen wakes Christmas morning, I know that wont happen and that makes a sad sad time for her family, my whole heart goes out to them, god and love be with the French family. All I do know is that this lady Katy had the enormous ability to do good, and to get the best out of people, she certainly has from me, and I believe that she has from almost everyone that has written here. you can't win them all, only do your best. Chill out John, show compassion for the families and friends, dont judge, if you have nothing nice to say here say nothing. A final note for Katy, bless you, and I hope you are travelling on the wings of angels to a better place, the world will just have to continue with one star less. rest in peace

17 years ago

Whenever i travelled to ireland from the u.k, i used to see your picture in the press, very beautiful girl, tragic sad loss, rest in peace with the angels

17 years ago

kathy u were a true star whogot the chance 2 shine on earth now shine in heaven!!! we all make mistakes but who are we 2 judge my prayers are with your family & friends rest in peacex

17 years ago

i never knew you katy but when i hard you passed away i was taken back. You were a true natural & i thnk we all seen the real katy in 'celebrities go wild' . You did fab. RIP katy sleep well xxx

17 years ago

RIP Katy, a tragic end to your sucessfull , but short life, you were a lovely beautiful young woman may you rest in peace.

17 years ago

rip katy

17 years ago

A beautiful person she is missed by all

17 years ago

A beautiful lady whose smile managed to cheer everyone up. God bless you Katy

17 years ago

...so much pain, so much darkness.... now u will bright like a "real star" ........ stop drug !!!!!!!!!!! xxxx

17 years ago

I never knew you Katy but was very saddened and moved by your death. What a tragic and devastating loss of a young life - I hope others learn from your mistakes.

17 years ago

tragic death....waste of a young life.....she had d world at her feet, i hope shes at peace now!

17 years ago

what a waste hope young people of Ireland learn from her mistake

17 years ago

I never heard of you Katy until i came home to visit my Family in Dublin. I was very saddened to read of your death! What a sad sad loss of life! So young and so Beautiful!!

17 years ago

i left a memory last week.i never knew katy but i would have loved to hav met her sum day.she was beautiful and made the irish proud.she will be a big loss to the irish social scene. Ur de beautiful star in de sky. Ur always in my heart. God bless ur parents,sis nd family at dis time,specially so near christmas. RiP katy. Luv always Maeve xXx

17 years ago

RIP Katy x

17 years ago

A beautiful life, shame it ended so soon.

17 years ago

Rest in Peace Katy. Your an inspiration to us all!xxxxxxx

17 years ago

In reply to 'B'. I feel exactly the same about Katy. I enjoyed her and she just fascinated me with her charm and confidence. I so looked forward to her next step after 'Celebrity go Wild' - which she was undoubtly the best. and removed because of irish narrow-mindeness and begrudgery. Her forthcoming TV work would have been a joy to watch. so sorry for a potential Irish star. Rest in Peace Katy.

17 years ago


17 years ago

to katys family,i was so sorry to hear of your loss and just wanted to say that katy was a kind and cheerful person,i met her in the palace nite club navan and chatted with her as if we knew eachother years,rip dearest katy x x

17 years ago

i didnt know the katy the media portrayed.i knew her years back before all the hype.katy was the type of girl who would give you the coat off her back.all she wanted was to be loved.the katy i remember was kind and good to everyone,but i believe low self esteem was the reason she burned out the way she did.katy,you loved and you are loved.thinking of you every day,will be up to visit you soon. xxxxxx

17 years ago

Katy, I remember meeting up with you a few weeks ago and I begged you stop taking drugs, you said you would try.It went to far, will miss you an awful lot, all those girlie nights out. You are the brightest star shining up there. RIP,miss you forever and ever Glenda Gilson xx

17 years ago

John after reading your messages I feel sick. Who are all these people in ireland you are talking about? You obviously don't have anyone you love & care for as much as people did for Katy. I don't drink, smoke or take drugs it doesn't mean I can judge people just because I feel like it. Until you can step into katy's shoes or any other person that may have any problems in there life or to loose someone they love so dearly you can not judge, want you are doing on this site that is setup to remember a young beautiful life is worse that taking alchohol or drugs. People that take drugs they are harming themselves, don't be so arrogant thinking your perfect because not one of us on this earth is. Find some love in your life or a hobby that you can project all that negative energy into instead of criticing others. RIP Katy and anyone else that has died in these circumstances.x

17 years ago

I've never been compelled to write on something like this before but I cannot hold my tongue anymore. Katy French was a model, not a world leader or peace negotiator or anything really worthwhile. Yet we are treating her in her death like some form of Mother Theresa type who saved the world. What did she do? She modelled...... And another thing, she took cocaine and died....big deal, how come there is no national outpouring of grief for the countless other people who have lost their lives to this drug? What about the victims of road traffic accidents, where is the 7 page spread about those people? Where is the special pull out supplement about the rising number of rape victims or heroin addicts in Ireland? She took an overdose and she was a model. Get over it. Don't get me wrong, I feel very sorry for Katy's family and friends who have lost their daughter and a good friend, but at the end of the day she dabbled in drugs and paid the price. My son died 4 years ago in the same circumstances, and its behaviour that shouldn't be applauded.

17 years ago

"sorry seems to be the hardest word".

17 years ago

Didnt know you Katy but feel as if you are after touching my soul. I just hope that we use what happened to you to make the right choices. RIP

17 years ago

I didnt no her but i thought she was beautiful and she did ireland proud.I was shocked when i heard dat she had died.My condolences go to her family at this moment.Katy touched the lives of many and always had a smile on her face thats wat i remember most about her.I am only 15 but i think she was a great role model and a genuinely nice and decent person. RiP Katy!!.God wanted an angel so he chose u.Hope ur bein looked after well up der. Always in my thoughts and prayersxXx

17 years ago

kathy french (*****) wy are couple from Poland this whot happen for Kathy French is very very sad and pain R.I.P (***) (***) (***)

17 years ago

i will always remeber katys perfect skin and cute smile ... You were always so kind when talking to me ... i gonna miss u .... im so sorry that she was taken away ... Rest in peace Katy!

17 years ago

Will someone please stop this repulsive human being accessing this website. There's a lot of things that I dont like to see when I go out but I dont pass judgement. It's people like you who kept us repressed for so many years with your preaching and fire/brimstone attitude. Let this beautiful woman have some dignity. SHE WAS NOT A WHORE!

17 years ago

To Katy's family i'm so sorry your beautiful daughter was taken away from you so suddenly & at such a young age, she had so much more to live for. I hope in time your pain will ease and life will feel less hopeless like i'm sure it feels right now, My thoughts and prayers are with you, Take carexxxxx

17 years ago

I was so shocked when I heard Katy had died, I knew she'd had several heart attacks but I never even considered that someone so young and beautiful could die the way she did. I was even more surprised when I realised that I had only known of Katy since last January; such was her huge media profile that it felt like she'd been around for years. It just reminded me of that Art Garfunkel song Bright Eyes, and in particular the lyric "How can the light that burned so brightly Suddenly burn so pale?" This was such a terrible tragedy. RIP Katy and hopefully you're happy wherever you are now. X

17 years ago

to all katy's family. i met katy afew months ago and of course we were dolled up to the nines knowing there was a model about to invade our teritory.. how wrong we were she was lovely absolutly fab.. we even exchanged make up hints . of course my boyfriends mouth was at his knees.( just hoping it was me) but katy was standing near by ...em em . well less of my rant ..nothing has affected me more. god bless to her family and friends xxx katy have a ball up there xxx ps tips are workin ok ( as u said its all in good bone structure eh)

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